TV Chaos UK (TVCUK) is a Private Torrent Tracker for UK TV
TV Chaos UK was the sister-site of TV-Scene
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This signup has closed!
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This tracker has a number of hard to find TV shows of the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and although dedicated to UK TV now has a number of quality European mainland drama shows as well.
Their internal rips of current TV shows are mostly of low quality — low resolution sometimes only half that of SD and not great bit rates even for HD rips.
So it is not suprising that for TV documentaries on this private tracker, significantly better quality rips from MVGroup are available on public trackers.
down ?
Back up
Signup is open again
is the best
About to join. Could you tell me if the site has the classic mystery sci-fi Out of the Unknown?
This is a free download site right?
Design is directly from hell!
Agree on design, i absolutely hate TS Tracker… always have always will.
As far as comment 1 goes, same thing as it was on
UK TV & any UK rips for that matter are usually incredible bad quality, and squeezed with 1 click tools to the lowest possible size.
The rare factor of the content on this tracker does however somewhat weigh up the low quality rips, all in all it is a decent tracker to those seeking an alternative to after it’s public closure.
So Mutley57 you broke the rules. Never mention …
Good for free to air TV, No sky rips at all due to copyright.
tvchaosuk has been inaccessible for a day or two. the message on the screen suggests that they’re working on an upgrade — but i was wondering if they had experienced (ahem) a different kind of problem. anyone have any information?
It’s completely gone now!! Hope it’s back soon
Seems to be up but when I signed in it locked me out accusing me of being a cheat and banning my ip! Have they lost their log files or something?
I can’t sign in at all now. And when I tried to recover my password it told me my email address isn’t found. :(
My ip also banned!
I cant get back into chaos.wont let me login. what is wrong
is this an April fools day joke? everybody seems to be having the same problem with the site. Asks for your password then tells you it’s incorrect, asks for your e-mail address and tells you that’s incorrect and bans you for fraudulent data!
Thanks for this info, very helpful, now I’m assured
Read their Facebook page (link above) – they have changed servers and are down for a bit. The IP bans should be removed one everything is up and running so don’t bother to keep trying to log in until they post a notification on FB.
Still cant get back in.Tried everything. Im not on facebook,what can i do.
Up Now
It’s saying I need an invite code, does this mean it’s closed again?
I think this site is run by little Hitlers. Stupid automated warnings for seeding which don’t allow long enough between download and seeding before a warning is sent.
These fuckers think they own the world and love to ban people. even there pretentious heading of Sign ups have closed better luck next time should highlight the type of little pricks that run this site.
obviously you couldn’t make the grade then lol
Someone told me this site you can use the same login details as thebox ? Tried that it didn’t work and when I tried to signup my box username was available and of course no referral. Am I getting it wrong I used to be a power user so would love to use my account again.
Is it cartoonchaos’s sister site?
“Someone told me this site you can use the same login details as thebox ?”
Do not believe in everything “someone” tells you nor engage in wishful thinking that you are going to get Power User status transferred from one site to a completely different site.
TVChaosUK is not run by the same people as the people who run the BZ sites (one of which was The Box which became ZXCV) so how do you expect TVChaosUK to have your account details?
You will need to sign up and then will have to earn a status higher than “user”. But with the bonus system used for seeding long term, you will earn points to gradually increase your upload level. This bonus system is why TVChaosUK is so much better than the The Box which had no bonus system and where it was very difficult to actually upload very much at all because torrents were dominated by a few people with fast seedboxes.
Tried to sign up but it says I need an invite code.
Where or how do I obtain one from please ?
Please let me know how I can obtain an invite code ? Thank you.
To those asking for invite codes: It doesn’t help your cause if you give your first name only, with absolutely no way of contacting you with an invite code.
Hi JC, how can I obtain an invite code?
Good afternoon everyone, It looks like sign up is closed for tvchaosuk (its requesting an invite code and won’t proceed without it) Does anyone know where to get an invite code from? Thanks :-)
Open signup for a limited time :)
Just signed up, thanks
Please open sign ups again
fuck your site for deleting my reply asking for invite code
Not open for signups needs code!
Needs invite code still when supposed to be open sign ups !!!!
Why is the site flagged as malicious website by Malwarebytes.
Also, I just cannot continue seeding my torrents because it says “an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions”
This happened suddenly today
Can someone help?
I’m a long term user of TV Chaos and am getting Malwarebytes warnings at this time. The site has been down for the last 3 days or so as they are switching to new “more secure” servers.
Looks like TVC is out, anybody got any idea what happened ?
Anyone knows what has happened? Where is it??
Working perfectly as at 16.30 (UTC +11) 22/10/2015
Hello everyone,
Is there a chance to obtain an invite code somehow ?
TvChaos seems to be the last resource of obtaining
several rare UK TV shows… since TheBox is long gone… :(
It says I need a code to sign up :(
It looks that way. Seems to have disapeared completely.
Still down here….. this is not good.
Still down!!
absolutely famous tracker, just brilliant. I find all my uk needs and more!
site is down just joined sad
I’m just a user on this site, but I’ve noticed before that when they open signup they get flooded and there’s a problem with connections. I’d suggest being patient and trying again later.
Site back up, need an invite code to join! What a crock
29th Dec 2015 and site still down for me… is it working for anybody at the moment. Missing Coronation Street!
The team are doing their best to get the site back, some idiots just like to spoil things
I am avin the same probles as well cor get on 2 tv chaos been tryin since yesterday
I am hoping that the site is still down and that the problem isnt my computer? i will keep trying, though please let me know if it is me!!
Cannot Sign Up (for days now), and now the top-of-page says that Sign-Ups are now Closed. . .tried everyday this has been said to be “Open”, and never could Logon/Get-to-Page to even attempt a New Register. . .says something about using a Proxy. . .and that is not allowed ? Oh, well, will have to try again in the Future !
Signups open – site down – site comes back up and an invite code is needed to join – signups are closed
Was it all an elaborate joke?
What a load of shit
i mean it says i need an invite code.what is it and how do i get it
Anyone know a way I can get an invite code?
Down or shut Down!?
another mushroom . shut down !
From what I can gether and to alleviate confusion this site is by invite only meaning only someone who is a memebr can invite you to join – this is checked and I guess an invite code is sent to activate the account. On occassion the site has an open day where anyone can join without an invite from a member. The last one was December 2015 , when this will happen again is unknown as there is no seasonal structure to when it is free to join and it is a question of just checking regularly and seeing when it is an open invite.
Open sign-up guys … Just for a few days
need a code again :S :(
Permission denied!. This could be because of one of the following reasons:
Your account has either been suspended OR
You do not have permission to access this page.
Feel free to contact us. Remember to include your username.
Welcome back, 1onu1
I have not received any mail
Would love to know how to obtain a TVChaosUK invitation code. I was a TheBox user for years.
Many thanks.
how do we get the invite code? i would love to source UK stuff!
my question gets deleted. why cant anyone just sign up to this ? what is the reason ? uknova was never like that
Hi, I am wondering how to get an invite code? Thanks…
How do i get an invite code?
How do i get an invite code?
as above
How do i get an invite code?
Will the site open up limited time open sign up again?
I have a question why I can no longer register on your site very sorry for everything I did I will no longer be inattentive
I’ll be very careful on your side to enable me back approach and let me activate back a nice nice space
This is the best site for getting British TV
I agree
its been down fro 20hrs now
still down 1500hrs GMT
Still down.
Still down. Anyone know if it is returning?
Nothing on their Facebook page or twitter account. Not good.
I hope it’s not a permanent thing! Any news?
What UK TV/radio site is left?
Can’t find anything anywhere on the web.
tracker just came back
oops, no it did not
TV chaos is the last site I have for UK TV. Gutted if we lost it. Where else is there?
Just another lost soul looking for info on what has happened!
Same here off line over 30 hours now for as far as I cam tell
I had access Thursday evening then it went down. No warning that I can remember seeing.
I hope it comes back up
It’s disturbing that the managers of it have not said anything.
Another side effect of Brexit.
Be nice to know what’s happening
OK starting to get really worried now. Where are you tvuk?
“OK starting to get really worried now.” Yes I think everyone is
I agree. Looking bad.
There’s this comment on Reddit…
Surely the site has a backup somewhere else, for exactly this scenario?
I hope the shutdown isn’t connected with this:
the fact is TVCUK was closed by the fuc.king feds. DMCA copyright for the tracker content.
fuc.k you US
…and somebody is in the feds custody. And probaly she will be a model for Federal Prison.
Based on what information do you ma\ke this claim
I hope this site comes back but it’s looking more unlikely the longer it’s down. Wish there was concrete confirmation of the status. Anywhere else available for UK TV, first The Box went then ZXCV and now looks like TVCUK, hope I’m wrong.
So this last bit of news, about getting closed is that a fact or what you think is happening g?
There is fresh info on their FB page. Problems with their Data Centre but no time frame.
Nothing has been posted on FB, since 2015.
There are quite a few cappers and admin people at tvchaos you’d think that one of them would post something.
the timing of the German raid certainly lines up with the time the site went down.
well let’s read a book ?!?!!?
HTTP error 522 in Utorrent if you want to open anything from the tracker h ttps:// gur.c om/uw g (delete the space)
The jpeg you posted shows the tracker is down with a 522 error and no seeds. Not sure your point??
A torrent is not red when are seeds( or no seeds at all) to seed that shiet. Is fucking blue. The TVCUK is down for good. Maybe you want to try this trick. At search type this: here just hit enter
sorry, bit of a novice, what those that web address allow you do access?
A comment on another forum from yesterday said “Downtime due to server issues” but I don’t know if the person who made the comment was a TVChaosUK admin or mod.
Someone named Paul Castle also left 2 comments on the most recent post from TVCHaosUK’s Facebook (the post was from 3 years ago but the comments were from today). He said “Staff tell me that there are problems at the Datacentre, which they are working on. They don’t have a time frame as yet” and “Yes would have been helpful if staff had put a new post here (or on twitter) or even a ‘holding page’ on their website. Remember though that they are all volunteers, so lets be thankful that it sounds as though it should be back in due course”. I have no idea who that person is, though, or where they were getting their information.
According to their IRC channel (see link at the top of this page), the server is down with no ETA for it coming back online.
was the IRC up to date or old postings like we see of Facebook and Twitter?
until TV chaos uk comes back on try it has a lot of the english shows.
How do you join?
You sign in at and then register. You can donate if you wish to.
I cant leave a response
From their FB page, just updated:
“Hello everyone! As you all know the site is down. At this stage we can’t say for sure how long it will be before we can get up and running again as we will need to move to a new home,, but rest assured that everything possible is being done and we will be back better and stronger than ever as soon as humanly possible..”
Thx anonymous. Just seen that. Let’s hope for the best !
Just donated to them (again) as they are worth it. !
try 4thDimension meanwhile, great little all round site
yeah ok for a bridge gap site
find them here
a good bridge site for tv is
eztv banned in many countries…
strange login page on there now – which doesnt seem to like my old tchaos login…
same here not letting me log in at moment
I this the new tracker page? or is a fake one
Yeh i think so too in which case they have my login details….. :(
ah its just said this –
“Attention! We are activly working on migrating to a new codebase. Please refarin from trying to login/signup until this meesage is gone.”
Great, they’re coming back!
who cares found a great new site
Which is? I call bullshit otherwise you would have named the site.
Looks like we are going to have to shut down for good, because of court ruling.
You are obviously a fake as the Facebook page is telling the correct status. So grow up and fuck off, twat.
This is very sad. You have all done such a great job over the years for which I and I am sure all the users are very grateful. Yours ever raymondo6 x
Tvchaos Facebook – 4Hrs ago:
“Work is going well with the rebuild. I had hoped that we might have had good news for you by the end of the weekend, but if a job is worth doing then it is worth doing well (and this is a huge job). We are installing a completely different script (the bare bones of the site) and so there is a lot to do in order to optimise and improve it for your pleasure. Please bear with us…I will be back in a couple of days with a more concrete update. Please don’t keep trying to log in…your accounts have not yet been added!
Have a great weekend folks!”
If you’re still around, I do not know my old email I used when I signed up. I went on FB and tried to send a message. But you can’t if you don’t know your original email on TVC. Frustrating!
That’s great news .. thank you
lets hope they drag it into the 21st century now maybe a new build means not so shite looking
I love it how it was and I wouldn’t care how it looked. Best site ever!
i agree tired looking site, needs an upgrade
New build, new improved, recipe for over complication of simple operation. Keep it roughly as it is and get it back up pronto please.
does anyone know ???? What year did TVCUK launch? I only created a tracker account in 2014
I wish to be free to create the tracker account. Fuck you neo1024.
me too anon found a great site wonder if its the same, for my purposes its all i need now, if chaos doesnt come back then too bad
Sid, since when did you become the expert on anything. Keep your uninformed thoughts to yourself – please. Raymondo6
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I have lots of µBlock XPath filters to remove things I’m not interested in, so I hope they will still work. Thanks for a great site, by the way!
is this a scam to get money while down – still not back
sorry TVCHAOS, but it doesn’ work
the email is enter correctly in our data base ( on tvchaos )
but the user name is not recogniosed
Validation Error
{“username”:[“These credentials do not match our records.
”forgot your username ”
”forgot your password ”
it doesn’t work / if I enter the correct email from the account / i still don’t have any email to reset my pw or to see my username
hey anon
Try to follow the TVCUK step by step guide because I enter on the tracker TODAY at 5.33 PM.
1) Your username is not ok YET until you send your good email [ the one from your account] on the tracker. Try to remember your good email from the past.
2) After that your username is activated.
3) I reset my pw too
So is like this after step 1… (delete the space to passpam)
h ttps:// gur.c om/ g
h ttps:// gur.c om/ g
h ttps:// gur.c om/ g
h ttps:// gur.c om/ g
The new tracker: h ttps:// gur.c om/ g
Is not so hard, just follow the tracker guide.
The free reg. was today at 3 PM or something like that. for a short per
same here, entered correct username, still no email
same here correct user name password unable to login
its working now go login
hi same with me still Cant LOGIN . will not take my password or user name or email to reset info
pah I don’t have the e-mail I used way back when anymore
If you don’t have the email you signed up with then you have to private message them on Facebook with your username so they can search for your account. I didn’t have facebook account so had to create one to private message but eventually got back into the site.
Don’t like the new look but will get used to it, glad they are back.
But now, in April, 2024, you can’t even pm them on FB. You must know .your email, which I don’t.
Thanks for the tip, but I’ve been hiding from Zuckerburg for the past 10 years. Seems I will have to learn to create a facebook account anonymously:(
cant get in not bothering got another source now
i got access back into my account and asked a simple question “why did you not keep the original TS torrent website”, but they just banned me instead.
how was that question bad to ask? i upload a lot to that site and had a very good ratio and this is how they treat me
They do seem to be very sensitive souls at TVCUK, I stay away from their forum because of it, they are way too happy on the banning trigger button. I wish they had kept the TS torrent site as well, it was way better than the crappy one they have now but just happy they are back even though it’s in a poorer setup than before.
I don’t understand what has happened. I have used TVchaos for years but haven’t used it for a couple of months. Now it doesn’t recognise my email address and won’t let me sign up. What can I do?
go to a better site
Don’t know what’s gone on here, but steering well clear now.
hey wiliam other sites be glad to have you
Looks like it has gone again, it was working the past few days but today I just keep getting error 502 Bad Gateway.
Anyone else seeing the same?
Down again, getting a 502 Bad Gateway they must be doing some maintenance !
What other sites?
maybe 4thD – using them now was recommended and no complaints so far
I’ve started to use 4th Dimension, A very friendly site with wide range of contents, everyone is friendly, knowledgeable and helpful, Friendliest site I’ve come across
Thanks very much for the recommendation.
Today TV Chaos back on BUT apart from the “free torrents” every other torrent is showing no seeds, therefore nothing will download. Anyone else experiencing this?
fed up with this and really cant be bothered with them, yesterday was the last straw. plenty of other good sites out these just have to find one that suits, i too got to 4thDimension via recommendation and they are the best so far of the smaller trackers and good at finding anything you want – but like i say there are many others
would like to know how you all sign up to 4thDimension as all I ever get is a page with their logo and no way to register
you need to get to the next page, click on log in
thank you, got in
Seems to be up again and all seeds working. Sweet.
they have free sign up till 12 pm too.
anyone still cant get in 4thdimension is open again now
can not log on please help corrie 456
i cant log in either, and i don´t want to create a facebook account which i succesfully avoided until now. username: joerch
Did you ever find a way to log in?
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when will they open again? has anyone heard?
Does this have irish content? like OLD irish?
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