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DataScene (DS) is a ROMANIAN Private Torrent Tracker for MOVIES / TV / GENERAL
DataScene is the internal tracker for multiple release groups
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tracker looks promising
Pity they’ve grabbed people’s emails from some other tracker & spamming them
Mass spamming to get users is pathetic. Who the f**** gave them my email ? I will never use a site with such shady practices.
They used my email too, this is not the way to go if they want to get users.
Malwarebytes is blocking this site.
No https either … not recommended
look shity tracker
anybody know what’s wrong with datascene?
I mean
o mizerie de tracker cel mai prost din romania ama avut cont acolo as prefera ICE sau alte trackere
i don t connect to adrian ciapos power user help me please i wait answer to youur site
nu ma pot conecta!!!!!!HELP
nu ma pot conecta !!!!!! AJUTOR i am power user whith data scene nu ma pot conecta va rog o noua parola pe adresa de email.astept multumesc parola existenta nu o pot folosi
DataScene din cate se aude, a fost spart si conturile au fost compromise. De asta nu ne mai putem loga. Cred ca ne luam ramas bun de la ei….
Thank you for this information, i hope we don’t start getting spam emails from these hackers.
de ce nu ma pot conecta.scriu corect user si parola si scrie ca nu este valida
Si la mine se intampla la fel.Nu mai ma pot loga imi spune ca userul si parola nu sunt bune
salut nu ma pot conecta ,am vrut sa schim si parola dau pt schimbat parola si nu imi vine mailu. va multumesc
nici eu nu ma pot conecta
Vad ca nu ma mai pot conecta la acest site.
Salut, de 3 zile nu mai merge site-ul !
Stie cineva ce sa intamplat ?
A picat sau … ???
Salutare, nu stiu ce se intampla dar nu mai pot sa ma conectez de ceva timp.
Site-ul este blocat sau ceva de genu?
I can’t go either
I can’t connect!
bi link b
vreau sa ma intorc inapoi pe datescene
Nu pot accesa saitul
azi 2 sept 2021 nu pot accesa datascene ”This site can’t be reached”
Au pierdut domeniul principal nu cred ca mai revin, o alternativa
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