Dutch Treasures is a DUTCH Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / GENERAL
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Waiting for approval 2 days already. Looks like another dutch nub tracker.
so tired of these fake Dutch trackers with rubbish content and only there to make money
Where are the quality Dutch trackers?
There’s countless trackers with dutch staff, not too mention how there’s so many dutch members that are well respected in general. One of the most popular sites when it comes down to torrenting (TorrentFreak)is found and still controlled by a dutch guy, too bad he isn’t too fond of private trackers.
With all this going for us why the fuck are there no quality trackers? No one knows, we’ll just have to wait. Someone will eventually have to take the iniative and fire something up.
Why u think this is’nt a quality tracker ?
U have to explain to me ,how to make money on a private tracker,
because it totaly escape’s me.
There is no approval to wait on
Validation is by e-mail
Would someone point out which Dutch tracker has dubbed cartoons (Disney, etc.)?