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RainbowNation Sharing (RNS) is a Private Torrent Tracker for EBOOKS / AUDIOBOOKS
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This signup has closed!
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This is really the SCENE release tracker for e-books !!!
This is an awesome tracker, ALL the newest books are here !
I strongly recommend it …
Hey TheGene,
been away from rsn for awhile and lost my login and hoping to get involved again.
I was either Grem135 or gremlin135 or variation of that.
Dont know if you will get this meassange but figured its worth a try.
TheGene -> He is an admin recommending his own site. This site is very very worse.
Sorry but very disappointing.I joined only by seeing his encouraging comments on Reddit not knowing that he himself is admin
just joined, site seems good and I found 3 out of 4 books I was looking for, but not all torrents are ebooks, being it’s cattegories the following: Afrikaans – Apps – Audio Books – E-Books – Games – Movies – Music – TV
this one is pearl among dirt
Well what can I say about RNS
Other than give this site a very wide berth. I uploaded about 1000 torrents on that site, all went well till I told the owner I did not want to use his seedbox any more, from then on things went down hill.
I stopped uploading, and started uploading on another site, I was downloading from RNS and got a 30 day Download ban, they have staff camped on the site that I upload on and they take every book that I upload, talk about double standards,
This is a quote from the RNS site owner….
from now on I will summarily ban any member I even think is violating rules, And rules is what I say they are…
so beware the rules can change on a whim
Dear Pink,
I am searching for new and medical /IT related books and I am unable to find them like for example “Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd Edition) 3rd Edition
by John O. Cooper” and “Become a BlockChain Programmer from Scratch”. Please help me as both are latest books. And help me in signing in to the site for future.
My email is
lmao…… poor girl lol, all I can say is come and see for yourself, if you are a DECENT torrenter and NOT a raider you will be right at home lol
If you are looking for an ebook site where you can find all the newest releases on, then RNS is it. There is no VIP or status categories preventing members from downloading the best and newest material. It’s open to all. RNS also has a Huge selection of romance and erotica that is difficult to find on other large private sites, a special Afrikaans section and so much more. We have dedicated staff and members to help fill your hard to find ebook and audiobook requests. Come enjoy our DJ radio while you browse the site and get to know the fabulous staff on Shout.
hello NookieGirl, i am an avid reader of books and am fed up having to buy ebooks for my kindle. have seen the RNS is closed can you tell me where i can get an invite regards alex,
I am a member of quite a few trackers and I find this one by far the friendliest. I have been a member for just over a year now got to know most of the staff who are really friendly and approachable.
Staff will always help where they can. They’re polite and requests are filled pretty quick. I even had one staff member buy a book i was looking for. Hows that for service?
They have a lot of content but could do with some more uploaders to vary it some.
I have never had any problem with the site. Rules are clear and as said above there is no user class on who can download what. New releases tend to be up pretty quick and the downloads are open to everyone.
I am sure like any site they would be grateful of any donations. But they don’t lock away the good content in order to get them.
Rules have changed once since i have been a member and that was to REMOVE the no sharing rule, so in my view that was a bonus.
This tracker has to be the site with the best atmosphere I`ve ever come across on the net. The staff are helpful and friendly and very knowledgeable, its a good looking site with plenty of skins to choose from and has a swift take up of new books and content. They have an active shout and make everybody welcome. The rules are fair and the ratio policy easy to attain.The Forum is quite active too.
Downloads from here are FAST. – No hesitation in recommending this site to all.
there are better sites for downloading books… don’t use private trackers for books… its like using a shovel to pick up a grain of salt….
Can you let me know of any GOOD sites, besides Bolt and Mobilism, please??
MyAnonaMouse, Bibliotik, LibraNet & ThePlace
Site is now invite only.
Site is back open for registration for a limited time only… The RainbowNation Sharing moved to another location… So everything is relatively new…
I just sigup, using vpn in russia,
Is this a gay tracker?
Nope not a gay tracker – mainly books
Only gay thing in RNS is in happiness …. geez google the term Rainbow Nation … it was coined by Mr. Mandela to signify the unity between diverse racial groups in South Africa !
Joined. Nice site.
I like rainbows but funking gays ruined them :(
Nice tracker … :)
Thank you.
not much here except womens books, new stuff has to be paid for in vip and u also have to log in on command every month or get deleted, paid up donators included. Many pleas for ur cash too, there are better sites out there.
I am a member of a few sites. I joined this one recently. I found it to be a decent tracker. Staff are friendly and helpful.
Content could do with varying some.
I don’t like the vip but not everything new is vip. So thats a bonus for me.
I don’t think they plea for your cash as the above poster states. But I have only been there a month.
I am happy to donate every now and again to the sites I use.
I think everyone who uses a site regularly should donate and not just be a freeloader.
Thank you for your support
Site will be invite only from end of October 2015.
Is there any way to donate for a sign up code?
“not much here except womens books” Hmmm, that’s not really true. After a simple check I found 8846 books under Romance and Erotica. If that’s what you mean by ‘Women’s Books’, and 10,296 books under, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Historical Fiction. Didn’t even bother with all the other genres available in addition to those three, and there are many others.
All new releases are not in VIP, plus you don’t have to donate to be VIP. Donators are immune to demotion or deletion and if you don’t log into the site for 60 days Not 30, you will be deleted unless your account is parked or your a VIP.
Also, don’t expect a private site to survive without some help from it’s members.
Thank you for your support.
Design isn’t the greatest, and the search engine needs some work.
Thank you for taking the time to post a comment.
Our design will not appeal to everyone. Unfortunately there is not a lot we can do about that.
As for the search it is Boolean and if the params are used you actually do get what you want.
There is a search help on the search page for those who are not familiar with the system.
Signups are now closed access is via invite only.
Design and search are ok but not that great.
Content is ok.
VIP content as many torrent sites have now.
However there are often problems with torrents and right now the server seems to be down.
Either this or the change cuts off members for whatever reason ..
RNS will be opening its doors for a short period on 20th December.
There is a limited amount of places available, once the places are filled the doors will close again.
Merry Christmas.
Is this a South African tracker?
Waste of time.
Best in the West … by far …
No. But it does have some Afrikaans content.
I tried to sign up, but when I try to log in, it just gives me username/password incorrect message, even though both are correct. Can I do something to change it?
frangypan I am unable to give contact details here in order to assist you.
However if you are still having difficulties please use the email on the sign up/login page we may then assist you further.
Open sign up has ended.
Invite only.
i just found out about this site and i really, really wanna join, be an active uploader…. then the sign up has already ended T^T
Site re-opens for a few days once a month for open signups. But you can use the email on the login page to ask for an invite. You might get lucky.
Kan jy asb vir my laat weet waar kan ek die link kry vir die afrikaanse eboeke
mara het jy n link vir afrikaanse boeke?
All Afrikaans books are on the site in Other Languages ….
Site will be open signups on 1st March for a limited time.
This site uses karma points in addition to the normal seed ratio.
They are completely separate, but work off of each other.
Every user starts with 200 karma points and
10 MB ratio/UL credit.
Every torrent downloaded costs 5 karma points.
The only way to get more karma points, is to upload torrents.
Each torrent you have uploaded will generate .01 karma point for each hour you seed it.
They have about 20 free leech torrents a month.
Adding to this there are many ways to gain more Karma points in addition to uploading.
Filling a request
Comment on torrent
Saying thanks
Rating a torrent
Making a post
Starting a topic
Members can also donate points to other members.
In addition to staff picks, which are freeleech. The site also offers a pot where members can cash in points in order to activate a site wide freeleech.
Also you do not need to upload in order to gain points if you seed what you dl past the site requirements you will gain seedbonus.
Signups are now closed. Site is invite only.
Are you able to tell me when Signups will be open again please?
Many Thanks
Open signups will be on 8th April for a limited time.
Signups closed.
When will there be open Signups again?
RNS is currently open for signups.
Well what can I say about RNS
Other than give this site a very wide berth. I uploaded about 1000 torrents on that site, all went well till I told the owner I did not want to use his seedbox any more, from then on things went down hill.
I stopped uploading, and started uploading on another site, I was downloading from RNS and got a 30 day Download ban, they have staff camped on the site that I upload on and they take every book that I upload, talk about double standards,
This is a quote from the RNS site owner….
from now on I will summarily ban any member I even think is violating rules, And rules is what I say they are…
so beware the rules can change on a whim
You felt the need to copy and paste a two year old post from above, by an obvious disgruntled member because?
You missed all the other posts bud, some more copy/paste to do ……………
This tracker has to be the site with the best atmosphere I`ve ever come across on the net. The staff are helpful and friendly and very knowledgeable, its a good looking site with plenty of skins to choose from and has a swift take up of new books and content. They have an active shout and make everybody welcome. The rules are fair and the ratio policy easy to attain.The Forum is quite active too.
Downloads from here are FAST. – No hesitation in recommending this site to all.
Wow, sooo many comments under this one. Did anybody cum already? Come on, there is nothing to be excited about or angry. Just a decent tracker for books.
Thank you h3X0r1911.
excellent site,thousands of books,multiple genres.staff very helpful.
Suffering at the moment from lack of engagement, too many takers and not enough givers, All in all its a damn shame more folk dont get involved, the attitude from the owner dont help.
I signed up a few days ago,not alot of seeders and the forums are dead as a doornail,gonna stick around though…maybe some new members will breathe some life into this site.
Signups are now closed.
Feel free to not use it then!
When will signups be open again?
Is there a option like other Private Tracker sites to sign up on certain day of the month? would be nice if there was one.
Thank you for your attention.
Signups are now open for a limited time.
is open now
When will sign-ups open again? I’ve been looking for a new site since EBH closed last year.
The site is currently open.
“Signup failed
Sorry, you’re not qualified to become a member of this site.”
How can i qualify?
Please make sure all the fields are filled in correctly.
Signups closed. Invite only..
Nutsack. I missed another signup period.
please i need a code really fast :( im a book lover
Would love to signup
is there any way to get a heads up when the tracker will be open? Ive tried to check daily but always happens on the days i miss :/
When will the site be open again? I keep missing it
How do I go about getting an invite?
Please let me know
Found the sign ups to be open!! Not sure for how long but give it a try :)
stupid site engine
WHAHAHAHAAAA oh good one … U-232 happens to be state-of-the-art heeheeheee
Good for e-books….
Looking forward to open sign-ups! Any hints of when this is going to happen?
Would love to be able to signup.
Any idea , when they will again open their site for sign up ?
Open sign-up begins Thursday October 20th. See you there!
Signups closed 26/10
time of open signups again? anyone?
Anyone know when singups will be open again?
I am looking for a site that has Afrikaans Audiobooks. If this site is it, how can I get invited?
Site is open for signup (Limited time)
This tracker has to be the site with the best atmosphere I`ve ever come across on the net. The staff are helpful and friendly and very knowledgeable, its a good looking site with plenty of skins to choose from and has a swift take up of new books and content. They have an active shout and make everybody welcome. The rules are fair and the ratio policy easy to attain.The Forum is quite active too.
Downloads from here are FAST. – No hesitation in recommending this site to all.
They have some VIP only torrents. Constantly bombard you to pay up for a VIP access. Convoluted rules. I’d skip this.
Signup is closed now.
Site is among the Best, second only to Mobilism and Bolt. Nice interface, Freeleechs. IMO, traffic is discreet, but this happens everywhere.
They don’t delete accounts, but ask for Donations frequently. However, a highly recommended e-Book tracker.
shitty tracker
most of the books are garbage tier novels for housewives
Dont bother wasting your time with this shill site.
Beg for donations and make torrents vip only so if you dont donate you dont download.
Sites like these need to be forwarded to ICE as they are what bring the heat to filesharing.
Beg for donations and VIP only torrents, find an invite for MyAnonymouse (MAM). This site is a joke compared to MAM
Don’t waste your time, terrible layout and design, no business textbooks
sign ups are closed
I signed up with an invite, but never got the confirmation code. Is there an IRC or admin I can contact?
Site is open for signup
This should really use the HTTPS link for a tracker signup…
SEEMS legit
A very much decent tracker — quite promising !
Just bought a kindle and was looking for something like this, does anyone know when/if invitations will be available?
next open date?
when is the next invite dates?
can i please get an invite?
I really want an invite if somebody could send me one that would be awesomel
I was registered there few years ago but now cannot login anymore or recover password. Says email doesn’t exist. Username was either Magicman or Magicman0027
How do I get an Invite ?
Doors will be open between 20-23rd July 2018
Rabbid Neurosis?
No freeleech policy?
Joined for audiobooks, but can’t find any
crap site; need to pay to dl vip torrents, uggghh
no audiobook search option
Closed already
They removed audiobooks sometime ago
hi mate I have been trying to login but but it wont let me can you help I am clive1199
the site claims it is closed for new users.
can you please assist?
thank you.
audiobooks have all been removed
Books all apear to be VIP, which is pay-only
Just missed the registration :(
Is there Dr Najeeb Videos?
Site open for signup
still no audio books
Audio books are at
All books are VIP, VIP=$$$$, is this a pay site
Sorry i’m a torso man and i need to feed my kids.
The above comment was NOT posted by anyone related to RNS Admin.
A torrent site where you must pay to download??? Scammer, shit like this needs to be reported.
Hi, You want to report something ?
yeah. Our rains are late.
Quote: “Anonymous Mar 10,2019 6:18 am
All books are VIP, VIP=$$$$, is this a pay site”
You need school … the word “All” is incorrect.
It should be – “Of 56 314 books there are 16 638 which are VIP”
So, ermm obviously it’s not a pay site LMFFFFFFAO
So a third of the their content is for VIP… Yeah, no. I’ll stick to MAM tyvm.
in relation to mam that is at
Torrents 440,358
VIP Torrents 27.5%
and can access vip by seeding
Today I logged in after a break and counted. 19 of the last 150 torrents are non-vip. So yea, I’d say it was a normal site that’s on it’s way to being a pay site.
Heehee yes that’s like saying “There’s no cops in America” cos you didn’t see one while in the airport ….
I’ma raid all the ebooks.
Knickers always late to the party.
Does the RNS site still exist? Used to be a member years ago. Would like to join again if possible
Scotboy here I cant log on getting this account is disabled message Can you pm me any info
lol fuck off
big mama and jford53473, you 2 both are fools
suspended an account with TB’s uploaded , a member many years , suspended because not online for just over 1 month
others suspended for 60 day prune, but can come back , no problem for $$$
what a bunch of fools on this site
Looks like a pay site. All the torrents (with the exception of the ones “mints” somehow missed on the front page are tagged VIP. VIP is $ only.
RNS = Real N!gga Sh!t
must be a TRUMP supporter
or Brexit Little Englander
Shut up blanket i’m african
then you should know better , but i know your white , sad little man boy
RNS = Real Nasty S**t
this site is poor
have to pay for anything decent $$$$$$$$$$$$
It’s like your sexual life…You have to pay for anything decent.
i know , i’m going broke , i’m addicted to the tush
where if any torrent site is taking applications for daily stern shows I was a Sirius/xm Canada subscriber but had t go on disability and could reallyuse a free or limited donation site to download this show its one of the few things that give my life pleasure. Please help if possible
hey man is Open for Limited Signup! < public trackers
Thanks !
As of today RNS has closed for good
rip rns