RDS-Zone is a ROMANIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV
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RDS-Zone is a ROMANIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV
Official Facebook Page
Cel mai tare si complet traker!!!

Super, Mult succes in continuare!!!
I wouln’t register there according to this: http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/298326-BitTorrent-Sites-Open-for-Signup/page441
Its runned by a known Invite seller that uses that tracker to hack acounts and spam to invite people to his Trade/Sell forum.
poor apps/0day content
No matter what I do it says that I have not completed the form.
Slabut a fost si inainte,iar acum nu cred ca v-a intrece asteptarile.
buna aveam cont pe site de la rds-zone si de ceva vreme nu mai gasesc sa ma loghet pe site,ma poate ajuta cineva cu informatii
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