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HotVibes (HV) is a ROMANIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MUSIC
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Can’t sign-up….is the site down??
it’s not down.i just sign up.don’t edit the field “vreauhvb”.
great tracker
I’m entering yout site everyday
very thanks
hi, never arrives to email/inbox the link confirmate account
foarte bun
just made an account, activated it and when i try to log in it sais ‘username and password incorrect’. Idiots
^ same here. This place seems suspect, already.
sunt dezamagit de faptul ca zice ca am ratat x-ul….neadevarat!
Buna ! Imi pare sincer rau daca nu sunteti in stare sa intrati si sa folositi un tracker .Poate nu meritati un cont pe un asemenea site.
worked for me, not much reggae but everything else seems ok, having some freeleech helps aswell
Worked for me…went to my spam folder
No confirmation e-mail… Have been waiting for hours. Also cannot login before e-mail, so I’m stuck.
Never had problems with gmail before.
Maybe it will arrive…..?
I have tried to create a user for 2 days now.
I have tried this from multiple different IP addresses and I have tried to get the confirmation e-mail to multiple different e-mail hosts.
I have tried to register a user using multiple different browsers.
I have always checked the spam folder and everything.
The registration simply does not work.
salut, am avut cont de acum 1 an si vad ca nu mai merge ,dece? aveam userul 1onu1
@ 1onu1 – ti-am reactivat contul
nu merge contul 1onu1,am dat resetare dar degeaba
This email address was not found in the database.asa imi spune
am contul de 2 ani de zile si nu merge,va rog cei din staff sa ma ajute
buna hotvibes!
user “squaluss”
din motive strict personale nu am putut intra pe tracker ceva mai mult timp. doresc o reactivare de cont, fiind un client ce totdeuna a facut donatii tracker-ului.
buna ziua, am avut contul cu numele “LogoAlex” si nu ma mai pot conecta, ma puteti ajuta? Multumesc!
Salutare, imi cer scuze , nu am intrat demult aici
@ squaluss – contul a fost reactivat , multumim pentru sustinerea de care am beneficiat din partea dvs.
@ LogoAlex – si contul dvs a fost reactivat.
Va asteptam pe tracker, cu stima.
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