HD-Torrents (HDT) is a Private Torrent Tracker for HD MOVIES / TV / MUSIC / XXX
HD-Torrents is the internal tracker for multiple release groups
HD-Torrents is the sister-site of SportsCult, PlayBits and Gay-Torrents.org
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This site looks good.
Best Hd-tracker
It was pretty lame actually. The community was the worst I’ve ever seen. Bunch of Elitist jerks.
Actually I’ve been a member of this site for about 2 yrs now and they are a group that don’t deal too well with stupid people. That’s probably why you didn’t like it too much. Better try a public HD Tracker, you don’t have to be any kind of smart to be a part of.
Wow, what a dick! I guess you fit in perfectly there. ;)
He wasn’t wrong about the members being jerks
Best tracker I’ve seen on here all year.
Lots of activit, seeders leechers, bonus points and 50% freeleech
Surprised there is so few comments.
It’s alright…content wise. Nothing special here to be honest…you can get this content at any other HD Tracker, and remuxes can be found any where. However, you guys are right about the “Elitist” attitudes. They swear there shit don’t smell…
+1 :thumps up: rofl
fwiw not that many individuals are of the sorts believing that the sun shines out of their every orifice ;-)
But you don’t need many foul apples to spoil it for all, agreed !
Anonymous Jun 7,2014 3:43 pm shut up pussy…. goodbye….
no you shut up wanker….
Unfortunately, bad attitudes from staff is something that is wide spread. The torrent community certainly has changed. This is why we should not reward them with donations, and even content. They should respect us. I strongly support public trackers and Usenet. I’ve been happy ever since.
People considering signing up, should take note of the membership requirement of this site.
From “The Rules”
You are required to download at least 15 GB each quarter (90 days). Each quarter starts respectively on 1st day of January, April, July and October and ends ends respectively on the last day of March, June, September and December.
Seriously…you saying 15 GB every 3 months a big deal for you, or anyone else, for that matter?
Why are you even thinking of joining a tracker if you’re not going to download a tiny 15 GB every 3 months?! Think about it…that’s like 5 GB a month!! …a MONTH!!
Jeez…5 GB a month….you might have to go out and buy a 4 TB external for that kind of extreme consumption!! *sarcasm*
There’s not a single other tracker, that I’m aware of, that does that, because it’s moronic.
Exactly!! I totally agree. As if they are the only tracker they’d expect us to use…
lol, okay wanker
Great HD tracker.. but not such a friendly community.
This is a top quality HD-only tracker. Internal release groups are KRaLiMaRKo, HDMaNiAcS, BluDragon and HiDt. If you can sign up, then by all means, do it. And don’t be an ass and get disabled for whatever reason, you’ll only end up regretting it.
I was lucky enough to get in during the second open invite, was a great site they had HD and Blue-Ray rips up consistently 2-3 months before commercial release(made a tidy burn profit off that). For three years it was my goto site for movies tv ect. Then my computer fried, 3 month gap account gone :'(. Keeping up ratio was a bit tricky since most torrents were well seeded, if you can get an invite great but, pay to be a pirate? NEVER!
Wanna say few words too. I used to be member for 2 years way way back in 2009, 2010. Whoever talks about elitism and egomaniacal behavior might be right. It used to be like this before. Is bg…something.. still owner? I bet he is.
Content may be pretty good – as anywhere on decent HD private tracker. Speeds are great too, no doubt about it as almost everybody uses seedboxes now.
Now the only difference may be internals! Talking about internals – Kralimarko is forbidden on several other trackers due to quality of encodes …. and remuxes can be done by anybody – no big deal. HDManiacs – low end encoding – speed before quality. On the other hand HiDt – out of internals of HDtorrents they are the only good encoding group – remember them back in 2009 and they still do pretty darn good encodes.
And pay for sign-up? Wtf. as somebody wrote – NEVER frickin EVER. The sun isn´t shinning out of their … and nowadays they have little to offer – still nowhere close to hdaccess or hdbits …
Ruthless Mods/Staff! Double standards!
…one would think staff worked for Putin!
Have you ever donated to a site?Same thing as donating to get in.hdbits big deal lol.Rather donate to HTD to get in than TL < ANAL rules.Im not waiting FUCK OFF.
I joined hoping for a good hd access replacement and that was a mistake
Ruthless Mods/Staff! Double standards!
All I can say is that the negative reviews above have merit!
Can’t be worse then TL.lol
I was a member before and wanted to come back. Dont mind helping out but 25 euros, I mean cmon!~!!
i was member for a long time but one day they dont let me get in, even i write my email it sad that its not correct. i had never get ban or minus uploads, i had also so many points to invite someone ((((((((( any idea how can i come back?
I’ve been a member for several years now. Don’t know anything about how good or bad the community is – I don’t join tracker sites for the community. The internal release groups are fucking fantastic though and offer amazing quality remuxes/rips and blurays. They’ve even got a burgeoning selection of 4k/x265 content.
I think the quarterly download requirement is a tad silly, mainly because I can downloads several hundred GBs in that timeframe, but don’t get any rollover credit or anything.
At the end of the day though, if you’re just looking for high quality HD content; HD-torrents is right up there with the best of them.
20000 users? lol
Pay to pirate, are they mad?
I did enjoy reading the comments, may come back someday!
hdbits.org works fine
When will there be an open registration again?
Had two accounts already, from two locations.
This place is a joke.
Everything is about money and the staff is not kind at all.
Just donate for everything, ‘open donation signups’ (wth?) and stuff like that.
What a money oriented attitude.
Left, not because of my uploaded quantity, points, or else, but because of the fact, that it’s just a bs place.
A lot has changed on torrent trackers, really missing the good old days.
could be banned for posting as well, but you may return immediately by donation.
A member in the mod group called zirro seems to be an uneducated mental jerk who has escaped from the asylum
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Stopped using private trackers 10 years ago, anything most people need is on publics. Was a great uploader for many years. They are all just fronts for other criminal activity, I wouldn’t support any of them any more. That’s one to grow on.
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Signups are close!!
Sadly, backed by a very old (2005-era) codebase. Mods aren’t very responsive to complaint threads in the forum. The shoutbox ain’t a search box (duh) – but instead of fixing the UX problem they just put a placeholder text in the shoutbox xD Ratio’s are calculated very wrong too (x5…. and they’re not fixing it!!?!1!) – I’m sad I even signed up
Wrong tracker, same story tho’
already closed
its closed
says open then they want me to but account twats
says open then they want me to but account twats cunts
reopen, dont be a tightass i can get most of their stuff on rarbg anyways ffs
CLOSED… you can however “BUY an Account”
40$? Get fukked
great selection but they keep tracking my download twice >:(
You’re better off donating to IPT, they have more seeds.
Funny, HD-Torrents banned my IP’s cause they didn’t think using torrents to source for DDL was moral activity, yet allow you to buy an account and “donate”.
Definition of hypocrisy!
Jump off your high horse you self-righteous little b*tches!
How is 0XXX release here?
As iptorrent suck too much delay..
A great post without any doubt.
i missed bithq so much even after 7 yrs since its demise. someone complained about TL all i can say is i’ve been a member there 4 yrs now but if you keep a low profile, grow your ratio and mind your business you have no issues with anyone. And it’s easy to maintain god ratio there. The closest thing i have seen to bithq is classix unlimited and hdarea, a chinese tracker, whixh has about 10000 torrents of retail bluray discs.