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HQMusic is a VIETNAMESE Private Torrent Tracker for LOSSLESS MUSIC
HQMusic is the internal tracker for multiple release groups

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Open again
Open again from today to 01.05.2015!!
does this site contain any latin music?
no punk no go :(
Latin is listed in the screencaps, so i would say yeah
Stats? Number of torrents, users etc?
is it down?
it down?
Open registration is currently disabled. Invites only. If you are lucky you might have a friend who wants to invite you :) We just wanna see how much cheaters will start respecting their accounts after they realize they can’t just come back in and get another one :). Keep this in mind, if you are already a member and you invite a known cheater, and you knew about it in the first place, both yours and the person you invited are disabled. You will have to come talk to us to get your account reenstated. If you want an invite and you know someone who have one it’s up to them to give you an invite.
Sing up is open!
worst tracker for music, only news, no old school… WTF
Katy perry x10000
is it a tracker for lossless vietnamese music? ..or a vietnamese tracker for lossless music?
Seems like it is the first + Katy Perry
i tried registering but failed to get an email
i can’t seem to find the irc channel either
me too
Check spam for invite
Does it have any live FLAC
For free torrent
Open again
just facking pop music
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