Portugas is a PORTUGUESE Private Torrent Tracker for 0DAY / GENERAL
Portugas is the internal tracker for multiple release groups
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Actually decent pre-times and speeds
gostaria de saber porque motivo fecharam a minha conta
Closed, moved to application
Really great portuguese tracker, with a lot of internal content. ThumbsUp
I know the post is 1year old but the site went through a nice work during the last year. Nice pretimes, nice internal and exclusive stuff. Also the community is very helpful and friendly!
The best portuguese tracker
any good?
I am truly grateful to Portugasorg for accepting my registration honestly I have no regrets about joining this incredible tracker the content is top notch the speeds are outstanding and it seems that most members have seedboxes ensuring a seamless experience
The staff are highly respectful and engage well with the community creating a welcoming atmosphere the site’s design is sleek and user friendly and the variety of content available in different sizes caters to all preferences the Seed Hunt system is a fantastic feature that encourages participation and makes sharing even more rewarding
It’s rare to find a tracker that balances quality efficiency and community spirit so well if you’re looking for a well managed and content rich tracker Portugasorg is definitely worth being a part of