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  1. Reply Anonymous Apr 21,2017 10:54 am

    looks so different than all other sites I’m on……like a real up to date Web 3.0 feel.

  2. Reply Anonymous Apr 21,2017 10:55 am

    Really nice looking interface. Will be intresting to see have good this tracker can become!

  3. Reply Anonymous Apr 21,2017 2:05 pm

    Sites In Global FreeLeech…take advantage

  4. Reply Anonymous Apr 22,2017 1:45 am

    Quality content, but very small amount. Anyway, good tracker.

  5. Reply Anonymous Apr 22,2017 5:08 am

    I agree. Small amount of content but site has only been open(started) for two weeks. I think ill stick around on this site.

  6. Reply Anonymous Apr 22,2017 5:29 am

    Wow glad to be in, the real OG’s now!

  7. Reply Anonymous Apr 22,2017 6:12 pm

    its closed already :(

  8. Reply Anonymous Apr 22,2017 8:28 pm

    New OVH based tracker.
    lol they will go in future.

  9. Reply Anonymous Apr 23,2017 4:51 am

    Whats that mean?

  10. Reply Blacksmith of Persia Apr 25,2017 7:46 am

    Blutopia is the new site of Blu-bits

  11. Reply Anonymous Apr 25,2017 4:18 pm

    Ah nooo

  12. Reply Anonymous Apr 28,2017 5:07 pm

    Open Reg Again

  13. Reply Anonymous Apr 29,2017 8:27 am

    It’s currently open.

  14. Reply Anonymous Apr 29,2017 5:03 pm

    The Password Recover functions doesn’t work.

    It would be nice if it were fixed, as my password manager didn’t save the password I registered with, so I’m locked out of my new account.


  15. Reply Anonymous Apr 29,2017 6:59 pm

    password reset now fixed and working

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2017 1:27 pm

      It now does send a Reset Password email, and I have clicked the link that sends me to the page where to enter the email address and the new password.

      Once done that, I tried to log in, but it failed to recognize the new password. I’ve tried a few times, always with the same result.

      (and I’m sure about using the correct password)

      Any suggestions?

      • Reply Anonymous May 2,2017 6:41 am

        All sorted now.

        Excellent support from the staff, which was helpful and friendly.

        Nice site, great content, it could easily become a popular tracker.

  16. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2017 11:22 am

    Can confirm, password recovery is working!

  17. Reply KELO97 Apr 30,2017 11:24 am

    Very good new tracker, where quality matters.. (Encodes, REMUX,Full BD25,BD50)
    Only accept movies and tv-shows. Good page design! New account gives 50GB Upload… torrents Freelech.. Recommended:)

  18. Reply Blacksmith of Persia Apr 30,2017 10:52 pm

    They have a fan edit section which is good.

  19. Reply Anonymous May 1,2017 8:45 am

    looks just like privatehd minus the good staff and seeders

  20. Reply Anonymous May 1,2017 9:40 am

    closed… missed out : (

  21. Reply Anonymous May 1,2017 2:49 pm

    all closed.. i missed out..

  22. Reply Anonymous May 2,2017 8:58 am


  23. Reply Anonymous May 6,2017 7:26 pm

    Blutopia signup it’s open.. Update please

  24. Reply Anonymous May 6,2017 8:05 pm

    should update screen shots too

  25. Reply Anonymous May 8,2017 4:39 am


  26. Reply Anonymous May 9,2017 8:40 am


  27. Reply Anonymous May 9,2017 3:14 pm

    Site is not working, when logging in just displayes a bunch of shitty messages.

  28. Reply Anonymous May 10,2017 3:33 am

    site working fine for me and its global freeleech :D :D

  29. Reply Anonymous May 10,2017 5:55 am

    closed to registration now

  30. Reply Anonymous May 12,2017 1:48 pm


  31. Reply Anonymous May 13,2017 1:28 pm

    registrations available? is that correct?

  32. Reply Anonymous May 13,2017 9:44 pm

    site looks greatand is quick. Some bugs still to work out. Too much scene release here nad lots if fakeass 2160p bullshit. Bt this wil be a top tracker very soon, no doubt

  33. Reply Anonymous May 13,2017 11:04 pm

    Yeah… This site MIGHT has potential to be something like the big ones. Like HDBits, PTP or similar…

  34. Reply Anonymous May 20,2017 10:05 am

    Apart from their coders stealing the entire design of another website, banning people that speak out, and having almost no content, it’s a great tracker.

    Just kidding, absolute shit

    • Reply Anonymous May 20,2017 6:13 pm

      what are you talking about, this site has been coded from scratch and it’s not the first site the coders have made. Maybe you are accusing them of stealing from their old designs? LoL, silly kid

    • Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 5:22 am

      if u think they have stolen privateHD’s design u r wrong, when they followed different alias they had the exact design until their downfall

    • Reply Anonymous May 23,2017 4:03 am

      Code isn´t stolen, there is some inspiration in PHD but only in visual, features. Whole code is made from scratch. Don´t think anybody was banned due to big mouth yet ….. and if somebody is trashing the tracker in shoutbox, he´s stupid idiot to do so publicly on tracker. No content? Over 1000 torrents in less then 2 months, lots of full BDs, remuxes, high quality TV-shows captures etc.
      Still in BETA, still “new” tracker. Developing in every aspect.

      I have a guess who this envious (anonymous) arsehole is btw.

    • Reply Anonymous May 16,2019 1:17 pm

      totally agree

      • Reply Anonymous May 16,2019 1:18 pm

        Apart from their coders stealing the entire design of another website, banning people that speak out, and having almost no content, it’s a great tracker.

        Just kidding, absolute shit
        i totally agree

  35. Reply MovieEnthusiast May 20,2017 7:46 pm

    How do I get the validation email sent again as it didn’t come in.


  36. Reply HeyYou May 21,2017 3:11 am

    Open and working fine. Thanks!

  37. Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 6:24 am

    thanks! hope to see this site grow with more content.

  38. Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 12:55 pm

    Got registered, but could not log in. The password retrieval works, a bit. I get the reset- mail, but I´m unable to change password. Some on else?

  39. Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 2:31 pm

    Registered and remember my damn username and pw but still the site says wrong password. This site either is a scam or isn’t damn working well.

    • Reply DCS May 21,2017 9:43 pm

      You must validate your account to log-in. Since there are no recent accounts stuck on validating I’ll assume these are just troll posts.

  40. Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 6:08 pm

    Works fine for me

  41. Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 10:45 pm


  42. Reply Anonymous May 22,2017 5:34 am


  43. Reply Anonymous May 26,2017 6:03 pm

    Open Registration Activated! Global Double Upload Activated!

  44. Reply Anonymous May 26,2017 11:03 pm

    I made an account and validated it by clicking the link sent through email, but when I go to login I get a screen that says: “Whoops, looks like something went wrong.”

  45. Reply Anonymous May 27,2017 9:13 am

    Great site! Just signed up.

  46. Reply Anonymous May 27,2017 11:56 am

    cant wait until this site gets more quality content uploaders

  47. Reply Anonymous May 27,2017 11:59 am

    Global Freeleech Mode Activated Open Registration Activated! Global Double Upload Activated!

  48. Reply Anonymous May 27,2017 6:25 pm

    what a sexy ass site

  49. Reply Anonymous May 28,2017 3:12 am

    This is the future or torrent sites for sure.

  50. Reply Anonymous May 28,2017 5:46 pm

    this is last open reg for awhile….peeps better get in while they can

  51. Reply Anonymous May 29,2017 2:17 am

    Open Registration Activated! Global Double Upload Activated!

  52. Reply Stefon May 29,2017 12:35 pm

    Blutopia™ is the hottest new tracker in town! Club promoter Tranny Oakley has gone all out. This place has everything: Lights, psychos, Furbies, screaming babies in Mozart wigs, sunburned drifters with soap sud beards. So come on down now and get a complementary human suitcase*!

    (*that’s the thing of when a midget on roller skates wears all of your clothes and you pull them through an airport).

  53. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2017 4:58 am

    My account was banned overnight. Is there someone I can talk to about what happened?

  54. Reply Anonymous Jun 7,2017 3:00 pm

    Whats their own internal groups??

    I’ve no reason to go there for Kralimarko, framestor, Epsilon or Legion I’m already on the trackers that they use so I can get all their encodes.

    What reason would somebody want Blutopia for?

    • Reply Anonymous Jun 8,2017 2:46 am

      What’s the point in having another internal release group duplicate even more content that is already being duplicated more than 4 times already.

  55. Reply Dan Jun 8,2017 2:53 am

    Site is basically ratioless, it’s a joke. Staff keeps adding global freeleech. Just grab what you want I guess.

  56. Reply Anonymous Jun 16,2017 1:18 pm

    Global Freeleech Mode Activated! Open Registration Activated! 2day(s)4hour(s)44minute(s)20second(s)

    People really complaining about FL? WTF

  57. Reply Anonymous Jun 18,2017 5:28 pm

    Global Freeleech Mode Activated! Open Registration Activated!
    30 minute(s)20second(s)

    30 minutes left to sign up!

  58. Reply Anonymous Jun 18,2017 6:13 pm

    Global Freeleech Mode Activated! Open Registration Activated!

    was extended for fathers day

  59. Reply Anonymous Jun 20,2017 6:09 pm


  60. Reply Anonymous Jun 22,2017 7:37 am

    Closed – again

  61. Reply Anonymous Jun 23,2017 4:53 pm

    Closed today

  62. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2017 8:04 pm

    Back open!

  63. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2017 3:19 am

    It’s open!!

  64. Reply Anonymous Jul 9,2017 1:19 pm

    I’ve been banned… can I talk to someone? No ratio cheating or other things like that… I really didn’t do anything

  65. Reply Lexicon Jul 9,2017 5:57 pm

    Same. Went on vacation seeding 6 torrents (two of them above 150gigs) and came back to discover I’d been banned. My ratio (which I think was bugged from the reset) showed 1 gig downloaded and 756 gigs uploaded. Would love to know what happened to my account.

    • Reply ScroogeHD Sep 21,2017 2:56 pm

      Probably Hit & Runs. Try our Discord for help.

      • Reply Nikki Feb 25,2018 4:49 pm

        I was in hospital for 4 days .previously I had great ratios .couldn’t use your discord system because your ridiculous 3 day hit and run rules auto banned me from logging into your site….it was a good site but the 3 day hit and run auto banning is madness guys .good people who get sick get banned

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 27,2018 8:00 am

      need to seed constnaly download one big file torrent at a time and seed 1:1.

  66. Reply Anonymous Jul 14,2017 2:03 am

    I want to register too :/

  67. Reply Anonymous Aug 28,2017 2:20 pm

    Total Torrents 2472
    Movie Torrents 1946
    HDTV Torrents 484
    Dead Torrents 118

    Users 6217
    Seeds 10944
    Leeches 159
    Peers 11103

  68. Reply Anonymous Sep 20,2017 8:13 am

    Blutopia is the successor to both Blu-bits and BluRG. Check your facts.

  69. Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2017 7:20 am

    Here is a UNBIASED look at the site. Pro’s and Con’s if you will. I guess when your done reading it you can go back to trolling and fighting about issues that mean ‘Jack Shit’ but I did at least try to give you a HONEST opinion about my brief time at this site.

    1.) signed up with no issues.
    2.) Saw some faces (NICKS) that looked rather familiar.

    1.) The content is standard (meaning, it can be found pretty much any where else)on any other HD Site.
    2.) All the bickering about FACT and the Admin or Owners/Old Site doesn’t help the recruitment process it make the staff look bad. If you know what really went down, then who cares what folks think at a open tracker forum/blog. Members in the know, will already know what’s up and know how to find info @ Reddit. No need to make yourselves looking like a bunch of bickering children with the back and fourth.
    3.) Forums, ugh, for the love of GOD do something with them.

  70. Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2017 8:40 am

    getting stuck in a loop: “Error Either The Username/eMail is already in use or you missed a field. Make sure password is also min 8 characters!” i mean, i’ve done this “signup” thing before on a gazillion other sites. should i just try random-letters everything? lol

  71. Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2017 9:58 am

    502 bad gateway and :

    getting stuck in a loop: “Error Either The Username/eMail is already in use or you missed a field.

  72. Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2017 12:19 pm

    Sign-up button doesn’t work

    • Reply ScroogeHD Sep 22,2017 1:42 pm

      It’s closed for the moment, please try again in a few hours.

      • Reply Anonymous Feb 13,2018 11:21 pm

        Not worth the effort . their hit and run policy generates warnings as soon as you switch the computer off. had my computer in for tepair for 4 days . i had excellent ratios etc . a 4 day repair got me banned outright with no way of contacting mods

  73. Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2017 9:54 pm

    open work

  74. Reply ScroogeHD Sep 23,2017 12:21 am

    Signups are fully functional again. Get in now.

  75. Reply Anonymous Sep 23,2017 1:29 pm

    Good site, lots of HD Content (No SD) not too hard to maintain ratio, there’s a bonus system, though its under development. Overall it’s really good, probably my #1 tracker atm.

  76. Reply Anonymous Sep 23,2017 4:50 pm

    Site is pretty much broken right now. Nothing works, can’t seed, etc

    • Reply ScroogeHD Sep 24,2017 8:53 am

      We can help you if you join the Discord support channel. There obviously an issue with your specific account.

  77. Reply Anonymous Sep 23,2017 7:58 pm

    The Password Recover functions doesn’t work again.

    I receive the email, change the password, log in the site, but when I logout and try to login again the site doesn’t recognize the password. Please fix it.

    • Reply ScroogeHD Sep 24,2017 8:53 am

      We can help you if you join the Discord support channel.

      • Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 5:42 pm

        I have been banned after being away for a few days and not noticing my seed box automatically stopped some seeds. Everything I read on how to get help instruct you to join the Discord support channel. That said I can not find the name of that channel anywhere!

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 24,2017 9:58 am

      that doesn’t even make sense.

      “I receive the email, change the password, log in the site, but when I logout and try to login again the site doesn’t recognize the password. Please fix it.”

      so you receive email. change password, login using new pass. <——-sounds like its working.

      • Reply Anonymous Sep 24,2017 3:17 pm

        What? The password reset function does send the email, but the new password I choose isn’t recognized by the site. Whats so hard to understand about this? I log in just once with the new pass, but if I logout and login again, it won’t work.

  78. Reply Anonymous Sep 24,2017 1:12 pm

    In the last week, I have signed up with 7 or more private trackers.

    Registered about a day ago and really like it so far.

    I am happy with this and AR.

    Basically, the site is pretty cool looking, the majority of the torrents I wanted had seeds.

  79. Reply Anonymous Sep 24,2017 9:08 pm

    open registration!!!

  80. Reply Anonymous Sep 25,2017 9:06 am

    too little time open

  81. Reply Anonymous Sep 26,2017 10:34 pm

    someone please tell me what codebase this site is running. its beautiful

  82. Reply Anonymous Sep 29,2017 6:47 am

    1. Retarded Staff.
    2. The coder is good, but his head couldn’t be further up his ass.
    3. Complete rip-off of AvistaZ/PrivateHD
    4. Tons of bugs

  83. Reply Anonymous Oct 9,2017 1:43 am

    dcs, can you open sign up soon plz

  84. Reply Anonymous Nov 22,2017 8:09 am

    would love to sign up and help this awesome site

  85. Reply Anonymous Nov 29,2017 8:44 am

    Can’t wait for the next open singup as i was on blu-torrents and blurg too before it went down =( Does anybody maybe got an invite for me? Really would appreciate it. Can contribute a lot with very nice speeds. Feel free to contact me for more informations.


  86. Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 1:57 pm

    Looks awesome but whenever trying to sign up or forget password I get “Whoops, looks like something went wrong.”

  87. Reply Bloody Dec 30,2017 2:21 pm

    Interface is horse shit

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 2:22 pm

      Any idea why I keep getting ‘whoops looks like something went wrong’

      or a message saying the username or email address is in use or my password is too short?

      ive tried all sorts of combinations

  88. Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 2:22 pm

    Any idea why I keep getting ‘whoops looks like something went wrong’

    or a message saying the username or email address is in use or my password is too short?

    ive tried all sorts of combinations

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 2:29 pm

      same for me. help

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 3:24 pm

      Same here.

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 8:18 pm

      Signup justed worked for me. I used a protonmail address. But I don’t think the password reset function is working yet. Why not just sign up again with a different email?

      When signing in, make sure you use the correct username and password. Don’t make the mistake of accidentally trying to use your email address as your username like I did :P

      Nice tracker actually :)

  89. Reply Malayali Chekkan xD Dec 30,2017 9:54 pm

    Their Email Service Provider Is Overloaded .. log in doesnt work

  90. Reply Anonymous Dec 30,2017 11:10 pm

    That’s 3-day-buffer rule is retarded.

  91. Reply Anonymous Dec 31,2017 1:31 am

    This is one of the coolest torrent site I ever see.It will be best soon for more content..

  92. Reply Anonymous Dec 31,2017 2:12 am

    sign up so broken

  93. Reply Blutopa Is Shitty Dec 31,2017 10:30 am

    Beware of this cancerous tracker. they rape little boys and girls in their cellar.

  94. Reply branfont Dec 31,2017 10:31 am

    Bad gateway, won’t allow signups because it errors out…!

  95. Reply Admins or Pedophiles? Dec 31,2017 3:21 pm

    Admins admit to raping children and selling CP. I’d stay away.

  96. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2018 3:57 am

    This tracker is a looker. An unrivaled UI. I say sign up and be there before it locks it’s doors in the future because this site is going places.
    Don’t listen to the butthurt staff of rivaling trackers it’s the american way to badmouth competition.

  97. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2018 3:58 am

    Say something about server overload.

  98. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2018 4:02 am

    Hope the site server gets fixed soon before they close.

  99. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2018 7:42 am

    WTF IT’S CLOSED ALREADY !!! They must be kiddin …

  100. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2018 12:12 pm

    Shitty tracker with a lot of dead torrents.

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 5,2018 3:34 am

      This is True. I think it has to do with their nazi like rules with too many exclamation points! and don’ts! And idiot founding members who piss off the new people with suggestions.

  101. Reply Ahsoka Jr Jan 1,2018 1:27 pm

    Ask for reseed then. This tracker looks great.

  102. Reply Anonymous Jan 2,2018 5:36 pm

    If you couldn’t sign up properly during the open sign up.
    Try to click forgot password and put the email you tried to sign up with.
    Worked for me.

  103. Reply Anonymous Jan 4,2018 2:39 am

    Pitty the sign up has now closed.

  104. Reply MEMCO Jan 16,2018 12:24 am

    Thanks a lot!
    I’m registed on this website.

  105. Reply Nikki Jan 24,2018 5:40 pm

    Site is awfull . If you switch your computer off at night .it generates an entire swarm of hit and run warings every hour it seems . Don’t they realise people switch things off . ? I was banned after uploading over 50 gbs and whilst seeding 7 torrents (due to this idiotic rule ) Unlike other sites you can’t buy GBs if you live in a part of the world with throttled net speeds ( like NZ) .although it has some great content and is well designed it’s next to impossible to upload enough or switch you computer off. Avoid like the plague

  106. Reply Anonymous Jan 28,2018 3:50 pm

    Buggy site layout/script, staff seem to think there in charge of something real and substantial…lol it’s a crappy HD tracker (“Staffers @ Blu whatever”) lastly, no exclusive content. Why bother, IPT, HDT, PHD shit even HD Space is better then this shit hole! If you want Complete Untouched BluRay well then MT & CHD might be an option.


  107. Reply Anonymous Feb 8,2018 6:42 am

    Can’t wait for the next open singup

  108. Reply Anonymous Feb 13,2018 3:20 am

    Insane logic on this site . go away for a few days and you are automaticly bamned ! ( they appear to want you to get their permission before going on holiday ! ) dont they understand cookies ? i regret seeding over 150 gb of daTA i PAID FOR to them only to come back to discover i had been banned for taking a few days out of town !!!! lets face it if a flood or tornado knows your power out for over 3 days you WILL get banned with no way to chat to the mods …
    100 % idiotic and flawed tracker due to this .

  109. Reply Blutopian Feb 24,2018 2:26 am

    Why the site is off? Did I miss any anounce? Maintenance or Overload or…?

  110. Reply Anonymous Mar 18,2018 7:38 am

    great site

  111. Reply Anonymous Mar 28,2018 2:59 pm

    When does it open again?

  112. Reply Anonymous Apr 14,2018 11:16 pm

    Was gone for a few days with my computer turned off. I don’t have a seedbox. Good ratio. Came back to find that I was banned.

    Looks like you’ll either need a seedbox or you’ll need to keep your computer on for this one.

    • Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2018 9:04 am

      With less than the required seedtime, there is a grace period of 3 sequential days to be disconnected. – This guy is a retard

  113. Reply qlex Apr 21,2018 6:40 pm

    I can’t receive confirmation email (rubooks at g mail dot com). Please help me!

  114. Reply Anonymous Apr 27,2018 7:58 am

    When does this site open for registration.

  115. Reply Anonymous Jun 16,2018 3:17 am

    Cannot sign up

  116. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2018 7:45 am

    Open registration activated!
    2 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes, 5 seconds

  117. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2018 9:00 am


  118. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2018 9:23 am

    Web 2.0 was a mistake… the site looks like garbage and requires a ton of third-party services to function. The latter is going to be the downfall of this tracker.

  119. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2018 11:34 am

    third-party services? such as?

  120. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2018 2:23 pm

    thanks Looks nice

  121. Reply Anonymous Jul 1,2018 5:07 pm

    I signed up with a Protonmail email, but i havent received the confirmation email while others of my friends have.

    Any place where i could get help ?

  122. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2018 2:42 am

    In your spam folder ;)

  123. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2018 9:42 am


  124. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2018 2:11 pm

    yeah just tried :(

  125. Reply Taselianus Jul 2,2018 2:24 pm

    Closed open registration !

  126. Reply Anonymous Jul 3,2018 2:24 am

    Reg. Closed Now….

  127. Reply John_Jason_Jordan Jul 5,2018 9:09 pm

    Site says sign-ups are open. I have six years uploading at CinemaZ, so I thought I’d try out Blutopia. It won’t take my registration, but no specific error messages, so I don’t know what’s wrong.
    I see references here to Discord. I have a Discord account, but I’m not very familiar with it, so I don’t know how to get to Blutopia’s channel/location.

  128. Reply Anonymous Jul 5,2018 10:17 pm

    OP is just really slow. Blutopia has been closed for like 5 days now. Thats why it says, “Whoops!
    Open Reg Closed! You Must Be Invited To Register! You Have Been Redirected To Login Page!” when you access the registration URL.

  129. Reply endofsparky Jul 6,2018 2:39 pm

    just tried signing up and it now giving “invalid signup code”

    appears to be closed :)

  130. Reply Anonymous Jul 16,2018 4:45 am

    Invaild sign up

  131. Reply Anonymous Jul 19,2018 4:23 am

    Sign-ups seem to be closed, you should update this.

  132. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2018 10:10 am

    Invalid Key

  133. Reply João Aug 24,2018 10:29 am

    It’s Closed

  134. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2018 12:01 pm

    Yep its closed

  135. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2018 12:24 pm

    Invalid Key! :(

  136. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2018 2:17 pm

    Invalid key, both PC and mobile (different Ips) default browser profile, no addons no ad-blockers or script-blockers soo… ?

  137. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2018 8:14 pm

    it was never open…..

  138. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2018 9:57 pm

    same bullshit as the Redtopia sign up,invalid or expired invite key…WTF?

  139. Reply Anonymous Aug 25,2018 9:27 am

    Just confirm with staff. Was never open to start with….

  140. Reply Anonymous Aug 29,2018 5:39 am

    OP you post sign up news more like a day later wtf

  141. Reply Anonymous Jan 28,2019 11:19 pm

    “Proof Image” what it means i don’t get it can someone help me with that?

  142. Reply Anonymous Jan 29,2019 1:16 am

    Stupid site with outrageous rules and registration requirements. You can find everything they upload on other sites.

  143. Reply Anonymous Jan 29,2019 5:29 am

    Great site….glad I got a application in.

  144. Reply Anonymous Jan 29,2019 5:32 am

    What’s the profil link URL ? Thank you

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 29,2019 5:48 am

      Proof Image URL = Screenshot of profile or ratio with visible username
      Profile Link URL = Obviously link to tracker profile

  145. Reply Anonymous Jan 29,2019 4:49 pm

    Images look like its a well designed site, but how is the community? Friendly and Active?

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 31,2019 10:11 pm

      It’s a friendly place, never had problem with anyone there. It’s really easy to keep a good ratio with the seeding reward and they’re really dedicated to the request section.

    • Reply Anonymous Feb 4,2019 11:01 am

      Probably the most chill staff around. Chat is always full of banter.

  146. Reply Anonymous Jan 30,2019 10:05 am

    Great tracker lots of quality content never had any hussle.
    Easy to keep ratio with bonuspoint system.

  147. Reply Anonymous Jan 30,2019 10:49 am

    got application approved but those big files! gotta upgrade my internet.

  148. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2019 1:21 am

    not bad stuff. but worthless imo, if you’re in any chinese tracker.

  149. Reply Anonymous Feb 5,2019 8:48 am


  150. Reply Anonymous Feb 15,2019 12:47 pm

    PrivateHD registration application is open :

  151. Reply Anonymous Feb 24,2019 1:05 am

    I filled in an application in the past was declined (I think application period had closed as the reason was blank.). Am I able to reapply? I’ve tried during open signups but it says my email is taken

  152. Reply Anonymous Mar 7,2019 2:03 am

    no longer open atleast neither of the links that i clicked worked

  153. Reply Anonymous Mar 31,2019 6:50 am

    Site is shit. Had over 1 TB upload but banned me for not seeding a torrent that was STILL DOWNLOADING. Contacted support and all they said was too bad.

    • Reply Anonymous May 15,2019 11:20 pm

      Except reading their rules shows you don’t get banned for 1 HnR. Anon shit talking doesn’t change the fact that you got booted for a reason.

  154. Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2019 1:32 pm

    What do they want for appilcation. What does it want for “proof image” proof of what?
    And “profile url”? does it want private trackers, or public social media.

  155. Reply Anonymous Apr 6,2019 7:52 pm

    I am a member but unable to get on any longer, don’t know if it’s still working at all???

  156. Reply Anonymous Apr 24,2019 10:01 am

    Hi boys

  157. Reply Anonymous May 11,2019 1:07 pm

    unit3d script

  158. Reply Anonymous May 11,2019 6:16 pm

    Application Signups Open

  159. Reply Anonymous May 14,2019 1:47 am

    what do you have to input into the url and profile bits?

  160. Reply Anonymous May 14,2019 1:11 pm

    Best looking torrent site i’ve seen. The site is slow sometimes, but it is very pretty, it looks like ratio is no problem since global free leech and double uploads are very common and buying uploads is easy. I’d say get in if you’re new to private trackers. 1 thing to note though, you might need to keep your pc open sometimes after you just downloaded a new torrent, or use a seedbox. Just grab one for 5$ a month and it will be enough unless you plan on downloading 500 gb+ torrents every week.

    • Reply Anonymous May 15,2019 11:29 pm

      If you have a good internet connection, a VPN and an old PC or spare parts just build a box that seeds and sits in a closet or the attic. Setup remote connection to manage seeds. Free seedbox.

  161. Reply Anonymous May 14,2019 9:47 pm

    If I’m new to the game what I need to proof?

  162. Reply Anonymous May 15,2019 12:46 am

    Blutopia sucks!

  163. Reply Anonymous May 15,2019 3:55 pm

    another good tracker is

    upgrading their site but looking good….

  164. Reply Anonymous May 16,2019 5:32 am

    Does this open without filling out a fourm.

  165. Reply Anonymous May 17,2019 6:14 am

    Is it hard to join what are the minimum requirements.

  166. Reply Anonymous May 19,2019 7:05 pm

    Great tracker especially if you want raw blu-rays. I’m surprised they still do open signups occasionally.

  167. Reply jonan May 20,2019 7:53 am

    Se Film Gratis På Nettet Med Danske Undertekster:

  168. Reply mortan Jun 15,2019 7:23 am

    HD Nordic Subtitles Movies 1080p Blu-ray Full Download – Pc Games …

  169. Reply Anonymous Jun 30,2019 8:24 am

    Application Signups are being accepted

  170. Reply Temp1337 Jul 5,2019 5:09 am

    Heard a lot about it. What are the minimum requirements?

  171. Reply Anonymous Sep 9,2019 8:03 am

    Application Signups are being accepted again….

  172. Reply Anonymous Sep 24,2019 3:55 am

    Does this ever open without application?

  173. Reply Anonymous Nov 12,2019 4:37 am

    When will this open without application?

  174. Reply Anonymous Nov 20,2019 6:40 am

    never as far as im aware.

  175. Reply Anonymous Jan 1,2020 6:05 pm

    Application Signups are being accepted again

  176. Reply Anonymous Jan 12,2020 2:26 am


    tracker has been down for days with little sign of recovery

  177. Reply Anonymous Jan 24,2020 11:53 am

    not open

  178. Reply Anonymous Jan 25,2020 4:02 am

    Big lie ! Not open at all !

  179. Reply Anonymous Jan 30,2020 8:42 pm

    They just kicked me out of being a member and I have no idea why, nor can I even ask why. I hardly used it anyways as the content usually sucked and was behind many other sites for releases. Anytime I downloaded something from this site, I always seeded, but I never made my own torrents to upload, that’s not my thing. I think they changed the rules so that now you have to create torrents as well. idk.

  180. Reply Anonymous Feb 1,2020 5:29 pm

    lol … applications should only be for prestigious sites. Um, this ain’t one of them … FAIL!

  181. Reply Anonymous Feb 27,2020 1:32 am

    Terrible site

  182. Reply Sadlittlebunny Mar 6,2020 9:57 am

    :( got banned internet ISP cut off had find new provider took 2 weeks ran all current torrents got message Error: You are no longer welcome here :(

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2020 11:13 am

      Try the discord, you’d likely get the account back, staff there is honestly one of the nicest. That is if you are nice to them as well, otherwise they will be mean too.

    • Reply Anonymous Feb 27,2021 10:19 pm

      blutopia has many torrents.

  183. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2020 10:23 am

    Is it like Private HD I am on that site.

  184. Reply Anonymous Jul 18,2020 5:33 am

    my favorite tracker with amazing HD releases and speed.

    i wish they would send email notifications when hit and run warnings are active. i don’t check the site or my torrent client every day so when my client went down for a few days i only noticed something is wrong once i got the ‘you’re banned mail’ :'(

    is there any chance to get back in?

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2020 11:12 am

      yes go to their discord, staff handles everything on a case by case basis. I’ve seen very few not get back in, but most probably don’t try. The HnR system may be more strict, but honestly if 7 days is too long a PT isn’t for you, sure if you uploaded a ton on that specific torrent I’d understand wanting to stop it and staff can actually work with you on that…

    • Reply Anonymous Feb 27,2021 10:16 pm

      follow site rules.

  185. Reply Anonymous Aug 19,2020 8:33 pm

    theres no change of getting back on . they have the worst hit and run system possible …due to a huhurricane my power was off for 3 full days as was my whole town … instant ban along with my friend who also had there power off .
    no respone no replys apart from there @youre not welcome here @ email …also dont get sick or end up in hospital for a few says . if you are not logge din and seeding 24/7 you are gone ( and their ratios are over the top )

    avoid like Covid 19

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2020 11:08 am

      Have you tried the discord, staff there is one of the best in terms of second chances/understanding situations. If you did and got messages in response saying “you’re not welcome here” you didn’t get banned for the power outage.

    • Reply Anonymous Feb 27,2021 10:13 pm

      users who are interested may sign up.

  186. Reply Anonymous Dec 8,2020 1:39 pm

    Anyone have their discord/irc?

  187. Reply Anonymous Dec 15,2020 2:40 pm

    This is supposed to be there discord:

    But I cant get it to work.

  188. Reply Anonymous Feb 24,2021 9:30 pm

    join BLU, BHD and UHDBits

  189. Reply Anonymous Mar 23,2021 12:34 pm


  190. Reply Anonymous Mar 30,2021 7:15 am get your tail in their open sign ups private tracker pretty awesome place hurry up

  191. Reply clive1199 Apr 4,2021 10:32 am

    hope someone can help me been ill with the covid came back to the site to finded been banned no one tells me why just banned what the fook have i done to the members could some one please tell me what i did wrong

  192. Reply Anonymous Apr 4,2021 2:24 pm

    BLU SUCKS much better site out there

  193. Reply aofelix Apr 15,2021 1:43 pm

    Hi, can someone please help me with the link to blutopia discord?

  194. Reply Anonymous Apr 16,2021 12:03 pm

    Can someone put the link to Blutopia discord channel , please?

  195. Reply Anonymous Apr 16,2021 5:31 pm

    wow hard turn down but ill stick with

    excellent there come check it out…..

  196. Reply Damn Proud Boys May 14,2021 7:06 am

    heil blutopia

  197. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2021 4:17 pm

    can not sign up,so pity!

  198. Reply WelleTy Dec 14,2021 11:54 am

    can’t register can help discord

  199. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2023 11:56 am

    loads cheap sites add me on discord scott1390

  200. Reply Anonymous Aug 2,2023 2:09 am

    please open applications for some of us :(

  201. Reply Anonymous Aug 6,2023 2:15 am

    Submitted an application with impressive stats but did not get an email :(

  202. Reply Anonymous Aug 7,2023 12:34 am

    How to get in if you are new to the game?

  203. Reply Anonymous Aug 7,2023 3:43 am

    Application submitted with 5 sites as proof (very exclusive) with TBs of upload.
    Not even a confirmation email that they received it.

    Feels like a low quality tracker trying to be exclusive.

    • Reply Anonymous Aug 7,2023 8:40 am

      just wait.
      1. they are waiting for more people to send applications and after some time they will contact the best of “applicators”.
      2. maybe there are pirates with much better stats than you, so they won’t contact you.

  204. Reply Anonymous Aug 7,2023 10:21 pm

    Not worth all the trouble , Blutopia is very very overrated. Site like IPT ,TD,TL,FL are far superior.

  205. Reply Anonymous Aug 8,2023 3:30 am

    Site is pretty terrible… Feels like a junk site.

  206. Reply not required Aug 8,2023 4:14 am

    Another knock against Blutopia – let them stay closed.

  207. Reply Anonymous Aug 8,2023 12:00 pm

    blutopia is good for rare stuff and loser fan edits not much else. having to do an application for it is stoopid

  208. Reply Anonymous Aug 9,2023 9:41 am


  209. Reply Anonymous Aug 11,2023 3:02 pm

    still haven’t gotten my email
    this tracker and signing up to it seems like a lost cause

  210. Reply BetoSatoshi Aug 11,2023 8:11 pm

    I used GMAIL and got no response till today…
    Someone else ???
    It looks like Unit3d is blocking GMAIL…

  211. Reply Anonymous Aug 12,2023 8:13 am

    can someone share their irc adress?

  212. Reply Anonymous Aug 15,2023 8:11 pm

    Don’t waste your time, this site is total crap. There’s like an average of 10 seeders because it just recycles and steals from other p2p sites. Hope my account closes.

  213. Reply Anonymous Aug 21,2023 3:05 pm

    I received approval two weeks after sending in my application with two accounts to other private trackers and an amount of nearly 20TiB upload and ratio of 20x. Not sure why other folks are so grumpy. It’s free content, so why all the complaining?

  214. Reply Anonymous Sep 20,2023 2:10 am

    is it down or is it just me?

  215. Reply Anonymous Sep 20,2023 4:51 am

    i get a 403 Forbidden message when i try to reach the site, is that happening to anyone else?

  216. Reply Anonymous Sep 21,2023 8:42 pm

    Not just you, I am also been getting 403 Forbidden message, and now getting User Hit and Run Pre Warnings. Fingers crossed!

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 21,2023 10:46 pm

      No worries, i contacted blutopia staff through another site and they told me they are going to fix it.Also, everyone is getting hit and run warnings and we should not take them under consideration.

  217. Reply Anonymous Sep 22,2023 11:50 pm

    Thé site is down now?
    Or It is just me Who is gettino thé 503 error?

  218. Reply jt Oct 25,2023 5:26 pm

    Been using for 3+ years. Amazing quality. If you have an oled TV or something with great picture, id recommend.

  219. Reply ap Nov 14,2023 3:46 am

    I’ve tried for a year and it was amazing. Sadly my seedbox broke and I didn’t have money/time to replace it. Now I’m locked out

  220. Reply Anonymous Dec 1,2023 5:11 pm

    why there is no answer since i applied last week

  221. Reply Anonymous Dec 27,2023 1:50 pm

    Is anyone currently (28/12/23) having problems with Blutopia? I tried to access their site, but it won’t load up properly.

  222. Reply Anonymous Jul 15,2024 9:40 am

    Stoopid rules, dont any of these admins realize you can get their content anywhere else, and a lot easier

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