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MMA-Torrents is a Private Torrent Tracker for MMA
Donations are open!

Donations are open!
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invite disable.only through donation.
signup closed and i can’t signup now
This is without doubt the absolute best MMA / Mixed Martial Arts torrent tracker there is!! 20000 torrents with awesome stuff!
Getting this:
The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly. Go back and try it again.(reCAPTCHA said: incorrect-captcha-sol)
There is no captcha to solve at all. …so?
That captch thing is hilarious really, they must have forgotten to put one.
To view the insecure captcha, you have to use an insecure browser like Interweb Exploder (IE).
it’s Disabled
In America california is 4:38PM
also is 5:38PM in Mexico
Keeps saying captcha failed
cant see a captcha
same here
“The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly. Go back and try it again.(reCAPTCHA said: incorrect-captcha-sol)”
There is no captcha on the signup form.
seems to be an issue on chrome but firefox displays the captcha
I just installed Firefox for this and…SAME PROBLEM!!! No captcha.
weird i can see captcha. check to see if u disable javascript on firefox.
Must have only been open for a few hours. Sign Up is CLOSED!!!
It’s now closed only after 24 hours, and the advertisement that it’s open should now be removed.
The link provided takes you to a page from the MMA site which says it’s now closed and invite only.
These guys know what they’re doing;
Open registrations for a very short window knowing they’ll get plugged on sites like this, then after they let a few in for free they’re still getting plenty of folks wandering over for them to advertise their donation signups to.
Nice of opentrackers to facilitate this payment model for them.
Donate ONLY LOL, no thanks.
It’s definitely not worth a donation.
Not gonna trash them but keeping ratio will be impossible here.
I m using them 2 days and seeding everything exept one and alredy got a warning about ratio and ban in couple days.
Dont know/care if its busines model to make you donate or low number of members, but leting others know.
So if you like mma try some general sport tracker or tracker that will not ban you, I will update after couple days or ban lol.
garbage dump of a place. i’ve seeded every fight i’ve ever downloaded and then after today, already at 50 percent upload of the newest illegal fight, i get a message telling me to PAY UP since my seeding is low. They don’t give points to help you keep your ratio but they’ll happily ban you. FUCK YOU! put that in your donation box.
Shut Down!
open from mozilla and then click on upper left corner box after which site is written where you find firefox has blocked some content.. disable it.. then you will able to see captha box
Thanks mate that helped me out!
to confirm the signup ihave this:The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly. Go back and try it again.(reCAPTCHA said: incorrect-captcha-sol),any help ,plaese??
bite my ass for this site and any site that asks for money to join
This turned out to be the best MMA related not only tracker but also site I ever seen. I am really happy with what I got for my ~20 donation. I dont find it hard at all to keep a ratio, and I must say that the staff have been extremely helpful with everything whenever I had to contact them for any reason. I really recommend the donation invite!
the obvious posts by the staff themselves here are hilarious
“best mma site!!!”
The staff has no basic knowledge of running a server. It only exists to make money.
why bother you can have all this stuff for free on normal torrent sites?? go get it and keep your wallet shut .
when each event takes place i can get it within a few hours every time and have done since ufc 10 … why pay these guys …forget it?
just saying