TheVault (TVBZ) is a Private Torrent Tracker for BUSINESS / MARKETING E-LEARNING
TheVault is the sister-site of ThePlace, TheOccult, TheEmpire, TheShow and TheGeeks
Applications are open!
Applications are open!
Apply now and join the community!
IRC Interview Channel: #thevault-invites @
Official IRC Channel @
or connect via your browser @
Use the Search Option to find Reddit Threads
NOT currently open.
Still open, just try again.
Not currently open. too late i guess
Try again, maybe in an incognito window or after 2 or 3 minutes.
It is throttled but definitely still open.
Not open
not open now, wasn’t open today !
it never opened dude !
keep trying, it’s open and closing during the day
I can confirm after reloading evey minute today 23rd got a a sign up form and successful account within around 2 hours of trying
Thank You
We have reached our maximum open signup limit (2,000). This week, we are adding signup slots hourly – check back soon
Alternatvely We you can signup via an invititation that you can get from a friend.
Who want to get in should just refresh singup page.
I got in finally! :)
Hi admin, check all Not confirmate accounts, because i have 24 hours and more that i was registered but never can’t complete register, Not arrive link confirmate activation to my inbox.
gettign a message needs a invite. not open?
What a shame, the site is not open without an invite.
yesterday make account, today i’m banned. no reason :) shit tracker and shit staff
is it still one? Getting sorry al the time I try…
Its not open
Still not open. Why post this shit up if it’s not open. I don’t get it.
It’s not open sign up. Read again “Applications are open!”
What a fuck dude? Not working. Its a shit.
be careful, thevault (for the most part) is full of sheep and guru-worshipers and people who can’t think for themselves. there are exceptions of course but that’s pretty much the feel of the place. you’ll find yourself getting sucked into the mindset of “wow! eben pagan is out with a new course!! let’s get it!! it will change everything!” and so on. worse than warrior forum in many ways.
hahahahaha looks like a friend of mine talking.. “Eben Pagan released a new course, it will change my life, let’s get it”
The TV.BZ was hacked and not recovered.
It is now
TV hasn’t had invites enabled for years.
No way they are open LOL
how do i reach someone to get my account back
You are banned from the channel #thevault-invites
How can I get an invite? Went to the browser version of IRC and got “You are banned from the channel #thevault-invites”.
I too received the same message that I was banned…
I am getting the same thing, why is this happening? Is there any other link or method that we can use to talk to somebody from the vault?
same here!
I too received the same message that I was banned…
Amazing…just tried to apply and the chatbot said I was banned from the channel:
[Chat by] Chat by
: *** Looking up your hostname…
: *** Found your hostname
+++ foghornleghorn set to mode +iwx
You are banned from the channel #thevault-invites
They ban Mibbit IRC channels and VPN, because they need to track genuine ISPs. It’s for accountability purposes. I recommend heading to your nearest free wifi, connect with a portable linux distros and get an account.
Dont go to torrent site. beware of shitty content lockings guys
Lols I just tried to apply and I was banned too
mibbit is banned, use hexchat
How to I connect through hexchat to the channel?
Seriously, guys, I am going to warn you here, really. I have been a member of all .click websites (theplace, thevault, thegeeks, theshow). I got a legit account on all the websites, and some weeks ago, I asked the staff to close my account. I decided to disable myself because I was slowly becoming addicted to the websites. Really there is so much hype about these trackers, especially thevault, let me answer you honestly:
The websites have no value at all.
If you do not want to create more suffering in your life, then avoid these websites. If you join them you will even create more suffering in your life, if you are looking for self-improvement which mainly the trackers are about. These websites are full of idiots, also the staff. They act like cult and sect members. They think they can get everything in life by law of attraction methods, hypnosis and other strange things. They think they can get things magically and effortlessly. But funny enough, everyone has some problems. There are thousands of torrents on the websites to improve yourself, but everyone still has problems on the websites. It’s full of lazy losers, that want’s success in life, without taking action.
The staff especially at thevault, thinks they are the bosses, play smart all the time, they act like a government, you have to go through this lame interview to get in, and they fucking trick you at the interview and tell you bullshit. WTF it’s just a tracker, not a vote for a senate. Such things really pisses me off. If the police wanted to close their shit down, they would do it in one hour, so no reason to play ‘smart’.
Once you enter a tracker like theplace, you will begin to get brainwashed by the content and members in there. You will begin to believe in strange things. You will begin to believe in a cartoon world, that you can effortlessly get what you want in life, without doing anything. The website is full of failure guys, guys bad with women, guys that have a drinking problem and all the other problems we may have in life. The thing is that they never go forward. Members that have been their 10 years, act the same as you look at their threads 10 years ago, they still have problems. They are not going anywhere. So much useless bullshit gets uploaded to the trackers really, so many snake-oil products. And people are so naive there, they believe they can get what they want by just chanting affirmations wtf . The members will not tell you anything new in there. When you post a thread about how to change yourself, they say what all other gurus says. Take baby steps, do what you fear, think positive and so on. And i really ended up like shit, after 1 year of being there. Seriously doing all these strange snake-oil things, fucked my life up. There was so much suffering in my life, much more than before I entered the trackers. The members just chose their favorite guru like Tony Robins and just listen to anything he says and uploaded all his torrents. Guys are so naive out there. Really it’s like people with low IQ that signs up on these trackers, it’s pathetic! The people are just not going anywhere. They keep buying and uploading new stuff, there and they just not go anywhere. It’s so pathetic.
After being there almost 1.5 years, I waked the hell up and realized that all in there is bullshit and i have not improved myself, I was not going anywhere in life. I decided to went on my own, i went to the bib tracker to download some scientifically proven books for self-improvent i reseached on amazon. And have improved myself actually by ‘taking action’. And now as I said weeks ago, I disabled myself from the .click trackers.
There is no ‘good’ content at the .click websites, they are full of shit. My recommendation for you guys is, stay away from .click websites. It’s a fucking cult, not anything else. They believe in things, without scientifically analyzing why the things work!
If you are looking for self-improvment then go on your own, research, find some scientific proven books on self-improvment and take action!
Yo, this is a bs comment. So the get rich scheme you downloaded didn’t work? Surprise! You were there for 1.5 years and didn’t get rich? Oh the audacity of those bastards. How dare they set up a site where you don’t instantly get rich… It sounds like your mentality is to get rich quick. I mean you were there for 1.5 years what happened and you somehow fucked your life up because of a torrent site? No one on there is telling you to jump off a cliff. And yea you gotta filter out the bs members because it’s the internet and there’s tons of jerk offs. I’m guessing you did some sort of internet marketing and burned your credit. Watched 1-2 courses which is probably how you found them to begin with and which by the time you got it it was already outdated. You didn’t care. Did exactly what they did in the course without regards to the market conditions and got burned. Don’t blame the site for stupid stuff you do in the real world. That’s all you. Take responsibility for your failures and move on.
STFU abc123
I got good Business Materials courses in
Try this one: found many rare business courses
When are you going to grow up and start taking responsibility for your on actions! Don’t blame a website or people for your mistakes that makes a lot of sense endorse a site that charges for material to one that only charges you if you participate in group buys,pissed off cause no one held your hand and showed you how to create a profitable business.
ok, how do I get a “thevaultvpn” acct.
Someone just pls help me get an account with vault click ffs
My name is koisi who can help me get an account with vault click
I tried the process it says but no luck. No 1 ever replies
My account got disabled how can i reenable it ?.
My account got disabled on theplace i dont know why
Please can this be reenabled
My account got disabled on theplace i dont know why
Please can this be reenabled on theplace i was told to leave a message here please can you help.
read the rules follow the rules and be patient with people thats about it also posting here is not related to account issues rather check the irc
Casino site is now, not tracker