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3D Torrents (3DT) is a Private Torrent Tracker for 3D HD / BLURAY MOVIES
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this is good site for 3d movies, is worth to register there
You don’t need an invite at the moment. I just signed up without one.
So hurry up and get going, people! :-)
R2 \m/
Under construction. Please try again later. It has been like that for a week now but at the top i still seen my registered name WTF !!!!
What are you talking about? The site is working fine. Have used it the last couple of days and am logged in right now.
its asking to buy VIP of the bat??? :S I am unable to see any other pages :S…
I received a ban from this site recently…. I rarely leave comments, and always seed. I had a 1.5 seed ratio and still get booted? Doesn’t make sense. Username: stevo4756
Your ratio was .36 Thats why you were banned.
Anyhow 3D movies have had their day,again
Good site.
I love this site
if you’re into 3d movies this is a great site, stuff is seeded pretty well, and well organized so you can find 3d anaglyph (the blue red glasses type), over under, SBS, or iso formats. Been using this site over a year.
Just says maintenance…
Anyone know if the site has Friday 3D in hsbs as its the only thing I would sign up for?
Stupid website, great torrents but banning people from downloading something that’s already illegal is just criminal, the irony i know.
not illegal in all locations
dont hit and run
dont piss off the mods
Do you know what happened to the site?
just sign to see it and i can confirm … yah idiot site really not worthy
Show Error:
User 3dtclient already has more than ‘max_user_connections’ active connections
witam potrzebuję zaproszenia
could anyone share a IRC connection information?
I need to contact staff
site not functioning correctly ATM
a user reported a virus when trying to connect
site admin not responding to emails
It has been like that already for more than 1 month…
Does someone know what happened? Was shut down?
Forgot my password tryed email to them but no reply. I think I’ve been conned out of my money.
please, open signups !