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SeedFile (SF) is a ROMANIAN Private Torrent Tracker for 0DAY / GENERAL
SeedFile is the internal tracker for multiple release groups

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Great tracker.
Un tracker de cacat care fura torrentele altora si spammeaza pe mail ca disperatii, cu un owner care are personalitate multipla si mai e si dobitoc pe deasupra(are 5-6 conturi cu care manipuleaza stafful credul si ii manipuleaza pe useri sa-i doneze dupa care inchide trackerul si deschide altul).
Pocas semillas. Archivops pequeños. Algunas películas en español
Clicked on the site and I got 2 popups, not even going to mess with it.
This is a rip off of SHIT TRACKER STAY AWAY.
Amazing Tracker, great content with super speeds. Besides, the torrents the staff and community are as strong as any other site out there.
I found people to be very helpful and genuine here at
If your looking for a quality hd tracker this is it.
This site truly stands on its own and is strangely unique compared to other trackers
Nah its definitely a shit tracker and should be avoided
Are you retarded ? ist a shity tracker
Sper sa nu ma puna sa fac ratie :)
not bad
Open for signup
Don’t register here or you gonna be spammed all the time. I am spammed and I’m not even registered here.
In fact this tracker has some users and 0 torrents – they indexing the torrents from other site – if you download a torrent which has, lets say, 1000 seeders – you will see that you can download only from 1 or 2 with a very low upload band. So NO! I do NOT recommend this tracker to anyone. Off course you are free to join and test it :)
Normal tracker
this site is fucking horseshit.
a picat siteul??