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CGPeers is Open for Monthly Signup!


CGPeers is a Private Torrent Tracker for GRAPHICS SOFTWARE / TUTORIALS / ETC

Signups open on the 1st & 15th of every month





Signups open on the 1st & 15th of every month

Signup Link:

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  1. Reply Jesus Aug 8,2013 4:07 am

    The best site for CG/VFX out there! Everything else is either a shitty clone site that rips their stuff a few days later with way less seeders, or really hard to get into and thus barely having any content.

    CGP #1

    • Reply Anonymous Jun 19,2017 12:33 pm

      i think gfxpeers is better

    • Reply Anonymous Jun 14,2018 12:15 pm

      Its been saying “Signups open on the 1st & 15th of every month”. But,2 month past but no signup open . So, dose any one know what going on and please please please let me know….

      • Reply Anonymous Mar 14,2019 6:01 am

        I encourage everyone who comes here from a google search or any other source to take a look at the date of this page that says signups open on the 1st and 15th. It’s 5 Jul 2014. Clearly no longer available.

        • Reply Anonymous Dec 21,2022 1:31 pm

          Hello Anonymous,

          I did take a look at the date of this page! I know it’s 5th Jul 2014. Is there any other way to sign on CGpeers?

  2. Reply amrkbaney Sep 7,2013 12:42 pm


  3. Reply Anonymous Feb 17,2014 8:01 am

    CGPeers is retarded now. Apparently, there is some new admin/mod who is on a power trip and no one puts him in check. There’s no graphic design or web design tutorials anymore, only motion design, which is retarded because all three go hand-in-hand.

    I guess they are into stopping the free flow of knowledge, while we are all trying to promote it.

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2014 1:24 pm

      The above commenter who has only been on cgpeers for 1 week at the time of his comment, is a total dumbass. He uploaded a torrent that already exists, so it got deleted for being a duplicate, very standard procedure to ensure listings stay organized. Except he’s too lazy to look into the reason why it got deleted, and assumes cgpeers is now ran by nazis.
      This is what happens when you decide to take social justice into your own hands vs asking the mods at least once what the issue is.

      • Reply Anonymous Dec 3,2014 6:11 pm

        This he/she right here has absolutely no idea what happened. The torrent at issue was not a dupe. The admins claimed it was a desktop publishing tut, when it was for InDesign, an industry standard graphic design app. But apparently they don’t allow GD tuts, even though there are other InDesign tuts on the tracker. Fine by me, just retarded tho…

        • Reply Anonymous May 23,2015 10:12 pm

          InDesign is desktop publishing, _not_ graphic design [see: Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.]. The admin knows what he’s doing.

          • Reply Anonymous Aug 23,2015 2:24 pm

            ^^ Dipshit. By that logic then Photoshop is for photography, hence the name photo and shop. and Illustrator is for drawing. It’s all used in graphic design.

            • Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2016 8:01 am


              • Reply some guy passing by Oct 25,2016 10:15 am

                First of all I use Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign all together for graphic design purposes. And want to inform you that a few of my friends that are graphic designers as well use InDesign as a composition tool as it got all for this. It is graphic design capable software and have many tools that are much faster in creating compositions than photoshop or illustrator have. Open your mind.

    • Reply Anonymous Mar 14,2017 11:10 am

      Strongly agree with you!

  4. Reply awggg Apr 6,2014 2:13 am

    IT’s not open anymore =(

  5. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2014 6:40 am

    how do i join, need a tutorial video urgently

  6. Reply Anonymous Jun 3,2014 1:03 am

    this site needs to be reported and shut down

  7. Reply salas Jun 23,2014 12:03 am

    Does someone has one ip of it. Seems like dns no more responding.

  8. Reply s62 Jun 23,2014 2:01 am

    yep, unable to access it from here as well at the moment.

  9. Reply anonymous Jun 23,2014 6:28 am

    Cgpeers is not working when this site will open please please please please telll meeeeeeeeeee

  10. Reply Anonymous Jun 23,2014 8:38 am

    i bet the donation for server fees never hit the $200 mark for the month… please let it not be so.

  11. Reply Anonymous Jun 23,2014 12:44 pm

    Hey, what’s up with cgpeers??????!!!!!!!!

  12. Reply Anonymous Jun 23,2014 11:09 pm

    Yes site is down

  13. Reply Anonymous Jun 26,2014 8:35 am

    cgpeers please come back!

  14. Reply Anonymous Jun 26,2014 10:46 am

    i have an account in cgpeers, from 3 days i am not able to access to the site, can anyone plz help.if i open cgpeers login page, some advertise page iz getting opened.

  15. Reply ALL my fav grrr I need some booty sites are going down & the private ones suck these days is whales still worth it the donation? I don't want to have to hack the software I need. Rutracker i think thats how you spell best for music. Gahh all going to Jul 4,2014 10:39 am

    As Tupac said fuck the world .... A coward dies a thousands deaths a soldier lives but once.

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 21,2016 5:16 am

      Learn to write something understandable (or get you mommy to correct your messages before you post them)………….

  16. Reply cinthya Sep 1,2014 8:49 am

    Hola amigos , por favor alguien me puede decir como me registro en CGPeers

  17. Reply Rocco Siffredi Oct 7,2014 1:51 pm

    cinthya you need to give me an headjob and you will able to register.

  18. Reply lash Jan 22,2015 12:33 am

    you can get

    any one know other site like cgpeers

  19. Reply Anonymous Apr 19,2015 2:53 am

    hey whats up with peers been a member a while came out of hospital and all links broke..nice one lash thanks btw..whats up with retard at the top feb 17 ” 8.01 spat his dummy oiut bless get you a new one lolol who cant read this sites awesome and due to tight good rules its done well unlike the sites you pos normally use… time your on ebay buy an attitude ad a life some of us need this to get anywhere in life as the essentials, tutorials are 2nd to none most who develop and get some where will buy the products…..i spent 40k at uni and was crap thanks to this site i may achieve my goal before im 50 and not be governed by another 4 years at uni and debt with a waste of half my lif…….so smoke that dumbass kiss my butt

  20. Reply Anonymous May 13,2015 10:10 pm

    It is the 14th :(

  21. Reply Anonymous May 14,2015 3:24 am

    Helo, I want to sign up, its 14 but its still not working, what is wrong.

  22. Reply Anonymous Jul 18,2015 5:02 am

    This is the best. Strict enough just to the point and resources more than enough. Very talented and hardworking admin.

  23. Reply Anonymous Aug 1,2015 4:09 pm

    i need a plugin on forest pack pro. how do i download it on cgpeers pls.

  24. Reply Anonymous Aug 4,2015 6:31 am

    Kinda offline? it says that the domain is expired…

  25. Reply Anonymous Aug 4,2015 10:11 am

    Yeah tracker is still working, but cant use the site… must have been an oversight on the domain renew…

    Hope its back up soon, this is my fav tracker by far..

  26. Reply Anonymous Aug 4,2015 11:15 am

    Are there any good alternatives?

  27. Reply Anonymous Aug 14,2015 6:12 am

    It is 14th so why doesn’t registration open up?
    How can I register?

  28. Reply Anonymous Aug 14,2015 6:46 am

    It’s 14th! does it work with invite only?

  29. Reply Anonymous Sep 1,2015 2:46 am

    It’s the 1st. They still not open from the 13th,14th and 15th last month and now it’s the 1st. Seems the site might be dead or not as active anymore.

  30. Reply Anonymous Sep 1,2015 10:18 pm

    Amazing site it is working.

  31. Reply Anonymous Oct 13,2015 9:24 pm

    cgpeers not so update as its forum cgpersia, but theres some scums on cgpersia making money from the ppl whos desperatelly want to taste some cool software. that suck!!!

  32. Reply death dealer Oct 16,2015 3:38 am

    guyz does anyone knows how to change username…I’m stuck please help….

  33. Reply Abdelhak Az Dec 1,2015 8:39 am

    It’s 14th! does it work with invite only?

  34. Reply EthericBliss Dec 31,2015 11:56 pm

    Awww, Man!! There is NO word, in the English language that can describe just HOW awesome that CGP is. We are simply lacking the verbiage to describe, just how indispensable CGP is, for CG professionals and persons with CG aspirations alike.

    They have everything that one can ever think of needing. Not only does it have Tutorials but they have Tuts that have a very long lifespan. There are torrents on this site that go back to CS4. Tuts that are over four years old and still D/L at top speeds. : )

    So not only do they have torrents that have been “alive” for a long time but the are right on the cutting edge of torrents that are available TODAY. I owe everything that I have (regarding CG knowledge) to CGP.

    Love ya guys… They are currently “down” right now, and have been for a couple of days now (12-31-2015) : ( (I hope and pray, NOTHING is “wrong” with them) but AM looking forward to them coming back online soon.

    Just FYI, I got on during the “Open Enrollment” during the first of the month, over two years ago, now. These guys are the best. Good luck (quite literally) to any and all in getting in the door. CGPeers, truly IS, the BEST site that I am aware of regarding CG content.

    Peace to all and happy, safe sharing. : ) -EB

  35. Reply Anonymous Jan 2,2016 7:45 pm

    This is a shit site. Their registration is never open.

  36. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2016 11:35 pm

    It’s 14 and no open registration. Does anyone know if the site still exists? Thanks.

  37. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2016 2:48 pm

    Is it open yet?

  38. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2016 5:45 pm

    its 15, it’s not openning

  39. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2016 10:22 pm

    what time will registration open??

  40. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2016 10:46 pm

    What time zone?

  41. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2016 11:03 pm

    The site is currently invite only.

  42. Reply Anonymous Jan 15,2016 5:41 pm

    Well,i ca’t registrate into the CGPEERS site because,they only open for 48 hours on the 1st and 15th of the month. And i tried to registrate on the 1st and 15th of the mouth but they still closed.Soo,it’s hard to registrate into CGPEERS.

  43. Reply Anonymous Jan 16,2016 4:30 am

    So called “12-24 hour due to tech reasons” If it’s a real problem going on they shouldn’t leave people who are genuinely interested in joining in the dark like this, if it’s not open by tonight i’m just going to say fuk it.

  44. Reply Anonymous Jan 16,2016 5:25 am

    wtf? I’m monitoring for 2 month cg peers to register. And Its alwayse closed. Always. Cant’t understand what is the exact time when it opens

  45. Reply Anonymous Jan 17,2016 4:38 pm

    open now

  46. Reply Anonymous Jan 31,2016 10:25 pm


  47. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2016 7:31 am

    i want to register in cgpeers
    but they give me this error…

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000009)

  48. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2016 10:15 am

    open now :)

  49. Reply Anonymous Feb 9,2016 12:48 am

    not now^)

  50. Reply Anonymous Feb 9,2016 3:50 am

    when when when

  51. Reply Anonymous Feb 15,2016 2:19 am

    Any chance to register today?

  52. Reply Anonymous Feb 18,2016 4:17 am

    what happen torrents stopped and the site don’t open any more :(

  53. Reply Anonymous Mar 4,2016 6:10 pm

    many members of cgpeers and cgpersia do not know, why the registration is closed because there is no information out in the community. so be patient and wait.

  54. Reply Anonymous Mar 5,2016 8:47 am

    On the days you are supposed to register after submitting the form it always gives and error : Error: 0xE400000X (X from 0 to 9)

  55. Reply Anonymous Mar 6,2016 5:35 pm

    Hi guys !
    Wa can’t access anymore to the website, the forum, anythings about CGP

    Is there something wrong ?

    Is there another way to have what they have ?

    I’m a CGP user, need them back online.

  56. Reply Anonymous Mar 12,2016 5:59 am

    How to join forum?

  57. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2016 2:46 am

    Im getting the error msg of (Error: 0xE3000003) so i cant able to login so pls can anyone help me.

  58. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2016 7:54 am

    Me too..error message

  59. Reply akumar Mar 15,2016 9:03 am

    me too same error

  60. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2016 9:47 am

    Getting error 0xE4000009

  61. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2016 3:53 pm

    I actually got in, got a confirmation link…but its broken

  62. Reply Anonymous Mar 31,2016 8:11 pm

    It’s work!

  63. Reply SANOOP Mar 31,2016 9:28 pm

    Getting error 0xE4000009 WHAT TO DO

  64. Reply dfg Mar 31,2016 11:13 pm

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000005)

  65. Reply Anonymous Apr 1,2016 12:14 am

    (Error: 0xE4000005) same error :(

  66. Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2016 2:14 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000009)

  67. Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2016 8:11 am

    I have same Error. WTF???

  68. Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2016 8:17 am

    How I can register in the forum site:

    I have CGPeers account in site, but this username not work in forum site. Any ideas?

  69. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2016 4:57 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration (Error: 0xE3000003) The registration on the site doesn’t work on the 1st or the 15th

  70. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2016 12:08 pm

    Do NOT use gmail as registration email and get happy)

  71. Reply Anonymous Apr 16,2016 12:31 pm

    Don’t bother it gives almost the same Error: 0xE4000009 for other emails (,, this is getting DDOS annoying.

  72. Reply Anonymous Apr 22,2016 3:54 am

    Its not working

  73. Reply Anonymous May 1,2016 12:14 am

    wtf is that. I am trying to joing almost 2 months but still get error.Also there is no information related to error. What a poor tracker is that

  74. Reply Anonymous May 1,2016 9:48 pm

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000009)
    pliz help

  75. Reply Anonymous May 1,2016 9:50 pm

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE3000003)

  76. Reply Anonymous May 1,2016 11:29 pm

    i’m getting the same error – Error: 0xE4000009. i’ve been trying to register for hours

  77. Reply Anonymous May 2,2016 12:13 pm

    come on people atleast fix that annoying errors during registration. been waiting all month and now its all in vain. please fix it.

  78. Reply Anonymous May 2,2016 1:13 pm

    – Possible Solution –

    If you are getting Error: 0xE4000009, try using a different browser.

    Had error in Firefox, but worked in Chrome.

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 15,2017 8:33 am

      Didn’t work on Chrome for me. I almost lost hope, but then it worked on Microsoft Edge!

  79. Reply Anonymous May 31,2016 11:26 pm

    Stil closed

  80. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2016 6:45 am

    It’s open now, but there is still this issue with the registration. I got Error: 0xE4000005 and could not proceed. Any suggestions? I tried different browsers so far (firefox, chrome, edge).

  81. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2016 7:09 am

    Same here, there’s no way to register ?

  82. Reply Ibro Jun 1,2016 9:09 am

    – the best Solution –

    Salam Alicom

    hi guys,
    to resolve the error problem you can register via the other link to site :

    Allah with you

    • Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2016 12:16 pm

      Thx for your advice. But it doen’t work either. Same error (0xE4000005)

    • Reply Anonymous May 14,2019 9:59 pm

      Today is 15ht, the registeration page opens, but with trying on different browsers and this .to site, still all come back with different errors. (Error: 0xE4000006)

  83. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2016 12:16 pm

    It’s been more than three months that I have been trying to register but there are all these errors. And no one is fixing these? Nor is there any responses from the administrators. Please fix it soon.

  84. Reply Anonymous Jun 2,2016 3:58 am

    I looked at the source code of page, and there seems to be an error in the validate.js script. Concerned people, please fix the script. It is the same script that isn’t allowing people to register on the website

    • Reply Anonymous Jun 2,2016 5:57 am

      I talked with the IRC community of CGPeers, and they say that they block certain ISPs, and that might be the reason I’m not able to register

  85. Reply Elhueso Jun 15,2016 12:17 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE3000003)

    What can i do?

  86. Reply Anonymous Jun 15,2016 11:23 am

    any solution u got for this error ?

  87. Reply Anonymous Jun 15,2016 12:27 pm

    uuuughhh why is this a thing. No solutions?

  88. Reply Anonymous Jun 15,2016 2:08 pm

    Yeah, I’ve been trying multiple times as well but the same error pops up…

  89. Reply Safidi Jun 17,2016 9:57 pm

    Do you know any good CG alternatives torrent sites ?
    Cg-peers seems to be down right now.
    I hope it is just temporary.

    Would be nice to have some alternatives, and not to put all eggs into one basket.

  90. Reply Anonymous Jul 1,2016 9:15 am

    NO you can register. Like any alternative website?
    Could not proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000005

  91. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2016 9:02 am

    when this problem is going to solve.
    Error: 0xE4000005
    Error: 0xE4000005
    Error: 0xE4000005

  92. Reply Anonymous Jul 14,2016 4:37 pm

    When does the CGPEERS website open on the 15th? what time in what time zone?

  93. Reply Anonymous Jul 17,2016 10:54 pm

    is the site down again :0

    • Reply NITROROCKS Jul 18,2016 2:04 am

      Unfortunately. :/

    • Reply Anonymous Jul 18,2016 7:11 am

      because of the HARD maintenance work they do…and also because NO ONE IS DONATING !!!!

      SO WAIT patiently and next time when the ask for small donation – JUST GIVE THEM SOMETHING – there are more than 200 000 users an the fact that they only ask for about 200$, it is like 0.01 CENT FOR EACH LEACH to give….But unfortunately NO ONE IS GIVING A SH*T ABOUT IT…..

  94. Reply Anonymous Jul 31,2016 5:31 pm


  95. Reply Anonymous Jul 31,2016 9:40 pm

    anyone had register today?
    i got “Couldn’t proceed with registration (Error: 0xE4000006)”

  96. Reply Anonymous Aug 1,2016 5:06 am

    I could register bur did not receive the email confirmation. Anyone with the same problem or the solution?

  97. Reply Anonymous Aug 1,2016 6:58 am

    Hi! I’m trying to register right now…but I’m getting this error message (0xE3000003) :( anyone out there was able to register?

  98. Reply Anonymous Aug 1,2016 8:05 am

    I’m trying to register and nothing

  99. Reply Anonymous Aug 1,2016 11:59 am

    trying to register and same error than everyone else !

    is there like a limited number of seats kinda thing ?

  100. Reply Anonymous Aug 10,2016 9:50 am

    seems like cgpeers trackers are now blocked by myRepublic service provider here in Singapore. Anyone else experienced that, or is it just me?

  101. Reply Anonymous Aug 15,2016 7:35 am

    Register with an account other than a generic email. works

  102. Reply Anonymous Sep 1,2016 12:06 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE400000A)

    please help!!

  103. Reply SHAH Sep 1,2016 3:44 am

    Please help trying to register but a error comes… :(

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE400000A)

  104. Reply damian Sep 1,2016 4:53 am

    i used email other than gmail and it worked.

  105. Reply SHAH Sep 1,2016 8:15 am

    i used,, &
    nothing worked for me…. :/

    @damian which email service u used to get registered???

  106. Reply Anonymous Sep 2,2016 6:19 am

    unable to register on cgpeers…
    showing again and again “Couldn’t proceed with registration”

  107. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2016 5:25 pm


  108. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2016 6:01 pm

    Couldn’t proceed with registration (Error: 0xE400000A) in Chrome, but Microsoft Edge worked for me.

  109. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2016 9:47 pm

    guys plz help me to registration on cgpeers

  110. Reply Anonymous Sep 15,2016 2:14 am

    Its giving me (Error: 0xE4000009) . What can be wrong? Please help??????

  111. Reply Anonymous Sep 15,2016 4:50 am

    its no working

  112. Reply Anonymous Sep 15,2016 7:16 am

    “Error: 0xE4000006” :( :(

  113. Reply Anonymous Oct 1,2016 3:04 am

    same here

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000005)

    When it will be available? Does anyone knows?

  114. Reply liekd Oct 1,2016 9:33 am

    Today i have tried to register and shown me the same:
    Error: 0xE4000005, then changed the password and all Ok.

    Does anyone know how to get in at their forums? TIA

  115. Reply Anonymous Oct 15,2016 8:02 am

    something smell really bad in cgpeer, i am trying to register like a year, but never open. must be called cgsucker.fak

  116. Reply Anonymous Oct 15,2016 7:48 pm

    I had the same error but changing my email from hotmail to gmail was the solution.

  117. Reply Anonymous Oct 17,2016 9:03 am

    yes i have also that error

  118. Reply Anonymous Oct 17,2016 6:41 pm

    boa noite queria saber tava fazendo alguns dawload dos arquivos du nada o saite sumiu do ar que poderia ser os dawload parou de fazer du nada tenho cadastro sera que fui banido ou alguma coisa assim nao abre nada mesmo sabe queria saber como entrar em contato com o saite e queria saber se tem que fazer alguma coisa nao entendo muito

  119. Reply Anonymous Oct 18,2016 7:56 am

    It seems taht cgpeers is down , and that’s what happened to me

  120. Reply Anonymous Nov 2,2016 9:00 am

    this is not working
    what is this its open but not working

  121. Reply Anonymous Nov 2,2016 9:02 am

    plez someone tell me how to register

  122. Reply Anonymous Nov 2,2016 2:12 pm

    please any one tell me what does it mean”(Error: 0xE4000001)”! it appeared after i filled in the registration form! it’s not working

  123. Reply WAQAS Nov 15,2016 2:05 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000009)

  124. Reply Anonymous Nov 15,2016 11:26 am

    Can someone tell me what does “match up the format requested” means. I did get the email confirmation but cant login

  125. Reply Anonymous Dec 1,2016 2:52 am

    what about no new registration for the forum.. total jerk .. blocking knowledge and information sharing for everyone

  126. Reply Anonymous Dec 1,2016 3:33 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE400000A)

    What the matter ? Registration is open…

  127. Reply Anonymous Dec 14,2016 9:01 pm

    cg peers registration (Error: 0xE3000003)?

  128. Reply Anonymous Dec 14,2016 9:10 pm

    cg peers registration (Error: 0xE400000A)

  129. Reply Anonymous Dec 15,2016 2:10 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE400000A)

  130. Reply Anonymous Dec 15,2016 7:32 am

    I cannot register my account. Each time I try to complete the registration steps. It is showing Error and Error.

  131. Reply Anonymous Dec 19,2016 3:24 am


  132. Reply Anonymous Dec 31,2016 9:37 pm

    Error: 0xE4000009 ? wats that how do we proceed ?

  133. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2017 12:52 am

    You have to use VPN ;) and change your IP , some IPs are ban

    and you can register with gmail.

    have fun ;)

  134. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2017 7:00 am

    Yes did the same and its worked. Thanks:)

  135. Reply Anonymous Jan 18,2017 10:47 am

    is cgp down?

  136. Reply Anonymous Jan 18,2017 12:29 pm

    Seems so, but am sure it will be up asap

  137. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2017 10:13 am

    I registered on cgpeers today. How?

    My German gmx mail addresses would not work (error message), trying out different browsers.
    I then created a gmail address (without symbols, just letters to play safe) and it worked on the first try (using firefox for android).

    Just try creating a gmail account without your personal data, it’s worth it… even if it happened not to work for your struggle with cgpeers.

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 16,2019 5:58 am

      THAT IS THE SOLUTION ! Don’t use an email address with symbols (ex.: “_”). I used my yahoo email, that has “_” in the description and it didn’t work. Then, I used my gmail, that is not with any symbol, just with letters and it worked for me.

      Thank you very much !!! Now, i’m waiting for their email… :)))

      ( “Congrats! Your registration almost complete!
      An email has been sent to the address that you provided. After you confirm your email address, you will be able to log into your account.” )

  138. Reply anu Feb 15,2017 6:50 am

    how to register to this site, i am trying since last month on 1st and 15th.
    Every time i try i get this error

    0xE4000009 – couldn’t proceed with registration.

  139. Reply Anonymous Mar 2,2017 8:04 am

    Registration is currently Open. (Open on the 1st & 15th every month)

  140. Reply Anonymous Mar 2,2017 8:10 am

    Got banned trying to log in to my account, even after changing password – CRAP SITE!!!!

  141. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2017 1:39 am

    I registered on cgpeers, but the letter for activation mail not receive.

    • Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2017 4:06 am

      How did you register? It still says that registrations open only on 1st and 15th for me. Cannot get past that.

  142. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2017 4:18 am

    Boo.. The site is not working :( At least for me… anyone else having this issue today ? Really wanted to register …

  143. Reply manoj Mar 29,2017 10:05 am

    hi their iam manoj i can some help from cg peers register

  144. Reply pro2050 Mar 31,2017 11:01 pm

    Hi people, does known anybody why the registration is closed now? When is it really open?

  145. Reply retpada Apr 1,2017 12:54 am

    still waiting for it to open, hoping april 1st isn’t going to affect anything…

  146. Reply Anonymous Apr 1,2017 9:19 am

    April 1st but registration is not open :/
    Can anyone suggest any other good sites for graphic design / motion design / video torrents?
    Thanks :)

  147. Reply meh Apr 1,2017 1:03 pm

    I was refreshing the site all day , is this an april fool lie !!!!

  148. Reply meh Apr 2,2017 1:31 pm

    they disabled the invite feature .

  149. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2017 12:00 am

    My cgpeers account was disabled
    how can solve that
    whats is what.CD username
    plz anyone help..plz

  150. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2017 6:43 am

    I can’t register, can anyone help me, please?

  151. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2017 8:21 am

    I’m in the same situation. The 15th of the month, though unable to sign up. Anyone got any ideas?

  152. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2017 9:12 am

    Anyone knows why we can’t register yet though it’s 15th and almost evening where i am? Do we have an explantation or solution?

  153. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2017 2:02 pm

    Today is the 15th day of the month but I can not register.

  154. Reply New cgvisitor Apr 15,2017 8:30 pm

    Can’t register today, april 15tn. Any reason?

  155. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2017 11:29 pm

    gmail didnt work in for register , i tried yahoo and its work

  156. Reply Skipper2012 May 13,2017 7:21 am

    Can anyone tell me when it can be opne i already know it opens on 1st and 15 but it seems they dont opent on that perticular day any suggestions how can i make a new account ??? or should i go for alternative

  157. Reply Da Drow May 15,2017 4:44 am

    Registration is Open now……CGPEERS.COM & CGPEERS.TO

  158. Reply Anonymous May 15,2017 5:12 am

    Anyone receiving the confirmation email?

    Tried a couple of times, says registration is complete and should wait for the confirmation email, but no luck

  159. Reply clvr May 15,2017 2:45 pm

    Does anybody have the same issue? Today it´s 15TH and i don´t have successful to registration (Error: 0xE400000A) ¿what is should do?

  160. Reply Anonymous May 16,2017 1:43 am

    (Error:0xE400000A) is too many registration attempts from external IP or same IP logged in registration once already for this time/date etc.

  161. Reply Anonymous May 16,2017 1:03 pm

    (Error: 0xE4000006) here

  162. Reply Anonymous May 27,2017 9:09 am

    Dont join this site. I had like 10x+ ratio and my account was removed for no reason, however they still allowed me to seed – the tracker peer key was not removed. Complete and total asshole move and hope they choke on their own s#$%. They are nothing in my eyes now, lowly underevolved life forms.

  163. Reply Anonymous May 31,2017 10:04 pm

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000006)

    help me

  164. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2017 3:29 am

    Just created my account.

    After trying multiple times with many gmail, hotmail ids, many vpns etc.

    The only thing that worked is, I have multiple domain names that I own, I just created an email id from one of it and used that email to register and it worked.

  165. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2017 3:37 am

    still can register, someone can explain why??

  166. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2017 4:06 am

    After getting error 0xE4000006 and 0xE4000003 all day I used an email from my domain, first time It gave error 0xE4000003 but the second time It worked.

  167. Reply Anonymous Jun 15,2017 6:36 am

    got an 05 and 06 errors. Solved with fresh gmail account and using firefox for pc. Cheers!

  168. Reply Anonymous Jun 18,2017 3:41 am

    Is cgpeers down? I can’t get into the website!!!

  169. Reply Anonymous Jul 1,2017 6:31 am

    I got many errors, succeeded to get through once but I’m not getting the confirmation email :/

  170. Reply manoj Jul 2,2017 8:13 am

    next date of regestration

  171. Reply Anonymous Jul 15,2017 4:22 am

    i got every errors, chrome on android fix my problems

  172. Reply shnx Jul 18,2017 5:01 am

    This site can’t be reached
    server DNS address could not be found.

    please help guys i need this site :(

  173. Reply TomZarek Jul 18,2017 5:56 am


    This happens from time to time CGPeers/CGPersia both have a few incidences of downtime. They’ll usually be back in a day or so.

  174. Reply Syner Aug 1,2017 8:33 am

    Wanted to log on to CGPEERS … on the first of the month.
    But there is an error: Could not continue with the registration.
    Fuck peers …

  175. Reply Anonymous Aug 15,2017 3:00 pm

    não consigo me cadastrar esta dando (Error: 0xE4000006) o que eu faço?

  176. Reply rokalydo Aug 31,2017 9:37 am

    I want sing in on CGPersia forums

  177. Reply Anonymous Sep 1,2017 5:45 am

    From what i experienced impossible to create an account from my work computer, however on my phone it work on first try ! :) this might have something to do with your IP.

  178. Reply vishal Oct 2,2017 1:48 am

    registration isn’t working

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000009)

  179. Reply Anonymous Oct 29,2017 8:10 am

    I was at CGPEER for +10 years having a ratio of +2000.
    I went to ask for an account at their forums.
    The guys behind this website are absolute jerks.
    They are so full of themselves, I could not believe.
    They asked me questions like the Gestapo!
    Then they bullied me like kids in the school.

    Finally they got enough of me and not only refused my forum registration but cancelled my account at CGPEER! A 2000+ ratio! WTF all the work and bandwidth shared and no respect in return?

    Don’t waste your time there, sure there are good stuff because of the old sharing stuff but the new mods are piece of s*hit and do not deserve your time and work.

    Advice: do not talk to them, they are really mental and you will only get in trouble.

  180. Reply vishal Nov 1,2017 1:29 am

    You did not check the box that says you will read the wiki.
    (Error: 0xE4000001)

  181. Reply Anonymous Nov 2,2017 9:08 am


  182. Reply Horizon Nov 15,2017 11:22 am

    Hey CG peers team. if you really not taking any new accounts please let me know. SO i won’t try…peace V

  183. Reply Anonymous Nov 27,2017 4:50 am

    I can’t regester in the site !!
    and this message is appear Sorry, the site is currently invite only.
    what is that mean??

  184. Reply Anonymous Dec 31,2017 12:14 pm

    1st Jan 2018, 0145 CGpeers still close

  185. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2018 1:09 am

    1st Jan 2018, 1430 CGpeers IS OPEN! Hurryyyyyyyyyy

    i got registered within 1 minutes in a first attempt

  186. Reply Anonymous Jan 2,2018 2:55 am

    I’ve been trying the whole day since its the 1st, but no good.
    Used multiple passwords, emails, to no avail
    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE400000A)

    Sad stuff

  187. Reply Anonymous Jan 31,2018 10:37 am

    i have been trying to register its after 12 am on 1st feb 2018. not happening

  188. Reply Anonymous Jan 31,2018 10:50 pm

    I am not able to register to it ….. Trying from last couple of months Help me out

  189. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2018 1:43 am

    To everyone experiencing 0xE400000A error:
    try registering from different IP, perhaps using your phone. Worked for me. Good luck.

  190. Reply Anonymous Feb 15,2018 5:50 am

    Used Gmail account and didnt work, used old Yahoo one and worked fine…

  191. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2018 7:18 am

    Couldn’t register from pc, but it worked from phone!

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  193. Reply Future CG peer user Jul 15,2018 10:55 am

    It says CG peers is open, it’s the 15th at 1pm. I keep getting “Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE400000A)”.
    I have tried both my Gmail & Outlook accounts to no avail. If anyone has information that can help me before it closes today that would be greatly appreciated.

  194. Reply TarekJor Aug 1,2018 1:45 am

    The signup system is open as 1-08-2018 11pm, if it doesn’t work try a clean browser session without scripts blockers, ad blockers or addons.

    If that doesn’t work try via mobile phone (IP is different, maybe you PC IP is banned), if that doesn’t work, pray to god you could resolve the issue until the next opening.

    BTW, CgPeers is one of the best sources for design students and CG developers who want to learn in a good community, but keep in mind the key of RATIO.

    Have a nice day, fellow Internet citizen.

  195. Reply Anonymous Aug 1,2018 2:25 am

    11am, my mistake :D

  196. Reply Anonymous Aug 7,2018 8:44 am

    is anyone can connected cgpeers today ?

  197. Reply Anonymous Aug 13,2018 2:01 pm

    Remember from main page ‘ is our backup domain for whenever .com goes down or if it is ever seized. It is 100% legit. Currently working to restore our .com domain!’

  198. Reply Anonymous Aug 15,2018 9:30 am

    Having issues with confirmation mails today again (errors or no confirmation mails received on multiple browsers, Ips and mail addresses)- Any work around?

    Thanks in advance

  199. Reply Anonymous Aug 15,2018 11:37 am

    Still having confirmation issues. Was able to work around page errors, but now I’m registered and haven’t received confirmation emails to actually login. Any Help?

  200. Reply Htaw Gyi Sep 2,2018 1:09 pm

    you use your phone browser use Turbo VPN and vpn change U.S san Francisco server and then you register is complete …. .. PS. your email was (@hotmail,yahoomail…. etc) it is slove your any error problem

    Good Luck Bro

  201. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2018 1:12 pm

    Today is 15th but still site shows registration closed plz help need to login for good tutorials

  202. Reply Anonymous Sep 15,2018 12:03 am

    Couldn’t proceed with registration
    (Error: 0xE4000009)
    Getting this error even after trying multiple times

  203. Reply Anonymous Sep 15,2018 4:31 am

    registered but email confirmation never sent…..been waiting for 4 hours now…

  204. Reply hassanzraika Oct 1,2018 2:26 pm

    hello, i registed to cg peers but i haven’t received a confirmation email ?

  205. Reply Anonymous Oct 15,2018 4:24 am

    Hello while register it shows Error code 0xE4000001

  206. Reply Machisei Nov 15,2018 3:05 am

    Hello, I registered but I didn’t receive confirmation email. How should I proceeed?

  207. Reply Anonymous Nov 15,2018 3:09 am

    I know how to solve Error: 0xE4000009
    If anybody hasn’t figured it out please contact me.

  208. Reply Anonymous Dec 15,2018 3:54 am

    Not open yet

  209. Reply why no create account Dec 15,2018 7:00 am

    (Error: 0xE4000001)

  210. Reply Anonymous Dec 15,2018 2:33 pm

    firexor, email @, watch your spam folder

  211. Reply Anonymous Dec 15,2018 2:33 pm

    mail @ gmail works

  212. Reply Anonymous Jan 15,2019 1:32 pm

    Error: 0xE4000005 fucked up with it. for more than 5 months!

  213. Reply Anonymous Jan 31,2019 6:21 pm

    fuck this site. tried EVERYTHING here. error. I dont care if they have free blowjobs from coked up supermodels, its not worth the fucking hassle

  214. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2019 2:49 am

    Confirmation email is NEVER sent. And YES, I checked the spam folder. There is somthing wrong with their code.

  215. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2019 11:30 pm

    what does 0xE400000D error code mean?c

  216. Reply Anonymous Feb 15,2019 9:31 am

    Ok, first I never received their confirmation email.
    Tried with other different email addresses, tried with vpn, changed browsers…
    but got only variety of error.
    da fuck?
    I give up

  217. Reply Solution to 0xE400000D error !!! Feb 16,2019 10:30 am


    So, i tried like 50 times.İ also ran 10 km just to see some “expert computer guys” and they couldnt fix it.

    Register in Firefox.Don’t register from chrome it doesn’t work. Turn off addblocker, use tunnelbear or another vpn.

    Also set up an email like hotmail and yahoo because it has never worked with

    Here is my contribution to my fellow cg citizens.
    Keep hustling boys!

  218. Reply Anonymous Feb 16,2019 2:51 pm

    alright guys, reading comments about this site from 2014, I could conclude that not only should you use vpn on your phone with a Hotmail account, you should also change your pass and username in case you’ve tried before and had an error or you just never got the confirmation email, I hope this helps someone, cheers

  219. Reply Anonymous Mar 1,2019 12:10 am

    (Error: 0xE400000A) what is this guys I cant register in this site.if any idea u haver then suggest me

  220. Reply bobrodobro Mar 1,2019 11:59 am

    every time I try o register, I get this – (Error: 0xE400000D)


  221. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2019 5:30 pm

    After at least few years of trying, all types of errors, all browsers tested, all kings of e-mails, I finally made it!!! Made my registration via my mobile, turned-off my wi-fi on purpose, used 4G. It happened right at once. Now waiting for my conformation e-mail. I hope it`ll come.

  222. Reply Anonymous Mar 16,2019 8:44 am

    I had the same problem. All I did was open in chrome, using a vpn (UK server) and registered with hotmail account and it worked.

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  224. Reply Anonymous Apr 15,2019 5:15 am

    3d print stuff here?

  225. Reply Anonymous Apr 17,2019 7:58 pm

    how to get unbanned from cgpeers? xD My dumbass forgot to turn off vpn in opera

  226. Pingback: Winthruster Crack

  227. Reply Anonymous May 15,2019 2:04 am

    Earlier I said I met registeration errors and couldn’t register. Then I read through all reply from 2014 till this year and I did the following changes from my earlier register till I get it done:

    1. When I sent my first reply, in this site it was still 14th May 9:45pm, not 15th yet, so I waited for several more hours.
    2. I registered another outlook email address with a name people wouldn’t use in reality.
    3. Used the random password which suggested by Chrome.
    4. I changed my VPN from US to Canada.
    5. Found the email in my junk box.

    Look luck guys!

  228. Reply Anonymous Feb 4,2020 2:12 am

    i believe cgpeers is good, but site is down right now

  229. Reply ksynqqkcor Feb 27,2020 5:31 pm


  230. Reply Anonymous Mar 3,2020 6:07 am

    how to get register cgpeers and gfxpeers

  231. Reply Anonymous Mar 3,2020 6:08 am

    please help me i need those videos

  232. Reply Anonymous Mar 19,2020 12:45 pm

    How do I delete my cg peers account?

  233. Reply yfpzxejool Mar 21,2020 7:23 pm


  234. Reply Davidber Apr 2,2020 6:43 am

    Thanks for the post!

  235. Reply rcjxspiymy Apr 3,2020 9:58 pm


  236. Reply Anonymous Apr 18,2020 6:57 am

    i am trying to register cgpeers since 3 months even tried 1st and 15th of every month, but always it shows as registration is temporally closed. can anybody know how to register it please help me??

  237. Reply Anonymous Apr 23,2020 12:43 am

    Hello Guys,

    For those who are getting error, use firefox with VPN on and register with Yahoo account only. This method worked for me. Good luck guyz

  238. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2020 8:07 pm

    Hello today is the sign up date yeah!. Why the site is not open for registration.

  239. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2020 8:38 pm

    Hay today is 1 April and it’s a opening day why it is not opened.

  240. Reply Anonymous May 14,2020 9:19 pm

    which time zone is considered registration date?

  241. Reply Anonymous May 15,2020 2:28 am

    when is it going to open? it is 15th :/

  242. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2020 1:29 am

    month 1 first but regestion no option buy

  243. Reply Anonymous Jun 15,2020 10:10 am

    It’s the 15th of June and it’s still closed :/ I was so hyped for this…

  244. Reply Bobbbay Bobbayan Jun 15,2020 10:10 am

    Today is a 15th why won’t it open? It’s just closed.

  245. Reply Anonymous Jul 1,2020 12:34 am

    when is the regitration opening????????

  246. Reply Amigo Jul 9,2020 5:05 am

    I have a cgpeers account and even after I have changed my password the password isn’t working… Help

  247. Reply 시발 Jul 15,2020 5:07 am

    I’m so annoyed. I tried it on the 15th of every month.


  248. Reply Anonymous Jul 15,2020 8:21 am

    today is 15/07 and still no registration ….im so sad :/

  249. Reply Anonymous Jul 15,2020 3:29 pm

    its 16th of the month and still no sign up

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  253. Reply ageed Aug 31,2020 9:53 pm

    i cant register cgpeers please help

  254. Reply StevenSaigo Sep 19,2020 2:45 am

    navigate to this web-site traders

  255. Reply Anonymous Oct 11,2020 2:42 am

    bc trackers kidher hain

  256. Reply Anonymous Oct 15,2020 9:02 am

    im trying to signup for 2 month at every 1th and 15th and still not opened both cgpeers and gfxpeers anyone know what happening? its 15th today im waiting and will wait 48 hours refreshing closing browser etc and still not works ok

  257. Reply Anonymous Oct 27,2020 2:44 am

  258. Reply Anonymous Oct 31,2020 8:55 pm

    It is the 1st day of October but still now the page is closed so,please would you mind if you help me how I register the account ????

  259. Reply Merga Oct 31,2020 9:00 pm

    Today is the 1st day of October 2020,However the app says “cgpeers is closed currently ” so can you help me to signup the page please ????

  260. Reply oly goarge Dec 8,2020 7:57 am

    I’m so annoyed. I tried it on the 15th of every Tips

  261. Reply Anonymous Mar 2,2021 4:36 am

    I tried for 1st jan 15th jan 1st feb 15th feb latest is 1st march 2021 but its close everytime. Anything i can do to make a account on it?

  262. Pingback: Cgpeers Login - GeeksForJobs

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  267. Reply Anonymous Aug 9,2021 12:54 am

    this is 9th august. and i still can not register in CGPeers. Please help

  268. Pingback: Cgpeers Login - AccediCast

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  272. Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2022 11:49 pm

    hi i joined cg peers 2days ago. and i downloaded few torrent file from it. and after 2 days now i cant sign in. it shows that “your account has been disabled. this is either due to inactivity or rule violation to discus this with staff come to our irc network at and join #” what just happend? could some one help me out?

  273. Reply Sohbet Apr 11,2022 10:40 am

    Thanks for sharing

  274. Pingback: Cgpreers Login - Beinsight

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  276. Pingback: cgpeers login error -

  277. Reply Bisheshwar Jul 7,2022 4:07 am

    My Cgpeers account is disabled. What to do?
    Please helpme

  278. Pingback: Cgpeers Logga In – Sweden Logga In

  279. Reply Anonymous Aug 17,2022 8:36 pm

    Hi, I’m a 3rd year university student and I was told that cgpeers have the stuff I can use for my projects and especially thesis. I hope you guys can help me get an account because I’m struggling juggling all the assets and requirements. I need all the help I can get. I hope you guys can help me get in. Thank you in advance!

  280. Pingback: Cgpeers Website -

  281. Reply Anonymous Sep 1,2022 7:43 am

    Why in hell people choose art to make a living nowadays is beyond me.

  282. Reply Anonymous Sep 7,2022 11:12 pm

    My Cgpeers account is disabled. What to do?
    Please helpme

  283. Reply Stefan Sep 11,2022 7:57 am

    Hi! I need a CGPeers account! Please help! Someone!

  284. Pingback: cgpeers login error -

  285. Reply Anonymous Sep 25,2022 8:50 am

    may CG peers is disable. how to enable. thanks

  286. Reply Anonymous Nov 1,2022 3:58 am

    Any chance sign-ups are open today?

  287. Reply Anonymous Jan 23,2023 7:19 am

    one of the best torrent site for CG there is no replica what’s so ever, its a heaven for CG content till date, if one can get in

  288. Reply Anonymous Feb 17,2023 6:25 pm

    any idea about how to get in? registration been closed for the whole last 2 years afai remember

  289. Reply Anonymous Mar 20,2023 12:42 am

    dammit how can we enter this paradise? we want to be chosen too.

  290. Pingback: Cgpeers Login

  291. Reply Anonymous Nov 1,2023 2:25 am

    let me enter i wanna see what this “heaven” is all about

  292. Reply Mm May 7,2024 7:45 am

    Which day open restriction account ??

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