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TorrentLeech (TL)

TorrentLeech (TL) is a Private Torrent Tracker for 0DAY / GENERAL

TorrentLeech is the internal tracker for multiple release groups

TorrentLeech is the sister-site of PussyTorrents

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  1. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2013 6:24 am

    Very bad site. ((((

  2. Reply ka ching Sep 14,2013 3:49 pm

    thank you very much, now we know it …

  3. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2013 10:04 pm

    Worst site ever

  4. Reply Anonymous Sep 15,2013 4:19 am

    this site doesn’t give new users no chance at all, when trying to build a good ratio, there fore i don’t rate this sire its useless, avoid it,,,

  5. Reply ka ching Sep 15,2013 8:54 am

    you people are so fucking stupid,m it is easy to keep good ratio as anew user too, first download very new big file like movie hd then put in your torrent and seed it to tL whitout wasting your download, I builded like this very good ratio, cross seeding is helpful too. Fuck those assholes who said that site is bad, this tracker is actualloy the best in the world, have 200.000 registred user, where other sites have some 1000-5000 users, those sites are bad and pity shit holes. Fuck all people who thinks that tL is bad, fuck em all.

  6. Reply asur Sep 15,2013 11:21 pm

    I have cross seeding and NO luck until now … is clear for me that this site has no interests in new comers. They just want VIP. They will remove this new comers and they will keep the few VIP’s that will pay for this status. It’s marketing bullish.

    • Reply Bobo Bohannon May 27,2014 10:59 pm

      I’ve been there for 8 years now and have never given them a penny. Then again, I know how to torrent ;)

      • Reply Anonymous Jan 18,2015 7:22 am

        been with them for years also, and i got started and past the “time delay” with a crappy 1.5mbit home connection, just gotta grab stuff from elsewhere and seed till you pass the time delay, it’s not that hard.

  7. Reply Anonymous Sep 16,2013 4:12 am

    I got great ratio. you must be doing all things wrong. and the site is very good, you should not be able to be on the internet if your that dumb.

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 17,2013 9:04 am

      Sorry, but apparently YOU’RE too dumb to spell “you’re” correctly…

      • Reply Anonymous Apr 3,2018 3:04 am

        Indeed the site is good but maintaining a good ratio on it is hard af. No Bonus point method, even with good numbers of seed/leech getting upload is hard. Good content but very hard to maintain ratio, so ignore this if you don’t have seedbox.

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2018 3:02 am

      omg another guy thinks torrentllech is all that another dreamer

  8. Reply t2can Sep 16,2013 11:37 am

    fuck this site,registration doesnt want to work

    • Reply Sep 16,2013 3:23 pm

      The promotional code is still active..

      ..make sure it’s correct and you’re following all of the steps

  9. Reply asur Sep 16,2013 12:34 pm

    Mate you are dumber than me if you say that you got good ratio. You sure are a staff member that is looking for MONEY all over the internet. I have cross seeding over 500GB !!!, port is forwarded and I am connectable, I have 100MB upload band and still on all torrents NOT even one seeder will connect to my over 87 torrents that are now in cross seeding on that site. This has something to do with the scripts that running on their tracker.
    SO: this site will let you cross seeding but this wont work at all.
    They do not help the new comers at all.
    They have a WAIT TIME until you as a new comer you can download something.
    They will command you a SeedBox account ( probably their SeedBox system ) – off course to get some MONEY from you.
    Don’t count this site for Pre Times ( they are very poor at pre times )
    They have indeed some PACKS but you have to pay For VIP status to be able to download them – because it is not possible to build a ratio so good that will permit you to download 200GB pack for example.

    SO …sorry for you mate – but I will not use this site :)

    • Reply Bobo Bohannon Sep 24,2013 3:10 pm

      The truth of the matter is that you have to have a fast seedbox on this site, as it is full of members using them. Trying to seed on your slow home connection isn’t going to get you very far. Torrentleech does not have a “SeedBox system” that you are “commanded to use”. You can use ANY seedbox on this site. I’ve been a member for years with an outstanding ratio.

      • Reply Nasuno Feb 19,2014 12:29 pm

        SeedBoxes are cheap anyhow so who cares. Everyone looks at the good ones on the websites that sell them but don’t want to pay that much. But most of the good ones have some really cheap packages that anybody could aford. But the cheap packages work really well. And no I am not associated with one and just saying that.

      • Reply Nasuno Feb 19,2014 12:32 pm

        Plus you get like 20MB/S dl from any file on there tracker, which is nice. Seedbox or no Seedbox. It is awesome.

    • Reply Nasuno Feb 19,2014 4:03 pm

      Also, the delay in downloading for new members is to weed out people like you.

    • Reply Anonymous May 4,2016 4:03 am

      @asur – I got good ratio too and started out of nothing. This isn´t some easy peasy tracker for noobs and amateurs using slow home connections …. first I though it would be tough to get a ratio but when u overcome the beginning, things get more easy.
      As for pre-times – them trackers are all pretty much the same +- 2to5 minutes doesn´t make much of a difference.

      Right now TL beats IPT badly on Groundhod Day Remastered 1080p encode. IPT has still 1 seeder and 20 leechers while TL has already 15 seeders … didn´t check other pre-time trackers but TL definately isn´t slow or bad.
      TL just isn´t suitable for every kiddo with internet. And if u are real about torrenting – seedbox is a must otherwise u´re just leecher who tries to keep up with others … but only tries

      • Reply EugeneFraga Aug 14,2016 9:05 pm

        Amen, Bro. I totally agree. Serious Torrenting demands knowledge AND A SEEDBOX. TL is not for newbies. And it is praiseworthy you changed your first unfavorable opinion.

      • Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2018 3:05 am

        @asur all you torrentleech people keep on smoking your all still sleeping if you think tl is all that its crap………..

    • Reply Anonymous Nov 6,2020 12:28 am

      I subscribed some time ago and don’t use the site much, I’ve got 40GB down and 1.2TB up… Idk what you guys are doing to make it so difficult.

  10. Reply Anonymous Sep 21,2013 7:18 am

    Thank you very much!

  11. Reply murtaza Sep 22,2013 1:26 am

    Thanks a’lot brother…
    Live long and stay safe.

    Be Happy

  12. Reply j03 Sep 26,2013 3:39 pm

    Top 5 tracker FTW. You’re a dumbass if you think otherwise.

  13. Reply Anonymous May 21,2014 11:29 pm

    +1 asur

  14. Reply Anonymous May 22,2014 5:17 am

    no bonus points

    no freeleech

    the fuck is the point of this tracker?

  15. Reply Tom May 22,2014 5:42 am

    Great Tracker definitely in the top 5 General Trackers after IPT and TD.
    Restrictions on new users are tough and are meant to be too weed out the idiots.
    Not easy without a seedbox but can be done with a bit of dedication.
    They tweeted earlier 10,000 new members have already joined so they are keeping open signup for 50,000 new members.
    If your already a member of IPT you dont really need TL but its always good to have a backup just in case, especially if the rumours about IPT are true.

  16. Reply Anonymous May 22,2014 10:27 am

    like shit. no free, no bonus

  17. Reply Anonymous May 26,2014 10:34 am

    Torrent Leech is good but hard to start. You need to cross seed to build up a buffer. What’s cross seeding?
    * Find something on TL that has a lot of peers (not packs, something like a movie).
    * Download it from SOMEWHERE ELSE (ie, Pirate Bay).
    * Has to be the same files.
    * Once downloaded, keep the files, remove TPB torrent.
    * Download the torrent from TL and point it at the downloaded files, force a recheck.

    The upshot of this is it’ll allow you to upload to TL without downloading anything, which gives you quota. It’s a lot of work granted, but it’s worth it. Torrent Leech is one of the early release trackers and fucking everything is seeded. It’s also a great place to learn how to maintain a ratio properly.

    Easier for seedbox users, but even without you can get ahead.

    Not a site for everyone, but for those that know what they’re doing, it’s a fantastic place.

  18. Reply Anonymous Jun 16,2014 11:06 am

    TL is a great site with plenty of content for everyone. Yes, there is a delay, yes, it is a bit rough to seed without a seed box. However, just stop and think what real torrenter does not have a cheap ass seed box these days. Oh wait, I know you dicks who come from public and bitch and moan like some fucking broads menstruating.

    Get a seedbox join a fucking awesome site that does not need to have crappie fucking seed bonus points those are for fucking NOOBS, which is what they are trying to avoid “You fuck tards” who bicth like dogs in heat!

  19. Reply Anonymous Jul 3,2014 3:37 pm

    Previous member for many years. Alright site with decent releases and speeds. Although they make mistakes and ban people without any consideration that the error is theirs.

  20. Reply dumbass Aug 4,2014 1:25 am

    Let’s make it clear.

    Start is tough. Once you get trough restrictions it becomes heaven. Just download, great speeds, big and nice archive

    That said, they ban people who cheat their ratio, because growing ratio is how you overcome the initial limitations.
    They even present you with a opportunity to explain yourself in IRC in case of a ban. You just need to tell the truth…!

  21. Reply Anonymous Sep 29,2014 12:14 am

    Have been a user many years with ratio above 2.5. lost my account due to inactivity. I couldnt login at first it was their mistake after that I didnt have an access because of personal life problems. They even dont want to listen to you. Account deleted bye, bye. And then they wonder why people cheat. Now I know there are much better torrent sites then TL. Used to be good but now days are shit. As stuff and as a content in general.

  22. Reply NewGuy Jan 13,2015 12:56 am

    Cool, thanks. I am new to this, and have a seedbox so lets see if I can get it to work for me. If not, its back to public trackers.

    By the way, do you have any advice on how to start ?

    I was thinking about downloading a file with lots of users, and then just seeding like crazy. does that sound like a good strategy ?


  23. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2015 3:12 am

    Salut les tapette

  24. Reply Bob Jan 13,2015 5:33 am

    Its not the best place to join as your first private tracker.
    Last time I checked it had crazy rules for new members. Like not being able to download any of the new stuff until you had uploaded a certain amount and no freeleech which made it extremely difficult to maintain a good ratio.
    I guess these rules are to weed out newbies.

  25. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2015 7:18 am

    Just cross seed from TB and your fine.

  26. Reply pseudonym Jan 13,2015 8:04 am

    wow, finally! thanks admin, i love ya :D

  27. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2015 8:56 am

    load of shite commercial site run as a business

  28. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2015 12:03 pm

    ze ghek sha cha eini lslo naganaga ! je

  29. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2015 9:45 pm

    Thank you for informing!

  30. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2015 2:21 am

    Bad site :/

  31. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2015 2:22 am

    This site is the worst.

  32. Reply Carlos Jan 14,2015 3:14 am

    Probably, one of the best trackers in the world.

  33. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2015 10:46 am

    Error: This invitation code is not valid!

  34. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2015 7:02 pm

    invitation code no longer valid :(

  35. Reply h3X0r1911 Jan 15,2015 4:30 pm

    Too bad that some old rare x264 releases are not seeded, or they arte just not in there, also some of the great TL movie packs as IMDB best 250 movies in 1080p, are not seeded anymore, shame, because this would be the best thing on this tracker, otherwise there is nothing special about it. Yeah the archive is preety large, but usually I can not find what I’m looking for. But good tracker for someone who cares about ratio, I don’t. My home is on one of the ratioless trackers, If I want something I make a request, after one day I have it. Good luck with TL guys, because I will be banned there soon because of low ratio.

  36. Reply Anonymous Jan 15,2015 11:39 pm

    Site and tracker are dead from yesterday. I wish to see them working again.
    Same tracker is not bad. Many releases, something like IPT but with less duplicates.

  37. Reply Anonymous Jan 16,2015 12:21 pm

    I had an account at TL since 11/2005.
    Logged in consistently within the 3 month period,
    also kept a good ratio/buffer.

    One day, I couldn’t log in, only to find out
    my account got deleted.

    No one at TL was willing to help, although I had my
    membership screenshots & registration email from 11/2005.

    The only thing they said is “once it’s gone, it’s gone”, and that’s it,
    no help or care from anyone.

    That goes to show how much TL cares about old, dedicated users.

  38. Reply Anonymous Jan 20,2015 8:07 pm

    TL has huge 0day resource,video trainning material. I love TL.

  39. Reply Anonymous Mar 26,2015 12:23 am

    It’s autobot site they dont even upload 99% of the shit that you can get elsewhere anyways. not to mention it’s ugly to look at.

  40. Reply Anon Apr 20,2015 4:19 pm

    One need only listen to the answers from fellow members of this cult-like community and you want double condoms on the seed line for the rest of their lives.

  41. Reply rol3x Jun 7,2015 7:30 pm

    Ppl who say this site is lame are not on the site clearly, Iv bin a member since 08 and have had no issues seeding from my shit home connection. I have well over 2trb buffer zone and mostly download new stuff which uploads 5 times over in the same day. noobs need to learn how to torrent.

  42. Reply snowman Jun 27,2015 1:55 am

    Stupid people and lazy! You can find on the web all you need without pay or stay days for seeding.

  43. Reply Itsame Jun 27,2015 4:09 am

    This was the first private tracker I had an account on. First lurk more till you know what do download to get a good upload. Udemy did it for me for example. Once the ratio is good you can download new torrents. Now download everything automatically ratio is always in the plus.

    If you can’t get a good ratio you are just missing a piece of intellect. Please don’t listen to people telling you you can’t get a good ratio. It’s not because they are morons you are too. In the beginning be patient but now I use is as my primary tracker you can do this with almost any tracker. Just seed till ya die

    • Reply Anonymous Aug 29,2015 5:08 pm

      lol seed games.. the wait rule is retarded and download shit you don’t want to make ratio.Moron you are.

  44. Reply Douban Jun 27,2015 10:25 am

    awesome ,, the signup successded !

  45. Reply tjblues Jun 30,2015 12:01 pm

    An error occurred
    Application error. Please report to staff.
    (Error Code: 0)

    can someone help with this issue. i tried to register and this is what i got.

  46. Reply torrent search engines Jul 2,2015 12:16 pm


  47. Reply Anonymous Jul 4,2015 7:21 pm

    Thanks a lot!

  48. Reply Anonymous Jul 6,2015 6:03 am

    honestly the WORST tracker I have been on, RAR and ZIP files are what you usually get. You have to wait to download new torrents, so it’s hard as fuck to build ratio-buffer. You can’t get anything that needs seeds… I got kicked form this tracker a while back, figured out other trackers and have got to super user on most, but can’t even get an okay ration on TL. Plus, you can find EVERYTHING they have somewhere else for freeleech and WITHOUT RAR/ZIP files

    • Reply Anonymous Aug 27,2015 9:32 pm

      Sure can. Free leech and all.I am only interested in HD Movies.Remuxe or better and can find it on other sites with out jumping through hoops.

  49. Reply Anonymous Jul 11,2015 4:26 pm

    Best 0Day tracker with vide content and master speed. Bit difficult for newbies but definitely not impossible. Seedbox + RSS is best bet.

  50. Reply Anonymous Jul 11,2015 4:43 pm

    Is this the only tracker that you’ve known? Please check TsH, SCC, GFT… and if you’re lucky to get an invitation you will see that TL is a mirage in the desert

  51. Reply Anonymous Jul 12,2015 12:14 am

    Who has very slow internet will complain , you can’t steal and run away with download without upload , i did download 92 GB pack it takes less than 2 hours so if you can upload so much so fast you can download even faster , if you don’t want to share then stay away because TL is of of the top 10 and respect to all other hard working private torrent , any one who can’t download fast go buy faster internet or just don’t spread lies , Thanks guys i speak with politness because no reason to get angry , so happy with TL download and upload minimum 3 to 5 TB max a day :) SEED TILL YOU BLEED , IF YOU HAVE NO BLOOD YOU AIN’T ONE OF US .. TL FOREVER………..

    • Reply Anonymous Aug 28,2015 12:36 am

      Steal and run away lol lol lol lol lol lol .Your stealing.So am is of of the top 10 lol lol lol lol what a joke.

  52. Reply Anonymous Jul 26,2015 9:01 am

    Same problem

    Got deleted for inactivity after moving house to a place without internet.

    Spoke to staff got told tuff luck,made no effort to help even though i had a great ratio and,had been a member for a few years.

    Very immature and ,unprofessional

  53. Reply Anonymous Aug 14,2015 8:01 am

    I’ve been with TL for the past 6 years, I honestly cant say a bad thing about it. Staff were always very helpful with any issues I encountered. Most torrents are seeded and very rarely that you get a torrent that you want that isn’t seeded. To get started all you need is a seed-box (can get one for less $10 a month) I know there’s a wait time, but just download the most popular torrents let them seed for a month and your good to go. Its just the beginning that tough, but as soon as you pass that its all down hill from there. Happy torrenting :)

  54. Reply Anonymous Aug 16,2015 7:35 am

    ами аз сега се регистрирах само за спорта.но на много които изкат да се регистрират,мисля,че няма да им хареса.

  55. Reply Anonymous Aug 21,2015 10:45 am

    sucks ass no retention at all

  56. Reply Anonymous Aug 24,2015 2:17 pm

    Spanish ***** (subtítulos) Total Members Forum: 171,372 .Muy grande.
    Tiempo de espera: Su cuenta tiene restricción de tiempo para los nuevos torrentes. “Usted será capaz de descargar este torrente en 15 horas y 40 minutos”.
    Ratio mínimo : 0,4 (general y por torrent). Muy, muy difícil seedear.

  57. Reply Anonymous Aug 25,2015 6:19 am

    Fuckin joke read all comments lol.You can get same torrents else where with out the seed games.THE SAME idiots lol

  58. Reply Anonymous Aug 25,2015 6:21 am

    yep still suckin people in lol

  59. Reply Anonymous Aug 25,2015 6:44 am

    I feel so special I’m in top 10 site. lol

  60. Reply Anonymous Aug 25,2015 10:37 am

    Can’t jump on first torrent cause you have to wait balls

  61. Reply Anonymous Aug 25,2015 2:37 pm

    Owners are such cocks there

  62. Reply Anonymous Aug 27,2015 12:22 am

    Stupid people have to be on so called top 10 sites

  63. Reply Anonymous Aug 30,2015 6:53 pm

    Joined up and what a joke with the wait time.Not going to bother with it.Oh look and you will see they are not in top 10.

  64. Reply Anonymous Aug 30,2015 7:15 pm

    I know what you mean wait?? Why??

  65. Reply Anonymous Aug 30,2015 9:10 pm

    Support TorrentLeech: Help us with the server costs and gain awesome privileges! Learn more about it here .pmsl.

  66. Reply Corabict Dec 18,2015 2:12 am

    Thanks Man i’m in and it gives you 8Gb Upload which is very awesome

  67. Reply Anonymous Dec 18,2015 8:32 am

    Well, I won’t comment on anyone above me. I like the site and content. Yes, I do have a seed box and my ratio is climbing just fine. I think the speeds are really fast and the best thing is the staff leaves you alone. I have’t relieved a PM begging for money so that’s a huge plus. Although, it’s up to you it is a nice site…just get yourself a cheap SB for less than 10 euros.

  68. Reply Anonymous Dec 18,2015 10:04 am

    Great site. Been a member for years. What TL lacks in pre times they make up for in retention and peers. Seeding is really not that hard. Just leave your bittorrent client open and watch the bytes flow.

  69. Reply Anonymous Dec 18,2015 12:10 pm

    All the files on this site are rar archived so It’s almost Impossible to cross seed!! What a shit tracker.

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 19,2015 4:19 pm

      Not true Anonymous, there are a mix of file formats from standard Xvid ‘Not’ in rar format to Mkv also (NOT) in rar format. Yes, to be fair there are also Xvid,Mkv in rar format. A mix of the two exists on this site. A heads up there is also a mix of Scene and P2P thus the reason behind Rar (Scene) Non-Rar P2P.

      It’s a good site and if you have any clue what a good trackers is you already know this and if you don’t join up guys you’ll enjoy the place.

  70. Reply Anonymous Dec 18,2015 2:51 pm

    “Error code 0” when trying to signup a couple of mins ago with the above invitecode…


  71. Reply Anonymous Dec 19,2015 12:18 am

    Just joined today, awesome site.

  72. Reply skagman Dec 19,2015 2:30 pm

    I got banned from here in 2006 and not got back on since so thanks for this!

  73. Reply Anonymous Dec 19,2015 4:21 pm

    @ Anonymous talking out the side of his ass!

    lol rar is not all that bad…perhaps buy a computer from this fucking era DB!

  74. Reply Anonymous Dec 23,2015 6:38 pm

    Hi boys, this is good site a private tracker it is. This tracker is one of the best of all elite trackers.

  75. Reply Anonymous Dec 27,2015 3:07 pm

    Hi, somebody know a valid invitation code? The “HAPPY2016” is not working :( Thanks

  76. Reply Anonymous Dec 27,2015 9:44 pm

    invalid code

  77. Reply Anonymous Mar 13,2016 1:22 am

    how can I get invited u hears it was the best

  78. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2016 3:20 pm

    Lolbitsoup great invite code lol

  79. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2016 3:21 pm

    Overall great general tracker.
    But its very unfair to new users.

  80. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2016 9:27 pm

    Love the invite code…bitsoup has become a joke…owner has officially ran it to the ground with making it a pay-to-leech site…smart, now your really asking to get shut down!

  81. Reply Anonymous May 1,2016 11:42 am


  82. Reply Anonymous May 2,2016 11:05 am

    So, it’s possible to register an account or not ?
    I have try yesterday but i don’t get any confirmation email. :/

  83. Reply Anonymous May 2,2016 11:49 am

    Seems it don’t works with all email address but tracker is open.

  84. Reply Bob May 2,2016 12:19 pm

    The bad – Very difficult for new users at the start due to wait times.

    The Good – The wait times keep out the riff-raff and the site is good.

  85. Reply Anonymous May 3,2016 12:42 am

    signups work right Im just received the invite in my email and already member :)

  86. Reply Anonymous May 3,2016 2:10 pm

    Great just registered

  87. Reply Anonymous May 10,2016 11:39 am

    Thank You, I´m registered now.

  88. Reply Anonymous May 14,2016 7:48 am

    Wait Times finaly get removed! :)

  89. Reply Anonymous May 14,2016 4:57 pm

    Dumb website that does not send emails to email addresses

  90. Reply Anonymous May 15,2016 7:00 am

    Dumb website that does not send emails to email addresses
    I have tutanota address and it send me an email there!

  91. Reply Anonymous May 18,2016 1:59 am

    Dumb website that does not send emails to email addresses :(

  92. Reply Anonymous May 19,2016 3:58 am

    Signups are closed :(

  93. Reply Rubinas May 21,2016 10:31 pm

    Not website is dumb but you people! Use normal email. Not shity. Then you not need to blame this tracker.

  94. Reply Balint May 26,2016 12:33 pm

    OMG!! Thank you very much! :D :D

  95. Reply Anonymous May 27,2016 8:18 am

    I have good ratio on 5 HD trackers, but this is shit. No upload bonus for new users, poor seed, no chance to get good ratio…really bad tracker

  96. Reply Anonymous Jul 25,2016 11:41 am

    Attention new users!!! Start cross seeding to build buffer. There is a section in the forum all about this. Don’t blame a tracker for your own ignorance

  97. Reply Anonymous Jul 25,2016 12:35 pm

    Lol some of you guys are fkn noobs. you come from easy ratio sites then when things get tough at TL you cry about the difficulty, ha. well that’s how it is on some trackers .

  98. Reply Anonymous Jul 25,2016 1:46 pm

    Good one! for Scene movies & TV shows, when 4.0 beta is finalized it will be even better

  99. Reply Anonymous Jul 25,2016 7:56 pm

    Member since 2011. My go to site. 5/5.

  100. Reply Anonymous Jul 25,2016 11:11 pm

    Very good content and speed for scene releases. Missing releases can easily be requested once you reach certain user class. Maintaining ratio can be a challenge. Even with a seedbox you need to know what to grab and you have to use RSS or autoirssi.

    I presonally prefer there to be some p2p releases but for scene – this place is at least 9/10.

  101. Reply Anonymous Jul 26,2016 11:20 am

    Thank you! Best site EVER! I checked their beta also, i almost peed my pants!! WOW!

  102. Reply Anonymous Jul 27,2016 4:20 am

    It seems you are easy to excite LOL

  103. Reply Anonymous Jul 30,2016 4:55 am

    An excellent site with great speeds even for old torrents. May be difficult to start if you are a beginner.

  104. Reply Anonymous Jul 30,2016 4:57 am

    This is not a bad site. Actually its a pretty good little tracker. most torrents are seeded well and there is some content that is hard to find. I like sci-fi shows mainly tv series and i found a few here that the big public trackers did not have. just jump on a new torrent or movie, even the sample in the movie and seed a bit and you are golden.

  105. Reply Anonymous Aug 6,2016 1:25 pm


  106. Reply Anonymous Aug 13,2016 3:30 pm

    I use to have TL account 3 years ago, but I lost it due to inactivity. I had 174gig buffer. I’m so happy I got it back now.Sucks to start over, but less than week I already have a 25gig buffer with in a weeks time because I seeding 75 movies…lol

  107. Reply yurmom1337 Aug 26,2016 6:18 pm

    just joined this site, nice interface..cheers

  108. Reply Anonymous Oct 1,2016 6:03 am

    cant signup

  109. Reply Anonymous Oct 11,2016 8:28 pm

    Here’s my experience with the I was a member of this tracker

    1) There were plenty of good quality torrents and I usually found what I was looking for.

    2)Most torrents had a good number of seeds and NFO files with decent detail on Bitrates/Audio quality etc

    3) Despite having an unlimited 100mb download, 20mb upload connection and targeting torrents with a high number of leechers, I was only able to upload 43mb the whole time I was there until they eventually disabled my account for not keeping an acceptable ratio.

    Off course, after I was cut off, I was immediately offered V.I.P status which would allow me to download/upload again for 3 months after paying a $29.00 fee

    This begs the question….why not just join Netflix?

    Pretty sad that this is what the torrent community is becoming.

  110. Reply Anonymous Oct 13,2016 5:46 am

    Why do you make it the site’s fault if you made stupid choices when joining? It’s not that difficult to seed there if you pick your torrents.

  111. Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 3:11 am

    joined about a year ago, stopped about 10 months ago, I use a seedbox so maintaining ratio was fine but a few simple requests would have made me a happy participant.

    hours spent in their irc room, no reply from staff
    posting for help in their forums, not read by staff for months.

    not a bad site, they get torrents pretty quick but worthless staff imo, personally i stopped bothering but your mileage may vary

  112. Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 6:10 am

    The best general tracker.

  113. Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 6:24 am

    All these 0day trackers are pretty much all the same: torrents deleted after 3 days of inactivity. Only super common stuff that you can find everywhere without the need of seedbox/dedicated server. Seeding on TL is not easy too if you don’t have a seedbox/dedicated WITH autodl irssi. If you don’t download that much stuff (50GB/week) yep it’s easy to have good ratio, but if you are a collector just pass, it’s just impossible to maintain 0.5+ ratio and download like 100GB+ per day: your seedbox will be full in no time unless you have a 10TB+, but for this price you better buy your movies/games/music for real.

    Average tracker, good for users that don’t download much stuff or small content like TV Show x264 and few x264 movies per week.

    • Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 11:48 pm

      torrents deleted after 3 days of inactivity

      The better ones like TL have great retention, thats among many other things is why they are all not the same

  114. Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 8:26 am

    The worst tracker I have see

  115. Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 4:32 pm

    > limited to 4 download slots for users under 0.85 ratio

    > 2.6 hour delay for users below 0.8 ratio

    > minimum seed 60 hours or 0.4 per torrent

    > overall ratio 0.4 or better or you get the banhammer

    > no bonus system, no time-ratio, so it’s impossible to use this tracker worry-free if you don’t also play the seedbox game.

    >Those with seedbox enjoy a very active tracker with a LARGE selection. I hope this review helps.

  116. Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 9:24 pm

    this is one of shittiest tracker i have ever seen, no freeleech,nothing special on this tracker, i have an id from 2014, still active but i dont leech anything.very bad site indeed

    • Reply Anonymous Oct 21,2016 11:49 pm

      Just because you dont know how to use it doesnt mean its bad.

      • Reply Anonymous Oct 22,2016 5:21 am

        All these rules are here to have good retention and speed but we all know 90% of TL users have seedbox so why keep having such strict rules ? Theres like 60k member but on most torrents theres just 10 guys on it (except for the blockbusters). These rules are non sense.

        • Reply Not OP Oct 22,2016 8:36 am

          Depends on the torrent though, 10 is not even the average, i’d say at least 15

        • Reply Anonymous Oct 22,2016 10:55 pm

          All these rules exist for money.
          They are making profit from other people’s effort.
          If you are in a decent site, you does not need any seed box to maintain good ratio.

          • Reply Anonymous Oct 23,2016 12:43 am

            Those rules are old (like the tracker) and exist to offer retention. If everybody seeds at least 1 back, everybody gets the file. TL has good retention times and speeds because it holds all of its members on these high standars. When you join such a site, you can expect to get a good service for all your effort but you must be prepared to make an effort.

            Just go to public trackers if you want freeleech. Don’t try to join to one of the most elite and respected sharing sites on the web. This is clearly not the place for you.

      • Reply Anonymous Oct 22,2016 10:50 pm

        You just don’t know other decent site.
        TL is a bad site.

  117. Reply Anonymous Nov 3,2016 4:13 am

    You can only survive in this tracker if you cross seed IMO not worth the time and effort

  118. Reply Listen Nov 8,2016 10:30 am

    When the sign ups are open there is no wait time before the download so if you know what will be popular and what not you can easily build up a buffer. My advice would be to buy a seedbox before you sin up, use it before you get comfortable ratio/buffer and then just refund your seedbox. It will cost you less than 3 euros but it is well worth it.

  119. Reply Anonymous Dec 11,2016 2:34 am

    I never liked TL. But I don’t like any 0-day trackers like TheGFT either. IF I go to a music tracker, IF I want movies I go to movie tracker, IF I would like like to have some xxx, I go to a xxx tracker… or simply stream. And so on… Using multiple trackers offers (togheter) A LOT more and A LOT better content. Take PTH and HDBITS for an example… TL is nowehere close to offer as much and as good content as in their topics. TL and other so called, 0-day are just crap if you compares to other “top” trackers. Use this crap for invites only… to exchange invites for better stuff.

  120. Reply Anonymous Dec 24,2016 9:05 pm

    No seed box and I find this to be one of the easiest sites to keep a ratio on. If you don’t like it then simply don’t sign up or use it. Sounds like a bunch of butt hurt. Ipt is ran by crappy staff and not a trusted site so throwing that out there tells me you’re one of their staff or one of their sheep. Stick to your site and move along. Also to one comparing it to specific category sites, tl offers general tracker not just music or just hd movies/tv so that’s a dumb ass comparison.

  121. Reply Anonymous Dec 24,2016 9:48 pm

    Good tracker for 0day/General Scene content. A1 selection, lot of seeders/leechers. Buffer is not a problem at all unless you live in Antarctica or something

  122. Reply Anonymous Dec 25,2016 1:12 am

    The best general tracker.

  123. Reply Anonymous Dec 25,2016 8:46 am

    where is reCAPTCHA box to singup

  124. Reply Ray Dec 25,2016 7:21 pm

    Ka Ching or anyone else that can help me….

    How, exactly does one cross-seed ?
    Thanks guys. Much appreciated and Merry Christmas ;)

  125. Reply Anonymous Dec 26,2016 3:22 pm

    Very tough to reach 0.4 mínimum Ratio without a seedbox. Layout is outstanding, and everything is seeded. However, nothing exceptional here worth all this trouble. And newbies should stay away from this site.

  126. Reply Anonymous Dec 26,2016 4:46 pm

    Great catch

  127. Reply Anonymous Dec 27,2016 10:09 am

    Weird, no seedbox ever and have over 600GB buffer, maybe you just don’t like seeding

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 7,2017 9:56 am

      I’ve seeded in this tough site for months unsuccessfully. It will be great to know your Tips in detail to easy keep Ratio in TL without a seedbox or cross-seeding.

  128. Reply Anonymous Dec 28,2016 11:51 am

    Not hard to get ratio just seed. Noobs complaining here..

  129. Reply Anonymous Dec 31,2016 4:52 pm

    This seems like a solid site. but as others have said it’s hard on new members. there is a wait time for new torrents of 15 hours for new members. so i downloaded a couple of older torrents with a high leech count and it just wont be enough. i will be booted in 5 days if ratio doesn’t improve. basically you just have to get lucky with your first few downloads or you’re shit out of luck. my other private trackers are not near this difficult, I easily keep ratios high.

    • Reply Anonymous Jan 7,2017 9:28 am

      Amen, Bro. Very tough site to keep Minimum Ratio (0.4) and IMO no untraceable stuff available. No Freeleechs, No Bonus. You will not be kicked out before DL 6 Gigs, but must be extremely lucky with your first choices. Cross-seeding and a seedbox are essential. I’ve seeded over two months and barely reached 0.4.
      However, if you are a freak who like Ratio challenges this is the place to be.

  130. Reply Anonymous Jan 11,2017 8:48 am

    Have the descriptions of torrents on TL improved over the last six years?

  131. Reply Anonymous Jan 12,2017 12:10 pm

    BEST : 100% maxed out download speed at 500mbit
    WORST : 0% UPLOAD RATE!! Could not seed back at all … didnt know that and im about to get banned for that.

    Good luck seeding back to the seedboxers on TL, else prolly the best site out there!

    10/10 for content, quick access (website, search)
    0/10 for telling you to download at low speeds and upload incrementally whenever you can. Not enough leechers .. :(

  132. Reply Anonymous Jan 23,2017 5:13 am

    “We are happy to announce the implementation of our SSL tracker. From today, you can enjoy safer torrenting! In addition, after a long testing period, effective immediately wait times are REVOKED for ever for all users!
    Enjoy the site!”

  133. Reply Anonymous Jan 24,2017 3:33 pm

    State-of-the-art Tech, Great Layout, super Fast… But building Ratio is extremely difficult. You have to be a fortune-teller selecting the first 6GB or you are in trouble. Torrents are well seeded. However, not enough leechers make things worse. Content quality isn’t worth all the trouble, eventually.

  134. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 8:12 am

    This site is still garbage. I was a member for over two years, cross seeded, got new files, it’s hopeless without a seedbox. You cannot compete with all of the seedboxes, I only managed to upload a few gb in two years because nobody would connect to me, the admin will not help you out at all, like was said before, they are all about the money grab. Go somewhere else. It is impossible to build a ratio, even cross-seeding, unless you pay for a seedbox. Admin and mods are mean and the community is bad, they have advertiseemnts, they make it very difficult for new users, no freeleech, i could go on and on.

  135. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 8:26 am

    THe problem isn’t with people who hit-n-run, its the fact that too many people seed, so its almost impossible to increase your ratio. Bittorrent will always connect to the fastest uploader available, so if you arne’t running a seedbox or have gigabit internet you can seed for months and nobody will actually grab anything from you.

    Some private trackers have Freeleech downloads so you can help increase your ratio, but Torrentleech does not offer those, nor does it give a pass to those who seed for a certain amount of time. This uploading problem is compounded by the fact that, unless you achieve VIP status, you are not even allowed to download new torrents and are stuck with torrents that are 15h or older. This makes your chances of actually being able to seed even less likely than normal.

    It’s like this site is designed in a way that requires you to rent a seedbox, or pay extra for VIP status.

  136. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 8:29 am

    For me was a very bad experience on this tracker which i loved before and now is one of the worst trackers i had account.First of all is very hard to mantain a good ratio and is not suitable for the users who don t have seedbox,is not a bonus point system to help maintain your ratio and the community is hard with you and they are trying to make you to donate for a tracker which isn t better than other 0day trackers.

  137. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 8:31 am

    Reading the review and the above comments I feel i have to add my 2 cents in experience: no doubt torrenleech has many offers BUT when you start with torrnetleech you dont have any credit and wait times of 16 hours. Older torrents are barely to not downloaded so they advise you to download torrents from other trackers that are new on torrentleech, download the torrentleech torrent, do the forced recheck and thereby help in the download time of existing members for new torrents.
    The alternative is to donate (and get rid of waiting times, which you need if you want to have somebody to use your seed)……
    My translation: they actually want you to pay (donate) or if you are up for the hassle, you get the same new stuff from other trackers to build up ratio on torrentleech; why bother? or pay?
    Without doubt, after you are in, with high enough upload and ratio, you might be able to maintain, if you are fast enough with new downloads and seeding back your ration since finding new stuff to upload is hard; they have a very broad offering already. I just wonder, with this original starting point, where this tracker is heading….which either wants you to pay, which other trackers dont or wants you to use recent stuff from other trackers which then raises the question why you need torrentleech?

  138. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 9:47 am

    Here’s my experience with the I was a member of this tracker

    1) There were plenty of good quality torrents and I usually found what I was looking for.

    2)Most torrents had a good number of seeds and NFO files with decent detail on Bitrates/Audio quality etc

    3) Despite having an unlimited 100mb download, 20mb upload connection and targeting torrents with a high number of leechers, I was only able to upload 43mb the whole time I was there until they eventually disabled my account for not keeping an acceptable ratio.

    Off course, after I was cut off, I was immediately offered V.I.P status which would allow me to download/upload again for 3 months after paying a $29.00 fee

    This begs the question….why not just join Netflix?

    Pretty sad that this is what the torrent community is becoming.

  139. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 9:48 am

    All these rules exist for money.
    They are making profit from other people’s effort.
    If you are in a decent site, you does not need any seed box to maintain good ratio.

  140. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 10:07 am

    Throwaway because I’m sure this will be karma killed, but I’m really not liking TL at all. My cousin signed me up about a month ago and I’m struggling to get to a decent ratio.


    For every Leecher, there’s 50 seeders (and chances are, that one leecher is just a partial seeder anyhow).
    New posts have a wait for d/l (no upload wait though, but)
    Most of the new posts on TL seem to be rar’d.

    So the new files people wants are only on TL. The old files no-one wants (in terms of leeching) everyone’s already seeding. The answer, if you read the wiki is “CROSS SEED! CROSS SEED!” Go elsewhere peasent and download there. Which makes me wonder, why the fuck am I on Torrent Leech in the first place?

    It flies in the face of what I consider a private tracker to be. I’ve been in some smaller, wonderful trackers. They have freeleech for less shared torrents, they have flexible share ratios, and some of the better ones give bonuses for time. Someone like Acid Lounge, which basically allows you to maintain a 1:1 by simply not being a hit and runner.

    I don’t get what the point of TL is. I’m willing to seed, I’m willing to share very fast seedbox speeds, but they make it fucking impossible to do anything on their site.

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 27,2017 10:20 pm

      I agree. Checking out all recent comments, it’s good to know I was right from the beginning. Almost one year as a member and I barely reached 0.8 Ratio, after more than nine months cross seeding.NO LEECHERS, No Freeleechs, No Bonus Points, No Karma, Not Flexible or Ratio Boost, NOTHING.

      Eventually, even with a seedbox and a superfast connection it is ABSURD to stay here. Content is NOT exceptional, and THAT IS the foremost reason to avoid TL. Quite pathetic that its only virtues are speed, a great beta interface, the extreme challenge to build Ratio and that they don’t ask for money.
      I wonder why my account was not deleted… Probably because I login monthly and had DL less than 6GB.

  141. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 11:19 am

    You are competing with people that use VPN/S and seedboxes or something along those lines so you cannot win from those people. TL is simply very hard to build up a good ratio so you simply have to be patient and try to pick the right torrents to dlownload that do help you build up your ratio. Don’t waste your time.

  142. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 11:21 am

    I have spent the majority of today refreshing the site in a bid to be the very first to download new torrents.

    I have been using 1 Gbit seedbox and 1 100Mbit seedbox.

    Each and everytime there appears to be the same 15-20 seedboxes whoring everything allowing nobody to seed back anything. Within less the 2-3 Minutes everything I have downloaded has had 30 Plus seeds and next to no leechers.

    I have come to the conclusion that in order to get a decent ratio here you need to either (A) Have seedboxes or multiples of them. Or (B) “Pay” for upload.

    With my simple home connection of 80/20 I think I would stand zero chance of surviving here.

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 27,2017 10:47 pm

      I agree. Lots of Seeders, NO LEECHERS. TL is only fun for Ratio Challenge freaks with seedboxes and fast speeds. Seriously, what’s the point?.
      There are great Trackers like TwilightDreams and AlphaRatio.
      Even the dictatorial, non-mainstream Cinemaz is much better.
      At the end of the day, the Russians are unbeatable if you learn some Cyrillic.

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 12,2017 12:27 am

      You’re doing it wrong. You have to use autodl-irssi and/or cross-seed. Having a fast connection really helps but that alone will not fly at TL.

  143. Reply Anonymous Feb 22,2017 8:49 pm

    Yeah, I’m probably done here. I have no interest in jumping through all these hoops or paying money for VIP or a seedbox just to compete against other seedboxes just to remain a member here. I’ve not seen anything unique enough to warrant the frustration. It’s a nice, convenient site that I would like to remain a productive member of by simply seeding the content I’ve downloaded – as should be the case. I shouldn’t have to visit another site, download from them, and then fiddle around with it in my client to upload here in an attempt to try and stave off warnings and bans for my ratio dropping too low, because you can’t seed worth a shit here, because everyone has a seedbox and there’s barely any peers to begin with. The Help forum is pretty littered with people facing the same issues. I’ve seen tons of other private trackers handle this much, much better.

  144. Reply Anonymous Apr 16,2017 6:43 am

    this site is shit

  145. Reply Your Bo$$ Apr 16,2017 7:20 am

    whay TL is shit ????!!!

  146. Reply WayneCorp Apr 16,2017 7:35 am

    Closed not Open.

  147. Reply Anonymous May 1,2017 12:15 pm

    Why anyone would jump through all those hoops just to maintain ratio is beyond understanding. The site is shit and money grabbing. IPT may also be shit but there you can dl all you need. Nothing unique on TL.

  148. Reply Anonymous May 6,2017 2:09 am

    Joined this site a week ago. My impressions so far:

    + Staff have been super friendly and helpful on irc.
    + Variety of things to download, in particular what I wanted, TV and movies.
    + Decent interface
    + Allows autodl-irssi and RSS
    + Many scene releases, with good pre times
    + There are no wait times despite what people posted here
    + Ratio above 0.4 is required which is pretty low – doesn’t apply until first 6gb are downloaded.

    – No free leech sections
    – No bonus system for seeding

    I have had no problems at all with ratio myself. But I can see a problem for people who don’t automate their downloads. You don’t need a seedbox, but you do need to properly automate on a fast connection, or heavily cross-seed.

    Overall I think the site is really nice if you are experienced but tough on beginners.

  149. Reply Anonymous May 6,2017 4:22 am

    As SCC is pretty much dead lately i signed up @ TL,AR and FL. This TL is so hard to get a good start and ratio. So basically i have been downloading from AR to seed @ TL. This doesnt make sense. Why am I here? Nice to have packs, but how can you ever download a pack if its this hard to get a buffer?

    Site needs freeleech sectios or rules or it doenst make sense. I dont have time for this. If you’re looking for something new go to AR instead ppl, so much better!

    • Reply Anonymous May 19,2017 3:03 pm

      These trackers are just full of bots with auto-download, they just want ratio and never use it. Theres too much seedboxes/servers compared to the needs.

  150. Reply Anonymous May 18,2017 6:25 am

    Joined TL today. It’s a nice tracker, nothing special, takes some work getting a good ratio. This tracker is not for begginers. AR is better for begginers and my favorite at the moment.

  151. Reply Anonymous May 18,2017 8:53 pm

    rubbish. stay away…

    Didnt see anything that you cannot find elsewhere. I suggest you join just to marvel at other peoples seedboxes. If you find a torrent that actual has some peers that are not partial seeds they will be brought to 100 percent in the shortest time.

    They have some bigger torrents but its mostly rubbish. Movie packs full of movies between 1GB and 3GB that kind of stuff. You will never be able to get enough buffer to download them anyway.

    This is a giant scam for donations because for most users without a 100 bucks a month for a seedbox this site is pointless.

    I suggest you join and start ripping. At a certain point you will get a warning that you will be banned after five days.

    Keep ripping and then leave this site for good. Might get something out of it (personally didnt see much) and you maybe help some schmuck that is struggling with his ratio to get some upload.

  152. Reply Anonymous May 20,2017 4:20 am

    dont bother. if you are a ratio freak and need a challenge you can join this one. otherwise there is no reason to. content is not better than elsewhere and the site is set up to push users towards donations to avoid getting banned.

  153. Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 12:37 am

    Been joined for two days now. At first it is a challenge to get a good ratio, but it is possible.

    • Reply Anonymous May 21,2017 10:00 pm

      Take this one with a grain of salt. If you get in there with your seedbox and you are in a location that will get you peers then what he say is possible.

      This will not go like this for 99% of people. Just dump the site as soon as it gets more trouble than its worth.

  154. Reply Anonymous May 24,2017 12:16 pm

    My least favorite tracker. Not whining, not asking for a handout, not even angry with TorrentLeech, I just don’t prefer the way they operate, I guess…purely my opinion. What others say is true – if you don’t have a seedbox, I wouldn’t bother with TL. Seems impossible to achieve a decent ratio with normal broadband connection with or without VPN because the seedboxers will get the traffic. I am seeding dozens of torrents and watching RSS/announcements and downloading them as soon as humanly possible, but never get past an average ratio of .20 on any given seed, even after days of seeding. I expect to be banned soon for having a ratio under .40 with no Freeleech or bonus to help me fix the situation. Part seeding hasn’t helped (only made things worse!), and outside seeding is a pain not worth the hassle because so many torrents have RAR files inside, unlike the public trackers like RARBG. Other private trackers have similar RAR file contents but I’m not going to cannibalize my ratio on AR or another site to feed TL, just isn’t worth it. TorrentLeech needs a bonus system or something to help casuals, or they need to clearly state they are not for casuals. I imagine this is a fun tracker for those with seedboxes and those who enjoy playing the ratio game and if you have/are either of those things, I’d actually encourage you to give TorrentLeech a try. Also, I have only had good experiences with the mods, they do seem friendly and I wish them the best, I have no ill will toward their site. A shame because I tried to make it work, but this isn’t a full time job or even a hobby I want to devote a lot of time to and other trackers make it a lot easier. I like Neb & AR at the moment, maybe worth checking out if you find yourself in the same boat as me.

    • Reply Anonymous May 24,2017 7:48 pm

      Fully agree. Most people should give this one a pass. If you are willing to spend money for a donation then there are many trackers that deserve it more than TL.

      Plenty of sites out there that have freeleech, partial freelech, bonus system etc and unlike this tracker also have scene groups putting up lots of contents. So apparently there is no need to use a system like that.

      In the end TL is all about making money.

  155. Reply FuckHead Jun 12,2017 4:26 am

    People should stop complaining and just use a seedbox to get their ratio up. It’s the best way and for less than $10 a month. I uploaded 500+ gig on torrentleech in a few day’s using a seedbox. Just remember to let a member of staff know that your using it. Now I’ve been using torrentleech for the past 6 years and it isn’t a bad tracker but I must say that ipt is the shit?

  156. Reply Anonymous Jun 28,2017 9:23 am

    It’s impossible to have a good ratio on this tracker unless you cross seed and have a seedbox. And torrents comes from the scene so it’s all in rar files.

    • Reply Anonymous Sep 12,2017 12:32 am

      Cross-seeding and having a seedbox works in the long run but you need to use autodl-irssi if you want to get ratio fast.

  157. Reply Anonymous Jul 18,2017 8:36 pm

    The EXTRATORRENTLIVES invitation code is now officially expired. Welcome to all our new members!!

  158. Reply Anonymous Sep 13,2017 11:05 am

    Use the SCCREFUGEE invitation code

  159. Reply zontey Sep 14,2017 12:50 am

    cant see any chapcha box on the link to reg!????

  160. Reply Anonymous Sep 16,2017 6:38 pm

    ive tried multiple browsers with ad blocker disabled keep getting – Error: Robot verification failed, please try again.

  161. Reply Anonymous Sep 17,2017 6:25 am

    dont waste your time with this site,i started a download and wasnt even able to finish it because i got a ratio warning.they only allow one download once that comes and if noone leeches off yours youll be banned,this is obviously done in the hopes of getting new donations for their site,since theres no other way for a new signup to better their ratio,which will apparently get bad no matter what you download,thats the only logical reason for doing this,keep your membership there are alot better sites out their that dont pull that garbage,really pathetic practices!!!!

  162. Reply Anonymous Sep 24,2017 7:19 am

    gave them a try, comments above still stand

    great content, great speed of posting (they obviously have their supply straight), great d/l speed, RSS looks good

    its a seedbox circle jerk as others have said
    i did an experiment with the tv series section on 3 torrents
    as soon as 1 posted, the same set of 15’ish seedboxes hit it (probably from rss, and i compared IP’s for them, same “guys”) and saturated each other, and the couple what i would call “users”. on each one i had practically no chance to seed. best i could get was about 40kps (this is on 50/50 fiber Mpbs). when another user would occasionally connect, they would obviously saturate him and a new user is stuck collecting crumbs.
    you’ll be lucky to end up with a .1 ratio

    so its either a deliberate play to force donation / vip status, or they’ve unknowingly let the seedboxes take over. they are obviously not limiting them.(their speed is great, but ending up with 1000 ratios obviously kills the home guy)

    stay away “normal” user
    waste of a couple hours experimenting

  163. Reply Anonymous Sep 29,2017 8:54 pm

    not worth it. just a bunch of seedboxes and an admin making bank based on that. if you are into paying for your torrents then torrent leech is your place.

  164. Reply Anonymous Oct 6,2017 1:58 pm

    I have been with TL for years, and its a good site.

    Just let your torrents run in the background and seed.

  165. Reply Anonymous Oct 6,2017 6:15 pm

    Don’t listen to these n00bs!!
    TL is great! Cross seeding when you sign up and build ratio, then download…
    Just because you don’t know how torrenting works doesn’t mean the tracker is bad or trying to get donations.

  166. Reply Anonymous Oct 7,2017 1:31 am

    I think everyone knows “how torrenting works”. TL is definitely a site with plenty of stuff, but their ratio policy is really obnoxious.

  167. Reply Anonymous Oct 7,2017 3:18 am

    Kimse değerini bilmez ama çok kral bir sitedir…

  168. Reply Anonymous Oct 7,2017 6:53 am

    Sign up not working

  169. Reply Anonymous Oct 8,2017 8:58 am

    TL is all about the $$$! Go elsewhere!!

  170. Reply Anonymous Oct 8,2017 3:20 pm

    Funny reading all the complaints about how hard it is to seed there. If you’d read the wiki or even the forums, you’d have found all the info you need to survive and thrive there.

    As most new users do, they dig a hole they can’t get out of and let hindsight give them a slap as the door hits them on the way out. No need to be bitchy about your own mistake though. You didn’t do the research, you paid the price. Rightfully so.

    If you (I’ve been there years) sign up, do yourself a favour and read how the site works. I know it’s a pain reading for a whole 10 minutes but you’ll find it’s worth it. If you get in trouble with ratio and genuinely want to stick around, talk to a mod. If they see you’re making the effort, they’ll listen.

    Build a buffer, enjoy the site. Simple.


    Mr Long time TL member who’s sick of new members slagging the site off because they got over excited at membership.

    • Reply hasselhoff Oct 9,2017 2:36 am


      On the other hand: the more of such people stay away because they think TL sucks, the better for everyone.

  171. Reply d Dec 17,2017 8:15 pm

    TL works only with vip. i use to pay Fing 80 euro every year. that same day you stop you VIP you fup, with all that vip i had there is no fing way you can build you ration. ya you can guess what i did i give a f about it. the next time they send me that you have 5 day to fix you ration i send them back email ya show me how here i’m VIP customer for 5 years and my ration still fup now don’t take me wrong, like i didn’t try i did and they still sending fix you ration, yep i did what i had to do i tell them go f you self well sins then about 2 yer never went back and i save that $$

  172. Reply Anonymous Dec 18,2017 11:54 pm

    Great private tracker, lots of content easy to keep a ratio and develop buffer so long you have a seedbox.

  173. Reply Anonymous Dec 25,2017 5:33 am

    They keep raising the price for VIP. I’m done.

  174. Reply Anonymous Jan 14,2018 4:24 am

    new code please

  175. Reply Anonymous Feb 4,2018 5:07 pm

    new code please ——-

  176. Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 7:01 am

    TOOHOTFORTL new sign up code

  177. Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 2:02 pm

    Code please

  178. Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 2:29 pm

    Been there for years amazing site with loads of content. All about building that buffer!

  179. Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 2:30 pm

    Honestly, I’ve been on this tracker for 3 years now.
    My ratio is fine.. But
    it’s really not worth signing up here even for the fast releases.
    Remember those quick scene releases appear on other trackers in a matter of minutes. And most likely those other trackers have peers.

    On TL there aren’t many peers around, everyone is already seeding. As a new user you’ll be spending a lot of time trying to build a ratio. You’ll also be waiting before you can download — a week.

    The tracker is good in terms of content, but it is a big hassle for everyday torrenters without a seedbox or anything like that.
    And that content is available everywhere else. Give this one a miss and be happy. You’ll save yourself from stress

    • Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 8:54 pm

      Agreed. If you have IPT, you don’t really need this tracker.

      Still, it’s nice to have backups. I’d rather have an account here and build a good ratio just in case I need it someday.

  180. Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 3:28 pm

    The only way to get a good ratio for majority of the users is to cross seed. It takes a lot of time investment to develop your epeen on this site. Most of the site content is available on other ‘easier’ sites with lots of peers. That said, it isn’t complete trash. You need to work a bit harder to get a good buffer.

  181. Reply Anonymous Mar 10,2018 5:41 pm

    As a 0day tracker it isn’t terrible. there are better options out there but i found this one to be probably the easiest to get into.

    the cross seeding comments are correct, assuming you aren’t paying for a seedbox you’ll be on the ratio building grind for a long ass time. no freeleech and the torrents with high amounts of leechers are 95% partial seeders (though some of the top torrents have thew courtesy of telling you this). very much a Pay to play tracker. though i guess that isn’t that different from other trackers like it

  182. Reply Bo$$ Mar 10,2018 6:06 pm

    This tracker doesn’t need Free leech section but with Bonus Seed system would be very helpful and motivates the users to seed as long as they can .. as long as TL so is ,the a lot hit and Run even when they been banned they will sign up son or later coz this tracker open sign up many times in year when they get in a gain there they will start with Hit and Run again …. :)

  183. Reply Josh Mar 10,2018 10:02 pm

    Nice tracker to get in.

  184. Reply Anonymous Mar 11,2018 10:11 am

    Personally I think this is a great tracker. it can be a little hard to build a buffer if you don’t have a seedbox, but it has great speeds and way above average data retention for old torrents.

  185. Reply Anonymous Mar 11,2018 11:31 am

    Good tracker

  186. Reply Anonymous Mar 12,2018 3:13 am

    What’s the best between TL, IPT and Filelist plz? For HD releases?

  187. Reply Anonymous Mar 13,2018 3:39 am

    Thansk a lot for the heads up!

  188. Reply AngelMirano Mar 15,2018 4:04 pm

    I’m looking for a tracker from DVD Music Videos, Concert,… DVD5, DVD9 (like rutracker) etc, somebody knows something?

  189. Reply Anonymous Mar 15,2018 9:22 pm

    Cheers mate!

  190. Reply Anonymous Mar 16,2018 11:04 am

    This site sucks. It opens for free sigups all the time because it can’t keep enough members. Newbs can’t keep a good ratio even with a seedbox. Worst site ever.

  191. Reply Anonymous Mar 25,2018 10:49 pm

    WTF? I’m using a VPN, signup gets rejected says I’m using another members IP address. I guess they don’t know what a vpn is.

  192. Reply Anonymous Mar 30,2018 9:39 am

    Great site.

  193. Reply Anonymous Apr 2,2018 11:06 am



  194. Reply Anonymous Apr 3,2018 6:11 pm

    In my opinion TL is most bad tracker. IPT is much better than TL. Trust me.

  195. Reply Anonymous Apr 4,2018 8:21 am

    In my opinion TL is a great tracker and IPT is dangerous site.

  196. Reply Anonymous Apr 6,2018 3:38 am

    can’t find the reCAPTCHA box

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 6,2018 11:47 am

      You need Disable extension blocker to register in torrentleech or any extension who you will use to Blocks annoying video ads on YouTube, Facebook ads, banners.

  197. Reply Anonymous Apr 6,2018 11:39 am

    Please guys All only do use your IP home or work to join to TORRENTLEECH , but do Not use proxies or vpn with shared IP because system have one list with most proxies and VPN with IP shared or free.

  198. Reply Anonymous Apr 12,2018 1:34 am

    this is a horrible site the site its self is ok but i have been banned for cheating and not one mod on the irc will even hear me out they just say you banned then kick you i joined 2 days ago i decided to reseed some undeeded torrents on the site so i reseeded billy and mandy which had 2 leeches and no seeds i uploaded 22 gb and a day goes by and these fucks say i cheated and that its a old torrent how could you get upload on it i think that the mods get off on the fact that they are being so dumb there was no seeds now there is 2 not including me and the mod says that noone has downloaded the torrent in 500 days this site is a joke

    • Reply Anonymous Apr 25,2018 12:39 pm

      thats impossible you uploaded 22 gb you should have been using utorrent wrong version with incorrect settings on torrent client. if you dont know what are doing, download from open trackers. dear.

  199. Reply Anonymous Apr 13,2018 10:48 am

    Been on there for about 13 years and never had an issue. Sounds like you did something and got caught.

  200. Reply Anonymous Apr 17,2018 10:22 am

    Member for 7 years. Still my go to site. Learn to torrent ;)

  201. Reply Anonymous Apr 17,2018 11:10 pm

    all the morons that say they got banned without a reason stop lying/ code is still active and TL don’t have ads

  202. Reply Anonymous May 2,2018 3:25 pm

    Very good site with amazing download speeds(more than 250mb/s for popular torrents). Seeding really isn’t hard at all, don’t believe these kids who seem to have no idea how to torrent. Just don’t give up on the first day, it will be rewarding.

  203. Reply Anonymous May 5,2018 1:45 pm

    Btw signups are closed for those without invite code! Top site, latest torrents, max out your connection speed, ad free!

  204. Reply Anonymous May 9,2018 12:23 am

    I’d watch this site. I was a member for 7 years and they suddenly banned me for “cheating” and were not helpful in chat. I didn’t cheat and my good ratio is done. find another site.

  205. Reply Anonymous May 30,2018 8:48 pm

    I remember why I stopped using TL what a piece of shit site, even with very fast seedbox (min 25mb up speed and upto 100mb) and can’t get ratio even starting torrents the second they start. Fuck TL

  206. Reply Anonymous Jun 26,2018 12:17 am

    lol cry baby above me. most of the sites on here suck dick, this is a good one. join.

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2018 5:57 pm

      lol cry baby above me. most of the sites on here suck dick, this is a good one. join.

      another sucker ……..yep talked about you you think you know it all under woots hypnotization like every one else…………..lmao your a joke

  207. Reply Anonymous Jul 18,2018 9:08 am

    Using TL almost for a year.
    No problem at all.
    – cross seed a few days to get a good ratio
    – keep it up with autodl, simple enough.

    I only autodl things I may want to have, so I don’t need to spend ratio often, only maybe old stuff which will suck from my ratio. But that is rare.

  208. Reply hasselhoff Nov 30,2018 3:14 am

    Due to the huge userbase TL is one of the easier strictly ratio-based trackers. There’s always a leecher.

    My super secret strategy to do well there:

    -try seeding much longer than just a few days

    -seed more than just those last 10 torrents from last week

    -have enough upload bandwith (5 MBit/s are already enough to survive, unless maybe if you are from australia/asia/africa/southamerica. because there will almost always be other seeders to feed just 1-2 leechers anyways)

    -seed (almost) 24/7, not just when you’re sitting at your desk and use the PC

    -I mainly get windows applications there. maybe those are more helpful to build ratio tha the latest mainstream movie/tv episode/game? I really don’t know

    -the cheapest dumb <5€ 200GB NL/FR seedbox can already work wonders, and if that's still too much for you, just get it for 3 month

    -never forget that private tracker economy is a lot different from public tracker economy! if you come from publics, and don't adjust, you'll inevitably fail. don't expect to keep a good ratio by seeding everything for 5 days, 10 hours per day, on 1 MBit/s upload from india.

    PS: I don't use auto-dl. I leech torrents that are days old. Still no problem.

  209. Reply Anonymous Nov 30,2018 11:58 am

    TorrentLeech is a great site! One of the best for p2p and Scene Releases in general. Thanks for opening again!

  210. Reply Anonymous Nov 30,2018 11:14 pm

    Thanx for headsup

  211. Reply Anonymous Dec 2,2018 9:41 am

    TL is one of the older torrent sites! and its awesome! u dont need freeleech there its easy to seed! awesome tv/movie packs! and great community!!!

  212. Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2018 3:09 am

    the reason why torrentleech is the way it is … cause tl is located in the Netherlands where there is no copy right laws …..that’s why woot takes advantage of everyone…………………cause he is aloud and you all fall for it…………… freeleech nothing woot knows what he is doing to make the money smart guy……………..and all users fall for it simple…………….

  213. Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2018 8:56 am

    Torrent site with full of third-party ads and tracking scripts…

  214. Reply spx45 Dec 14,2018 5:35 pm

    When rarbg is beating your ass in the pre game its time to stop racing lulz..
    slow azz goat fuckers

  215. Reply Anonymous Dec 26,2018 3:17 am

    Signed up to TL about a month ago. Had some concerns due to negative reviews on here, but it has been a positive experience with absolutely no bad issues!

    I chose to make a donation (via Bitcoin) as I wanted to download a bunch of 4K movies without waiting to build ratio. In 4 weeks have downloaded approx 30 4K films – 1TB of data. Site is very polished and functions well. There is lots of new content and it is very well seeded so you get your torrents quickly.

    Happy to recommend!

  216. Reply Anonymous Dec 27,2018 3:19 am

    Very bad experience with this tracker.

    I kept a good ratio on the tracker and did not download anything for a long time and today i’ve got a warning because of a bad ratio. How is it possible? After asking support about it i’ve got banned.

  217. Reply Anonymous Jan 13,2019 4:40 pm

    excellent site, especially because it is so hard to get in and keep good ratio. all the idiots are filtered by this easy method and the real users provide top speeds and long seeding for everyone else. private tracker done right, if you think otherwise then please fuck off we don’t want/need you here:)

  218. Reply Anonymous Jan 26,2019 1:21 am

    Isn’t the owner of this site running it as a full time job by now? Must really be making bank.

  219. Reply Anonymous Mar 5,2019 2:39 am

    I have ipt ? don’t want torrentleech ?

  220. Reply Anonymous Mar 5,2019 7:01 am

    worst tracker

  221. Reply Joe Mama Mar 7,2019 12:49 pm

    It seems to me that you account is almost surely locked and they demand a VIP subscription from you in order to use the site. I’ve been torrenting over 10 years and this is the ONLY site this has occurred to me on. With the 200k+ users they have, one would think this would not be necessary, but I guess not everyone wants to throw money at them.

  222. Reply Anonymous Mar 13,2019 1:50 pm

    Hard to maintain ratio, has some good stuff, but can be found on other trackers, so not that worth

  223. Reply Anonymous Mar 16,2019 9:30 am

    that tracker became public tracker, opened everyday :D

  224. Reply spx22 Mar 18,2019 11:32 am

    TL is where the real OG wiggas roll..

  225. Reply DaRealWigga Mar 18,2019 11:34 am

    If the nublets regurgitating in the comments about not being able to keep a good ratio, go play on a nub site like rarbg lol.

  226. Reply Anonymous Mar 25,2019 2:48 am


  227. Reply Anonymous Apr 14,2019 2:52 pm

    WINTERHASCOME! The last battle shall go down in history.

  228. Reply Anonymous Apr 21,2019 12:24 am

    This tracker became useless with times

  229. Reply Anonymous Apr 24,2019 12:58 pm

    After all the comments, I think I’ll pass.

  230. Reply Anonymous Apr 30,2019 8:59 pm

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  231. Reply methodman151 May 16,2019 9:58 pm

    Please slap me

  232. Reply Anonymous May 23,2019 11:50 pm

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  233. Reply Anonymous May 25,2019 1:09 am

    Do you want to live long?

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    You start by adopting a whole-foods plant based diet. Because it is what they eat. And that’s what you want to eat too if you want to live long and healthy like them. Follow this type of diet. The rewards you’ll reap will be good health and longevity.

    Adopt a whole-foods plant-based diet now! And live long and healthy like the okinawans.

  234. Reply Anonymous Jul 5,2019 10:12 am

    open signup currently

  235. Reply Anonymous Jul 7,2019 8:45 am

    please can we have open sign ups to Empornium and pornbits

  236. Reply Anonymous Jul 8,2019 6:29 am

    are there any good porn trackers ??????

  237. Reply Anonymous Jul 8,2019 4:27 pm

    Yes sure plenty of extremely good porn trackers.

  238. Reply AngelMirano Jul 9,2019 10:43 am

    I’m looking for a Private Tracker for Music Videos DVD5, DVD8, DVDM, etc.

  239. Reply Anonymous Jul 9,2019 1:19 pm


    impossible to get in though, would also like to join

  240. Reply Anonymous Jul 11,2019 8:04 am

    good luck with music-vid

    the mod safir is an anus

  241. Reply spx22 Jul 13,2019 8:17 pm

    Goat fuckers and monkeys

  242. Reply Anonymous Jul 14,2019 12:42 pm

    why should you have my seedbox info dumbass

  243. Reply Anonymous Jul 27,2019 4:51 am

    i love movie

  244. Reply Anonymous Aug 20,2019 3:50 pm

    I netflix over vpn

  245. Reply Anonymous Aug 27,2019 1:32 am

    I have TL account for a long time. It is very hard to seed, nowadays almost impossible. You are forced to pay for premium.

    • Reply Anonymous Dec 12,2019 1:15 am

      Been there 10 years and never had an issue.

      Freeleech and bonus points recently introduced so if you’re still struggling with ratio, maybe private trackers aren’t for you.

  246. Reply Lloyd Fairbairn Sep 28,2019 11:45 am

    Are You interested in advertising that costs less than $49 per month and sends thousands of people who are ready to buy directly to your website? Please send me a reply here: and I’ll send more details.

  247. Reply Anonymous Dec 12,2019 8:37 am

    error: you did not fill all fields correctly. please try again! torrentleech

    I get this message when I try to register. I ask for help but no one seems to be helping me. So I’m asking you. Thank you.

  248. Reply ethan Dec 16,2019 3:18 am

    Dont go to this tracker. They will ask you to read a lot about their rules and after that they send you to BUY a SEEDBOX (9$/month). They sed it is the BEST solution … still in It is a ADVERTISED TRACKER for making MONEY but they dont tell you from the start.

  249. Reply ethan Dec 16,2019 6:31 am

    from their general rules:
    “If you do not report the usage of a seedbox then there is a high chance that you may find your account disabled for suspected cheating” that means ” if you dont pay 10$/month you will be banned from the tracker”
    If you are new and you dont want to pay you dont have any chance there.

  250. Reply Anonymous Dec 17,2019 6:26 am

    They don’t send you to buy a seedbox. What a numpty.

  251. Reply moklinowski Dec 19,2019 12:25 am

    An error occurred
    Application error. Please report to staff.
    (Error Code: 106)

  252. Reply Anonymous Dec 25,2019 4:02 pm

    I was offline like around a year and I didn’t get banned

  253. Reply Anonymous Jan 5,2020 9:47 am

    Anyone who can’t keep up a 1:1 ratio on TL, don’t deserve to be on a private tracker full stop. It’s so easy to keep up a good ratio, even more so now with freeleech and TL points. I honestly don’t get it. Leave a torrent open long enough and it’ll seed back 1:1 in time. Never had a seedbox and never will, just no need for one at all.

  254. Reply Anonymous Jan 19,2020 10:17 pm

    I started using a couple of months ago and I’m upto 300gb upload and about 60gb download.
    Plenty of freeleech and easy to maintain ratio

  255. Reply Anonymous Jan 31,2020 9:02 pm

    Looks like TLFREELEECH code is now invalid :(

  256. Reply Anonymous Mar 13,2020 7:36 am

    Easy as all hell to maintain a ratio with the NEWELY added FL. There is no forcing you to buy anything, ie seedboxes. If you have a good enough ratio you move up to classes that only require 6 days seeding on a torrent and the God Class is jusat 4 days seeding. So join and stop whining already NOOBS.

    • Reply Anonymous Mar 13,2020 8:34 am

      WTF? They force you to seed back?! That’s an outrage! Only rich nerds with lots of spare time can do that, while the average joe is out of luck!
      Private trackers are unfair! And this one seems to be worst of all!! I heard they punish you, just for brakeing some stupid rules, that the staff made up themselves!


  257. Reply Anonymous Mar 16,2020 4:34 pm

    Ethan, are you serious? They don’t send you to buy a seedbox. What the hell gave you that idea? All they’re saying is that IF you using one with their tracker, THEN you have to let them know. This is standard procedure with private trackers. And with the recently introduced freeleech policy, which is pretty liberal, it’s incredibly easy to build ratio with or without a seedbox.

  258. Reply Noe Ngo Mar 20,2020 1:29 pm

    Looking for fresh buyers? Receive tons of people who are ready to buy sent directly to your website. Boost your profits fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. For additional information Check out:

  259. Reply Anonymous Apr 3,2020 4:22 pm

    Hopefully TL changed, but it was THE HARDEST tracker on the web to build ratio, a senseless ‘challenge’ for some nerds (believe it or not).
    Content was nothing special and never had Bonus Points or Freeleechs until now, which was inexplicable and extremely unkind to seeders…
    Some wizards in the Staff seem to be updating with the hard times, and that is wise (to survive).
    I’m a member since the early days and always wanted a radical change.
    TL never begged, but this seems to be changing as well.
    Keep up with the good work.

  260. Reply Anonymous Jun 1,2020 6:52 am

    It’s one of the best ones. I love it.

  261. Reply yotoprules Jul 1,2020 7:28 am

    Can’t register because of 504 gateway error.

  262. Reply Anonymous Jul 1,2020 9:30 am

    Google CAPTCHA that violates privacy and discriminates against Tor users? No ty.

  263. Reply Anonymous Jul 2,2020 4:25 am

    What is the best Torrent site for newly released pc games?

      • Reply Anonymous Mar 5,2022 12:35 am

        In terms of retention they’re the best but, in terms of newly released games they are slow and miss some of the less common indie games. They also recently deactivated or banned a new member that bought some games, cracked them and filled the requests for those games in less than a day. RIP KURAGAMI.

  264. Reply harry potter 1 indir Nov 5,2020 5:56 am

    easy movie download from uptobox

  265. Reply Anonymous Nov 6,2020 6:43 am

    man kan ikke kom ind på side

  266. Reply Anonymous Nov 14,2020 2:52 am

    They just had a hack / data breach so i suggest if anyone does sign up, you do it with a vpn and dont use a name or password that can be associated with any other sites .

  267. Reply Valencia McLaren Dec 28,2020 11:13 pm

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  269. Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2021 2:23 pm

    not bad of a site give it a look

  270. Reply Anonymous Dec 4,2021 3:03 pm


  271. Reply Anonymous Dec 6,2021 11:55 am


  272. Reply Anonymous Dec 8,2021 11:36 pm

    Thanks bro

  273. Reply will3011 Jan 4,2022 6:49 pm

    got mine :D

  274. Reply Tantoon22 Jan 18,2022 7:53 pm

    Need a code to get access!

  275. Reply Torrent Addict May 29,2022 1:21 pm

    Updated – May 2022

    All files that are bigger than 14GB are marked as “FREELEECH” which means they won’t be counted in your download point. But you have to seed them at least for 10 days per torrent. So if you don’t have a seedbox, just download those big files, but it would eat up your hard drive space real quick haha.

    There is no way to buy your upload points to increase your ratio. This is where PrivateHD is better because you can buy upload points there. I currently use both TorrentLeech and PrivateHD.

  276. Reply Anonymous Sep 14,2022 1:51 am

    (Error Code: 106)

  277. Reply sharkish Sep 24,2022 1:43 pm

    validation code WINTERISCOMING not valide …

  278. Reply Anonymous Oct 3,2022 5:30 pm

    seems like they farming donations

  279. Reply Anonymous Dec 9,2022 6:14 am


  280. Reply Jan 18,2023 11:11 am

    hey music lover this best music dj remixes site for djs, vjs

  281. Reply Anonymous Jul 5,2023 1:12 pm

    What a joke of a site, using google captcha. Absolute trash.

  282. Reply Anonymous Oct 17,2023 2:17 am

    Good site!

  283. Reply Anonymous Jun 28,2024 8:48 am

    When are torrent leech open for sign ups?

  284. Reply Anonymous Dec 16,2024 4:10 pm

    code not valid

  285. Reply thatsMyRealId Jan 13,2025 7:14 am

    could anyone share the signup code please

  286. Reply Anonymous Jan 28,2025 3:33 am

    If it’s closed try yoinked instead, it’s pretty good and new and open

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