Golden Smoke is a GERMAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / GENERAL
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After you register, you will not be able to login.
Wtf a complete dumb tracker.
Remove “signups are open” for that site to keep opentrackers good reputation.
Why do they (and YOU, OpenTrackers!) not list which emails are acceptable!? Gmail addresses are considered disposable?
strange webside
Who creates all these unknown german trackers with the same script, almost the same ugly design, who are all using a dynDNS service and have no users?
Are they massproduced in china? Or honeypots? Run by the same people?
Just look at older opentrackers entries of german trackers – all the same, except for 2-3 trackers who are legit.
i was wrong, is possible to login, but neither microsoft or google mails work, only yahoo worked for me.
Zoho works
Another dead site