Secret Cinema (SC) is a Private Torrent Tracker for CLASSIC / CULT / ARTHOUSE MOVIES
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Do not post personal info (emails) advertise (trackers) or request invites | Acquire invites legitimately or not at all
Check the limited signups (these close soon) | Need help? suggestions? Join our IRC network | Twitter | Facebook | RSS
What happened to the old accounts? Do the accounts fly? Does anyone have information?
invite only
how do you get an invitation?
Old accounts are dead as far as I know due to the move to gazelle. Plus there are a number of new rules that would prevent your old uploads from counting.
It’s early days but the new site is a great step forward now it just needs content from fellow film-lovers.
I thought about joining, as I still have my library of classic movies but clicked the link too late.
you from old demonoid?
‘-‘ and old accounts?
what f… irc? what
where is their irc help channel #secret-cinema on broken sphere seems dead, and no staff.
seems messed up that they wouldn’t email invites to the old members. I’ve been with them since they were cinema obscura in 2007.
This is a secret cinema survivors forum
you can signup with your old site user name, so you could ask the mods for an invite and old stats there.
nice, so this is just opened for DAY???!!
No. for less than an hour.
what are the chances for finding an invite when the site has less than 500 members and has just opened?
The site has just opened for open signups for 500 spots but that doesn’t mean they only 500 user spots… Previous members can request and account on the secret forum for survivors… If you were a past member you know where to look for an invite…
New users can still get invited. Keep refreshing the page.
What’s their IRC? They screwed the long time members over. I contributed a lot to SC and CO before it. Why are we shut out?
Any old members of SC or CO should go to and sign up with their old user name.
Once inside, head to the forums and follow the instructions.
Tried numerous times with old user name and email but it does not recognise it in spite being correct!!
Snotty uptight elitists. I want in.
Fuck Off…They are trying to provide a home for the ones that are really interested in the stuff not some dickheads who want to get into every single tracker that opens up. If you were member go here and register with same username and pass. They will verify with the old database and let you in and after that get in through the forum. They are not elitist or anything. They just don’t users who are not into the stuff.
not same username and pass. same username and email
how do you get in?? I am interested in these old obscure movies…
few members with no database
just a name
The site just came out of Alpha into Beta. Give them sometime Brother
This is a known trackers “reboot”… Secret Cinema was the 2nd biggest tracker for non-mainstream movies after Karagarga…
Sadly I missed the open signups this time… I hope I’ll get in ASAP.
Open registration once more plz.
I have a user name and password that I am sure that a right ones but is not working….
Been a member for 10 years with CO back to SC and it will not recognise my username and password on the boards. I feel like I’ve been frozen out.
I was a member and contributor for a long long time and I can’t get in either. If there is a mod from the site here, my username is flingle, please email me access.
anyone IRC address of the new secret-cinema support?!
Frustrating… anyway to get in?
Hey boys
Is SC down for good?
I was a longtime member, contributor and Moderator.. would also like to rejoin.
Soma! I recognize you! I am JazzFromHell, I want to get in again too! I need it in my life!
have a variety of experimental films?
Soma! I recognize you! I am JazzFromHell, I want to get in again too! I need it in my life!
Are you still trying to get in?
I’m an ex-Mod of SC, currently in RetroFlix.
Hell, i snook in 15 years ago from Hungary as a 13 years old (some how registration was allowed for a short time).
Bless any one who contributed to this, this was so cool, eventhought i was a leach.
18 years
let me in pls
so sad
Hello, I have a seedbox and interest in non-mainstream films. Could anyone please help me get onto a private tracker like SC?