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HappyFappy (HF) is a Private Torrent Tracker for XXX

Sign up and join the community!
Official IRC Channel
#HF-General @
or connect via your browser @
Thank you!
Virginity rocks. xoxo
what’s the irc?
So slow.
Have no chance to see the torrents. Just keep on waiting.
If you do not allow people to read your side, dont post here. wasting people’s time.
Oh, can see the site finally.
I joined couple of weeks ago. Site seems good and the staff members are responsive and are nice people. They had a SWDS running the other day. Good place and has potential if people are willing to give it a chance.
Happy fappy seems to be the new torrent site to go to.
Server: Chanel name: #HF-Help Use port 6667 / 6697
Their general channel is #HF-General
Thank You
Site wide leech is on today guys! Place is great….and double seeding
prefer some double D s
Time to do a review update LOL
New stats:
Maximum Users: 50,000
Enabled Users: 10,056
Users active today: 702 (6.98%)
Users active this week: 2,018 (20.07%)
Users active this month: 4,762 (47.35%)
Total Data: 55.575 TiB
new Torrents last day: 17
Torrents: 8,251
Requests: 127 (76.38% filled)
Snatches: 156,228
Peers: 26,423
Seeders: 25,760
Leechers: 663
Seeder/Leecher Ratio: 38.85
Maximum users: 50,000
Enabled users: 12,986
Users active today: 1,074 (8.27%)
Users active this week: 3,013 (23.20%)
Users active this month: 6,426 (49.48%)
Total data: 94.539 TiB
New torrents last day: 13
Torrents: 11,278
Requests: 359 (82.17% filled)
Snatches: 356,976
Peers: 47,602
Seeders: 45,691
Leechers: 1,911
Seeder/Leecher Ratio: 23.90
Good site, currently a freeleech on (1 week 3 days left) so perfect time to register, however even without this you can search torrents by freeleech only, so should be very easy to maintain a decent ratio.
The site is growing rapidly! Extremely good private tracker, empornium and pornbay a like
The site is growing rapidly! Extremely good private tracker, looks like empornium and pornbay
Maximum users: 25,000
Enabled users: 18,010
Users active today: 2,291 (12.72%)
Users active this week: 5,736 (31.85%)
Users active this month: 11,283 (62.65%)
Total data: 282.566 TiB
New torrents last day: 125
Torrents: 18,587
Requests: 735 (86.12% filled)
Snatches: 1,023,547
Peers: 107,720
Seeders: 100,279
Leechers: 7,441
Seeder/Leecher Ratio: 13.47
Awesome site
For me, I try to register but I never received the email with instructions. Is it still open for signup? Do I need a referral link?
Email not recibed
Check spam
I’m not receiving the email to sign up :(
Anyone had the same problem?
same issue no emaail
no email, not in spam
Also having the issue with no reg email. Any ideas what’s up?