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Tormac is a RUSSIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MAC SOFTWARE

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how can i register?when i try nothing happens
I think this site is a scam. I have tried with 2 different email accounts to register, and no confirmation email is sent, and there is no way to resend it. I can’t use lost password because it sats it’s inactive.
There is NO WAY to create an account. I believe it is a data collection site to get peoples names and email.
@Anonymous: They do moderation and after that they will send e-mail address.
*message for e-mail verification.
Great site, able to register in seconds
This IS a fake site.
Invite only nooobs!!
This blows. This was hands down the best torrent site I’ve ever used. I don’t know what has happened. I can’t login with my account that always used to work. Every time I try and make a new account it says in the button of the screen javascript:void(0). I don’t know java script, but I think no script is getting ran when you click the button
For me the same thing , impossible to create a login and the captcha doesn’t work !
Now everyrhing working. Before was no I’M not robot option.
No it doesn’t work . I click on i’m not a robot sometimes pictures for the captcha appears but most of time they don’t appears and when i click on the green arrow: nothing
And it wrote impossible to connect the captcha service verify your connect and my connection is good ????
Worked for me
in think that website just for russia user
InMac is home to cracked mac app releases. Both TNT and KitKat release via inmac and truthfully most of the cracked Mac apps on the Pirates bay and stuff originally come from inmac.. This site is the bomb but has a very small, dedicated user base. You should consider yourself lucky to have an account if you do, users must seed to be allowed go download anything, top seeders get special privileges. Usually people don’t talk about inmac :p so consider yourself lucky to find this real review of the site, you won’t find many other honest answers like this
hallo, anyone figured out how to get rid of the JS Void(0 ?
I have using long time , and one day I can’t login and no response from admin. It’s normal?
Can’t register
It’s closed, read at the top
when will be open to signup ?
I have signed up about 5 years ago and they are definitely closed for new memberships.
Glad I got it in time, all the latest mac softs with cracks. Cool.Just share your slice of upload and all ok.
can I pay to enter the site ?
Lmaoo i’m so glad im in from waaay back
It’s a pity. Does anyone want to sell his idle account? please contact me with email:
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i think the site needs a Russia location
I have to see Your article, is a long But it’s readable for all users so I am happy to see lots of comments which means your site has traffic.
patient portal.aegislabs
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when does it open?
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Website is closed it seems :(
Was an amazing place for torrents back when it was open, especially pre-2020.
RIP. now here